eating woes


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
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Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
So, a couple days ago me and my parents completely redid my living space to swap my bedroom with the bird room. The birds were in their carriers (with food and water) for a couple hours while we cleaned the bird area, moved my stuff over there, then cleaned my old bedroom, and set the birds back up. Apollo and Aster seem to be taking the "move" well, but not Lincoln. The move happened on Sunday. Monday Lincoln ate a little bit of his chop but otherwise wasn't interested in food outside of almonds and was very vocal. Today, Tuesday, he refused to eat his chop at all and didn't care much about almonds and is a lot less vocal. He is still vocalizing but it's more of just his babbling rather than his demand screeches like yesterday. He's also mostly just staying in his cage which he normally doesn't do. I had some left over bird street bistro that I made up real quick and he ate a bit of that but I'm still worried about him. Any suggestions...? should I just give him more time to adjust? Or should I be more actively concerned? He seems healthy otherwise, no concerning poops or lethargy. He's very responsive. No sneezing or wheezing.
My conure flips out any time there's a change... screaming, pouting, aggressing, throwing food.

I bet (and hope) it will all get better after things settle!
He's still not eating his chop... I've started mixing with with bird street bistro and he seems to be eating that. But he's still just not really acting like himself. The other 2 birds are doing well.
He's still not eating his chop... I've started mixing with with bird street bistro and he seems to be eating that. But he's still just not really acting like himself. The other 2 birds are doing well.
I LOVE bird psychology. I read through your challenge and wondering, is the bird who’s struggling with the move normally active? What is his personality? Wondering if he misses “his” room. Did he have a window he enjoyed? My recommendation would be to take him frequently back to the room so he knows it’s still there. Looking forward to hearing your progress. 💛Lou

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