Arghh I hate Apple


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Feb 1, 2007
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British Columbia, Canada
|Cockatiels:Tara and Shylo|
Budgies:Fresca and Domino|
Senegal Parrot: Kayto|
So i have an ipod touch... 2nd generation. And they have this update which has a few cool features and it costs 10$ so i went to the mall today to buy an itunes gift card since i don't have a credit card and this is my way of buying stuff off of the Itunes stores. Anyway so i go and try download it and it doesn't work. It keeps on saying i need a method of payment and coming up to login screen which i have entered my password to like 5 times at this point and its sooo annoying. Do you think not having the latest version of Itunes has something to do with it? Does anyone have any experience with macs? I have a PC Laptop computer and while my dad does have an older mac book i barely go on macs anymore and if i do its usually only at school, but since 2/3 of the computer labs are PC i don't go on them too often. I sooo hate apple. PC = Awesome......... what ever happened to apple's being easy to use and everything? i have had more issues having to do with Ipods and stuff than i have with any of my PC's.
I've had a similiar problem. The gift card code wouldn't work, though I entered it at least 30 times. I think updating Itunes helps. I'm not sure what made mine finally work... but I know I did email Apple Support. Try updating Itunes and let us know what happens.
k so i have another question. When i came onto Itunes there's usually pop up that asks if i want to update and i think last time i said dont show me again or something anyway it's not coming up. So if i uninstalled itunes and installed the new one would i lose all my already bought stuff. I've bought stuff on itunes before previously. I don't want to lose my stuff. I have a few movies and few music videos and episodes. Or should i just download itunes when i still have the other on my computer and wiill that update it?
K never mind im downloading itunes(the new version) now and it seems to be working.... ill let you know about the other


it's still not workig after i downloaded the new version... i guess im gunna have to email the morons over at apple.
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Well apparently you cant buy apps or upgrades with gift cards now. This is ridiculously retarded. How the hell are they going to make a good business? So many young people have ipods and who i doubt have credit cards. Not every parent is comfortable with online shopping or willing to let them use it for that. I am so disgusted with apple at the moment. The only reason why i bought the card was for apps and the upgrade.. and perhaps a few tv episodes and now i cant!!!!!!! stupid apple should die.

apparently its just a Canadian thing that you cant buy apps and **** online. Stupid Canadian laws.

btw Happy Fathers Day everyone whos a daddy(even if your a dad to pets that still counts!!!)
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Weird law.... Is it a law from the gov. or Apple? (Since you say it's just Canadian)
Do you know why? Why shouldn't you be able to buy an app with a gift card?
Do you know why? Why shouldn't you be able to buy an app with a gift card?

as i said i have no idea something about Canadian laws. Btw i'm in the US currently until friday so may not be on a whole a lot.

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