Noah Till - G'day From Toowoomba, Australia


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 24, 2019
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Toowoomba/Highfields, QLD, Australia
Yellow Sided GCC's, Rosa Bourkes Parrots, Full Red Fronted Turqoisine Parrots, Quaker Parrots 'Scomo PM' 'Jenny PM's wife', PLUS: Rare Finches, Doves and Quail
G'day All
My name is Noah Till, and I am 15 and a very avid aviculturalist
I have over 30 birds split amongst 3 aviaries with another aviary on the way for more birds including:
Yellow sided Green cheeked Conures
Rosa Bourkes Parrots
Full Red Fronted Turqoisine Parrots
A very handsome Blue Quaker named 'Scomo' (many of you would have heard of him via 'LaManuka')
Plus I keep other birds like:
African Red Billed Firefinches
Gouldian Finches
Black Rumped Double Barred Finches
Javan Munias
Orange Breasted Waxbills
Ringeck Doves
King Quail
I won the 'Australian Birdkeepers Magazine Young Birdkeeprs writing competition 2018' and I am a member of the Downs Bird Breeders Association and Queensland Finch Society
Hope to meet and talk to all and I am very excited to become a member
Noah Till
Let me be the first to welcome you aboard the good ship Parrot Forums Noah! You sure have found the nicest little corner of the interweb here :)

Yes my ScoMo may have gotten off to a shaky start in life but he certainly wound up in the right place with you and your lovely family. It’s just so great to have both of you in our wonderful virtual community!
Wow, so many birds! Welcome to the forum!

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Hello, and a big welcome for you and your flock to the Parrot Forums family!!!
Welcome Noah!!! It's a real blessing to find you passion when you are young. I'm so looking forward to pictures!

I must give Scomo sweet kisses and his brother Neptune would probably say "whatareyoudoing?"
I just must , must , must see me some Scomo pictures!!!!!
Also what got you started on your journey with birds?
Welcome! Your Scomo was quite the center here for a while! Am so glad you are joining us!
Welcome to you and your flourishing flock, Noah! Congratulations for winning the Young Birdkeepers writing competition, you are welcome to repost if desired!!
Wow! What a "resume" you have built so far! I also look forward to photos and stories from your flock. :) welcome!!
Thank you very much to all for the warm welcome
R.e. Laurasea asking what made myself start out in birds: I started out first with a cockateil that my mum adopted from a work colleague after the cockateil was found at a school, and almost was put in the bin by a staff member who thought she was dead! We decided to buy an aviary for the cockteil named 'Fudge' and we found an aviary online for sale that came with a pair of Turqoisine Parrots and King Quails. The King quail really started it off as I was breeding heaps of them probably close to 100 quails I have bred over the time I have had them (I still have them but they have slowed down alot)
Then for my 13th birthday I got my Big aviary, 5m long by 2.2m wide and 2.2m tall
Then more and more aviary's have come along so now I have 4 (I sold the original aviary), with my newest aviary arriving only a couple weeks ago (which I won in a competition), which will be put on a cement slab soon and it will accommodate some very rare Aberdeen/ Red Headed Finches
I have been nominated to attend a big Finch convention next year called 'Finches20', which I am looking forward to and early this year I hosted an aviary visit for the Fraser Coast Bird Club, which toured around the Toowoomba region and visited all the best breeders, including myself!
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I'm going to have to Google all those species, unless we can get to post more pictures!!! Congratulations on your achievements!!!
Awww sweet head scritches!!!
Here are some pictures, The one with the Red Headed Finches, those are not my birds as I still need to save up $650 to buy a pair of them by the end of the year (a lot of hard work to get that amount)
The pic with the red fronted turqoisine parrot, that is a picture of my female, she is all by herself at the moment with all the other birds so I need to purchase her a male
The king quails are lovely birds
Noah Till
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Thanx for all the great pics but there’s someone missing. I didn’t know Fudgie came to your family the way she did, thank goodness you were able to be there for her too! Looking forward to seeing a pic of her soon!
Here is a picture of 'Fudge'
Her original name was 'Lilly', after the girl that found he in the first place
She was here a while before Scomo arrived, and she is really a one person bird for my mum
I also have another cockateil that used to be my sisters (my sister did not want him anymore as he used to bite her when he got cranky, shame on her for not trying to try and bond with him), his named is 'Shadow' but I always nick name him 'Moth', as he sounds like a big moth when he flies around the aviary. He is a permanent aviary bird now, and always flies to myself when I enter the aviary, always up for a head scratch
Noah Till
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Yay Fudgie, what a cutie! Thank you :)

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