Are the smoke of vapes affect home birds health?


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Mar 14, 2025
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The effects of vape smoke on pet birds are a growing concern, as birds have extremely sensitive respiratory systems. Exposure to aerosols from vaping, including substances found in Vape products, can pose potential health risks to birds. While federal regulations primarily address the legality and safety of vaping products for human use, there are no specific legal protections for pets regarding secondhand vape exposure. However, under animal welfare laws, pet owners have a responsibility to provide a safe and healthy environment. To minimize risks, it is advisable to avoid vaping indoors around birds, ensure proper ventilation, and consult a veterinarian if any respiratory issues arise in your pet.
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Anything you eat, breath, drink effects you. Vap releases carcinogens same as tobacco products. In a way these are worse. The fillers, scents, flavors increase the addictive quality. Look at the unknown numbers of asthmatics who don't/didn't smoke. Many are the victims of second hand smoke. Bird size, metabolism, type of respiratory system makes them more at risk. A birdie resp system is like a city interstate loop going  one way, round and round. The exits are the air sacs that pull oxygen and removing CO2. The used air gets put back into loop. Eventually out nostrils. Smoke no matter what type can build up at exits. This causes slow permanent damage. In addition birdie exits are more efficient at removing air hence strong potential for increase carcinogen removal with air. Anyone who's got asthma, had severe pneumonia knows how horrible that feeling is. This isn't just limited to tobacco any smoke, charcoal grilling, burning food, self clean oven, gas fireplaces and too much more to count is an avian risk factor. There's countless yes buts out there. The problem with respiratory problems is they're slow, silent and gradual. Humans don't notice or ignore it until respiratory support is needed. In pets especially birds when respiratory problems are noticed it's too late.
I have been smoking cigarettes for many years. I tried vaping as i thought it might help me to quit smoking. Let me tell you, vaping is worse than cigarettes. Had to go back to cigarettes. I was under the assumption vaping was water vapors. Turns out it all kinds of wacky oils and stuff.
I switched from cigarettes to vape back in 2015.
Partially because of work (working in a clean room has strict rules about smoking before entering) but partially because I was tired of smelling like cigarettes (me, my clothes, my car ).
And if I could smell it it could effect my birds too.

I’m to the point I can just about give it up completely except for the fact that I do enjoy it. Only 3/4 times a day and just a puff or two at a time.
Never in the room where the birds are, a closed bedroom normally.

In the past when I was more dependent on the vape I would run out of e juice or the coil would die it wasn’t the big deal running out of cigarettes was when I was smoking .

I agree neither is good around birds or pets in general.

I quit smoking multiple times for as long as 3 years or so. Usually through using the nicotine patches but I developed an allergic reaction to the patches (or the adhesive) and couldn’t use them anymore.
Never in the room where the birds are, a closed bedroom normally.
I never ever smoke in the house period. Even if i didnt have birds i still wouldnt. The smell is nasty. Never smoke in my vehicles either.

I quit smoking multiple times for as long as 3 years or so
If i could quit for that long i don't think i would start again.

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