Apartment too loud for senegal parrot?

We have our senegal as well, noise don't bother him, except if were on the porch in the early am 7-9 and the village street sweeper goes by or a loud mufflered car/truck. other than that he don't mind the noise, heck we even had a birthday party at the house, we ourselves have 2 boys a 4 n 9 yr old, and with the arrguing and fighting, screaming, running. if it gets way too noisy he'll just join in with screeching and screaming at them or with them idk, but either way nada really bothers him. We can even bring the vacuum over near his cage with the hose attachment and suck up the seeds or whatever food he throws out, he don't mind it, he'll just eye pin it while the cleaning is going on.
Thanks, Zuzu! I worried about it because Emi is afraid of pretty much everything, even things that senegals are supposed to enjoy (like playing on her back, and rope swings). Fortunately, she's adapting. :)
You've had her a long time and she still don't let you put her on her back? odd, mine does, i start off first rubbing his beak, then the top of his head against his feathers, then i'll grab him with one hand, wings n all lay him on his back and let one foot hold my pinky and he lets me rub his belly or scratch under his wings and he just lays there with his eyes look like rolling in the back of his head. He sits with me every morning while having coffee n checking email, surfing the web whatever, the whole time he's just chirping or grooming me, nibble on ear, cheek, my nose, gives kisses til he starts to skirt dance for me. Pretty good seeing we've only had him since june n we're the third owner esp c-ing at first he hated me, anytime i'd come near him he'd growl, hiss, screech and try to bite through the cage. now he can be on anyone's shoulder at the table n if daddy's(me) is sitting at it he'll climb off them cross the table and climb up my arm to my shoulder. lol
Emi won't let anyone put her on her back. It's her least favorite part of vet visits. :P

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