We are finally back from the vet, but I don't know any more than before we went.
The whole experience at this vet made me uncomfortable.
As soon as we got there they had me bring Phoe back to an examining table that was in the middle of a room with dogs & cats in cages against the walls. I got Phoe out and the vet looked at him, then turned him on his back and listened to his chest. Phoe was really stressed because so much was going on around us, and the vet said he may have a respiratory infection since he was breathing hard. As soon as she let Phoe stand up straight again, he calmed down & stopped breathing hard.
She said she wanted to get some bloodwork, I asked if she was running a full set of labs and she said yes. I asked if she was also going to do a gram stain, and she said she didn't think it was necessary. I said I would like to have one done, and she again said it wasn't necessary.
She did want to do X-rays, and I was fine with that until she said she would need to put him under general anesthesia and he may have to stay for several hours to wake up.
I have never had a bird put under a general for X-rays, but that was the only way she wanted to do it. My regular vet just gives a small dose of a sedative to relax them, but they aren't actually unconscious.
At first I said yes, but the more I thought about it the more worried I got...especially since they stressed to me that he may not wake up, that it is not uncommon for them to pass from the anesthesia. When they brought me the paperwork and I was supposed to initial 4 places that I understood that he may not wake up, that did it for me.
I told them that I was going to wait until tomorrow for X-rays at my regular vet but for them to go ahead with the bloodwork.
After his blood work was taken, they weighed him, and he is a couple of grams lighter than usual but he varies a couple of grams depending on the time of day anyway.
She then said the lab will hopefully have the labs back on Saturday, but it may be Monday. In the meantime, she gave me Doxycycline for him, even though we have no diagnosis.
I did not give him any meds this evening, I am calling my vet at 8:30 when she first gets there to talk to her about the meds, the X-rays and a gram stain. His labs will be going straight to her anyway.
He has not lost his appetite, he ate some Nutriberries on the way home and ran straight to his food and water when I put him back in his cage. He is still weak, and not himself, but I am praying my usual vet will be of more help.
I want to thank all of y'all for your wonderful words of encouragement, they really have helped. I was a mess today, and it really helped having everyone's support. I will update after I speak to my vet in the morning.
Still asking for healing wishes and or prayers for my baby.