Hawaii is a small place and it is hard to get birds here, and very expensive and tedious. So what is here is here, and gets bred and bred and bred and bred! So yeah, we have tons of red bellied parrots, IRNs, cockatiels and thousands if not millions of lovebirds. I think I mentioned once before that a could of times I have seen them being sold literal
Ly by the hundreds on craigslist. That is lovebirds, not RBPs. One guy had over 200 and his ad specified 'must take all' people get a few, toss them in a cage or aviary, and 'let nature have her way with them.' Because of the weather it is pretty easy to keep birds alive outside here, so people don't even have to keep them in the house. That is another part of why we have feral populations of IRNs, macaws, and greys, too. I heard a rumor about come cockatoos, but I am not sure of it. Our local pet store had no fewer than 4 RBPs when I arrived, and they have at least one right now, I don't know if it is the same one or not. I have seen them on craigslist quite a few times, including twice 'for hand feeding' which might have been the same guy.