I thought it would be okay to cook on my existing non-stick pans with hood running and the door closed, but I felt too nervous tonight making a sauce for pasta. I wanna enjoy cooking, not feeling I'm doing something that can kill my bird. Anyway, I found pans with ceramic coating for only $9.95 at Walmart and I'm going to get them tomorrow. I guess we have to make sacrifices to those we love. Maybe I can use these non-stick pans in summer when the windows are open - both pans are brand new and really good!
We all make sacrifices somewhere for our feathered family members. Just buy the things you use everyday (i.e., a frying pan and a sauce pot) and leave the less commonly used items for when you have the finances. Perhaps you have a friend or family member who doesn't own a bird who can put those non stick pans to good use in their home (and will perhaps remember you REALLY need a set that isn't non stick when your birthday or the holidays roll around

And I never burn anything My wife on the other hand... she's not allowed putting anything in the oven or the BBQ lol! Especially the BBQ... she still can't understand how I can cook chicken without burning it on the BBQ no matter how many times I explain that a BBQ has more than just OFF and HIGH on the knobs hehe god bless her.
Kind of like my husband- banned from the kitchen. Too many times having to soak/scour pans because he too seems to only think there is "Off" and "High". He did better with the gas range because you could see the flame, but this new induction one isn't his friend. I still really don't understand the settings myself (the numbers mean nothing to me), but it took me under a week to figure out which numbers did which tasks best. Eggs do best at "500" for example. A few times now my husband has tried to cook them on "1300", which is the highest setting

. He wanted them to "cook faster" by heating the pan up first, but all he did was scorch them to the bottom on contact. I love him dearly, and most of the time he leaves the cooking to me, but when he wants to be "helpful" I find other things he can help with that doesn't involve the actual cooking of the food:09: