Again about non-stick cookware!?!?!

Over almost 20 years, Robin at various times during his life had been in a house with non stick. He's still here thankfully. I only have one NS pan, and I intentionally bought it 'old' at the thrift store because I didn't want a brand new full strength PTFE one. It's sol old though, that I still have to use oil or spray Pam haha. I still make sure not to overheat it.
I thought it would be okay to cook on my existing non-stick pans with hood running and the door closed, but I felt too nervous tonight making a sauce for pasta. I wanna enjoy cooking, not feeling I'm doing something that can kill my bird. Anyway, I found pans with ceramic coating for only $9.95 at Walmart and I'm going to get them tomorrow. I guess we have to make sacrifices to those we love. Maybe I can use these non-stick pans in summer when the windows are open - both pans are brand new and really good! :(

We all make sacrifices somewhere for our feathered family members. Just buy the things you use everyday (i.e., a frying pan and a sauce pot) and leave the less commonly used items for when you have the finances. Perhaps you have a friend or family member who doesn't own a bird who can put those non stick pans to good use in their home (and will perhaps remember you REALLY need a set that isn't non stick when your birthday or the holidays roll around:D).

And I never burn anything My wife on the other hand... she's not allowed putting anything in the oven or the BBQ lol! Especially the BBQ... she still can't understand how I can cook chicken without burning it on the BBQ no matter how many times I explain that a BBQ has more than just OFF and HIGH on the knobs hehe god bless her.

Kind of like my husband- banned from the kitchen. Too many times having to soak/scour pans because he too seems to only think there is "Off" and "High". He did better with the gas range because you could see the flame, but this new induction one isn't his friend. I still really don't understand the settings myself (the numbers mean nothing to me), but it took me under a week to figure out which numbers did which tasks best. Eggs do best at "500" for example. A few times now my husband has tried to cook them on "1300", which is the highest setting:eek:. He wanted them to "cook faster" by heating the pan up first, but all he did was scorch them to the bottom on contact. I love him dearly, and most of the time he leaves the cooking to me, but when he wants to be "helpful" I find other things he can help with that doesn't involve the actual cooking of the food:09:
I thought it would be okay to cook on my existing non-stick pans with hood running and the door closed, but I felt too nervous tonight making a sauce for pasta. I wanna enjoy cooking, not feeling I'm doing something that can kill my bird. Anyway, I found pans with ceramic coating for only $9.95 at Walmart and I'm going to get them tomorrow. I guess we have to make sacrifices to those we love. Maybe I can use these non-stick pans in summer when the windows are open - both pans are brand new and really good! :(

We all make sacrifices somewhere for our feathered family members. Just buy the things you use everyday (i.e., a frying pan and a sauce pot) and leave the less commonly used items for when you have the finances. Perhaps you have a friend or family member who doesn't own a bird who can put those non stick pans to good use in their home (and will perhaps remember you REALLY need a set that isn't non stick when your birthday or the holidays roll around:D).

And I never burn anything My wife on the other hand... she's not allowed putting anything in the oven or the BBQ lol! Especially the BBQ... she still can't understand how I can cook chicken without burning it on the BBQ no matter how many times I explain that a BBQ has more than just OFF and HIGH on the knobs hehe god bless her.

Kind of like my husband- banned from the kitchen. Too many times having to soak/scour pans because he too seems to only think there is "Off" and "High". He did better with the gas range because you could see the flame, but this new induction one isn't his friend. I still really don't understand the settings myself (the numbers mean nothing to me), but it took me under a week to figure out which numbers did which tasks best. Eggs do best at "500" for example. A few times now my husband has tried to cook them on "1300", which is the highest setting:eek:. He wanted them to "cook faster" by heating the pan up first, but all he did was scorch them to the bottom on contact. I love him dearly, and most of the time he leaves the cooking to me, but when he wants to be "helpful" I find other things he can help with that doesn't involve the actual cooking of the food:09:

LOL! Too funny. My wife is actually a great cook on the stove top (She is from Venezuela and cooks some amazing dishes) but for some reason baking and BBQ just don't seem to work out for her. The funny part is her mother is a professional cake maker but she can barely pull off a Betty Crocker box cake, and only if I'm there to keep an eye on the oven timer :54:

Anyhow, I found a link on Amazon that is nothing but POTF and PETF free cookware so I'll snoop around this weekend and pick something up... the big one is the fry pan, I have several I use all the time and they are all non-stick, so need to get those changed asap.

My fid is costing me a fortune and he's not even here yet! :53:
Kind of like my husband- banned from the kitchen. Too many times having to soak/scour pans because he too seems to only think there is "Off" and "High".

OMG! Lol ...and here I thought I was the ONLY one who went through this! I feel so much better that I'm not alone :D We have had arguments repeatedly when he'd "cook" because of what you said above. Once, the smoke detector went off. Not to mention the taste/quality of the food. He says his ex-wife banned him from the kitchen... and he still hasn't learned haha ;) After all our arguments about it, I think he's STARTING to get a clue. I still don't trust him in the kitchen :)
I think my passion or desire to cook came from the divorce of my parents... I ended up staying with my father, who couldn't boil an egg if his life depended on it, and my younger brother went with my mother who was an amazing cook. The first couple of years were brutal... my dad blew up hotdogs in the microwave, cooked muffins that were more suited as mortar artillery than human sustanance, spaghetti pasta noodles turned to mush from being overcooked and several melted/destroyed cookware sets.

It's been well over 20 years since that divorce, but I still bust his chops about his cooking when I visit him. He's got the BBQ figured out now though, but I still wouldn't want him to try out muffins again.
Whelp... I'm off to buy all new cookware o.O I had no idea the non stick was bad. My fiancée thinks I'm being overly paranoid, but better safe than sorry!
Whelp... I'm off to buy all new cookware o.O I had no idea the non stick was bad. My fiancée thinks I'm being overly paranoid, but better safe than sorry!

Typically, I noticed it's non-bird men that think that way. Of course there are exceptions :). My ex refused to get rid of pans. He and his family lived there before I had moved in so not a dang thing I was able to do about it. Thankfully they were not brand new or allowed to overheat. I know still a risk, but not as much thankfully.
I have an update I want to share - we bought this pan from Walmart last week, and it as AWESOME! My husband loved it! (He is the REAL cook in our family) I don't know for the long run, but for now it is just great and looks very sturdy. Less than $10!
Here is the link:
Mainstays 10" Non-Stick Skillet, Red: Kitchen & Dining :

For those who are tight on money this is really a find. :)
Good thing I looked at that link and saw the pan. We are (this year) going to need to move in with my elderly dad, and I noticed in his kitchen, he has these "white" pans. They look like cheapy type with no brand name or any writing on them at all. It looks like the one in your picture. Must be new ceramic non-stick like ceramic hair irons? I've never heard of it before.
I actually had two parakeets killed by non-stick cookware many years ago before I knew better. The one keet was such a great little bird, so outgoing and loved everyone. We lived in an apartment then and they were very close to the kitchen. I've since gotten rid of everything that has teflon, some things are harder to find then others. I use a lot of cast iron. I love my cast iron. There is a chain of stores around here, don't know if you have them in your area, called Home Goods. I've found non-stick/ceramic PFOA free cookware. It's cheap and works great. Eggs don't even stick to it.
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Whoa, what? Teflon coated non-stick cookware is lethal for birds?! Wow sorry first time I see this and kind of worried... my first fid ever is coming in 2 weeks (VERY excited) and we use nothing but non-stick cookware (I do a LOT of cooking), I detest stainless steel pots. What about the food cooked in non-stick pots??


If you don't like SS try greenpan pans or ceramic. I use them all the time. I have SS too.
Keep seeing threads on this, figure I'd finally chime in after spending some time with my replacement cookware, did not want to offer any suggestions before we had been using everything for quite some time!

I purchased a set of stainless steel, with GREAT reluctance I might add... The price of the good stuff was just so daunting, but after quite a bit of research found a highly rated set that was tri-clad (one of the key features for s/s that you won't want to toss out the window) and it was 18/10, so was not quite as pricey. The set we purchased is by Tramontina and we picked up the larger set at Walmart for around $140 I believe. I knew that frying eggs would not work for this and finally settled on a ceramic frying pan 2 piece set by Heuck. I have been really surprisingly happy with both purchases. The frying pans work great and clean up super easy. I was really shocked at how well the stainless steel cooks and cleans up as well, and its almost amazing how low the heat needs to be for the stainless steel. I've made pretty much all my favorite dishes and the must haves like chili, spaghetti, brisket, etc using the stainless steel and they all came out perfect and cleanup was much easier then expected. And for the record, rice cooks better in stainless steel then any other pot I've ever tried! We do alot of jasmine rice and I've been messing with basmati rice too, and both are rices that you take off the heat to prevent boiling over, but with how well the tri clad retains the heat, the rice cooks perfectly thru, no sticky messes at all, so another bonus I'll take.

Just my two cents and now actual experience thought I'd throw out!!
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I am happy that you are having success with you cooking choices.
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