Any Finch Breeders here on the Forum?

Don’t forget to post pics of your uber-cute finch babies, I’m sure they’ll be breeding up a storm real soon!
Don’t forget to post pics of your uber-cute finch babies, I’m sure they’ll be breeding up a storm real soon!

I most certainly will! Extremely cute they are, especially the Orange Breasted Waxbill, as they are the smallest finch available in Australia
Many years ago, I was involved in a captive breeding program for endangered finches with the goal of maintaining genetic diversity and eventual reintroduction into wilds. Specifications and methods were very regimented and personal relationships with the birds were minimized by design. Even so, I loved them. Few beings are more beautiful and enchanting than little finches. I also had a few canaries along the way. I always enjoy hearing about members' little guys. Thank you for sharing! Thank you, thank you!

Wow, never knew that, what sorts of finches were you working with if you don't mind me asking?
It's a thing that a lot of people don't know, is that how Aussie breeders hold some of the last captive stocks and get the best breeding results from so many finches, such as Whydahs and Green Strawberry Finches and many others, Australian finch aviculture is one of the greatest success stories for Finches.
I love my finches so much (not as much as Scomo though!), and it's so nice to sit down with a cold drink in front of the aviaries and watch finches display and fly around making nests and exploring every corner of the aviary.
Thankyou for the lovely comments!
Noah Till
You have an incredible oasis for your birds, Noah! Your contributions to aviculture over a lifetime are going to be awesome!!
You have an incredible oasis for your birds, Noah! Your contributions to aviculture over a lifetime are going to be awesome!!

Thank you so much Scott!
It's a really depressing thing, but Bird Breeders, notably finch breeders are a dying race, and the main birds being produced are from all the old blokes, but they're even falling off the perch
You have an incredible oasis for your birds, Noah! Your contributions to aviculture over a lifetime are going to be awesome!!

Thank you so much Scott!
It's a really depressing thing, but Bird Breeders, notably finch breeders are a dying race, and the main birds being produced are from all the old blokes, but they're even falling off the perch

True ! There should be more of Finch breeders and less of Cockatoos, Grey parrots and Amazon breeders.
You have an incredible oasis for your birds, Noah! Your contributions to aviculture over a lifetime are going to be awesome!!

Thank you so much Scott!
It's a really depressing thing, but Bird Breeders, notably finch breeders are a dying race, and the main birds being produced are from all the old blokes, but they're even falling off the perch

True ! There should be more of Finch breeders and less of Cockatoos, Grey parrots and Amazon breeders.

Exactly right
I mean, its true that Finches require A hell of a Lot more work, but I never have a problem with it and the rewards of seeing a couple young ones on the perch far outweighs the problems, and I find it hard to believe people don't get any satisfaction about that (especially nowadays)
Noah Till
Plenty of Finches breeding at the moment
Got some young Blue faced Parrotfinches out onto the perch yesterday, very good looking young and nice and strong
2 Pairs of Ruddies on eggs, one pair has had a couple chicks hatched yesterday
Black Rumped Double have made heaps of nests, some pairs on eggs which is really good to see as I have had alot of trouble with the up until now, as I started off with 3 of them and I could not find anymore up until the start of this year, and they prefer to breed in a colony situation, now I have a flock of 9 of them and alot have gone down to nest
Noah Till

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