African Grey died less 2-3 from when we received him

Sorry, it is active now.
Please help me get as many people to see the Facebook page. it maybe help other to decide to call Attorney General in PA.
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This is Coco Facebook page. Please go and like, we need to reach out all the other victims

On 09/15/2018- Ana requested 3 tests on the same day for 3 supposedly different African Grey's (NO Vet). She requests herself per the the info provided. After speaking to Terry at the Lab, all birds she sent that day by Ana were named COCO e.g. F Coco,Coco Red, and Baby Coco. She chose to provide the test from F-COCO claiming (F) stands for Florida. First, no Vet visit, no Dr saw the birds, and based on the way she changed the bird on us, and still refuse to provide the DNA she stated she received on about 01/20/2019 staying Coco was male, she wants us to believe the test provided was for the correct COCO...when all birds sent that day were named COCO.
Wondering how many order Cocos was sold from 01/2019 until now.
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This is Coco Facebook page. Please go and like, we need to reach out all the other victims

On 09/15/2018- Ana requested 3 tests on the same day for 3 supposedly different African Grey's (NO Vet). She requests herself per the the info provided. After speaking to Terry at the Lab, all birds she sent that day by Ana were named COCO e.g. F Coco,Coco Red, and Baby Coco. She chose to provide the test from F-COCO claiming (F) stands for Florida. First, no Vet visit, no Dr saw the birds, and based on the way she changed the bird on us, and still refuse to provide the DNA she stated she received on about 01/20/2019 staying Coco was male, she wants us to believe the test provided was for the correct COCO...when all birds sent that day were named COCO.
Wondering how many order Cocos was sold from 01/2019 until now.

Link not available?
I just sent an email to someone who may be able to help raise awareness. It is a shot in the dark, but we shall see!
Thanks, were you able you open the link from Facebook?

Ana sent a letter to BBB and forward to me from AG from a Complaint from she told BBB I filed using Anita's name but I did not use any other names beside my. I have the letter, and it shows as:

Date: 04/15/2019
Unknown Unknown Unknown

RE: Ana's Parrots and Supplies Complaint N0: CGS:213576

If this is true, not a set up against me, there is someone out there, and if you are seeing this info, and you had filed using the name Anita for any reason, please don't be afraid. She is using this letter against me as well.

My Complaint letter is dated: 04/01/2019 and has different complaint number and it has all my info.
Link works perfectly, as does the link back to PF and your thread. Liked your FB page, hope it raises awareness.
I just read your FB page and liked. hope you get some kind of justice for poor Coco.

Update: Per the letter sent by Ana Temple to AG & BBB — Ana wrote - DNA tested on requested, by Avian Biotech, the results are online and show that the bird was a male. I am surprised, and can’t understand if it is online and she charged us $ 40.00 why proof of the test was not sent with the package?
Charging $ 40.00 for DNA test and refusing to be provide with copy of the test after we paid for it, is this Fraud, Scam, Ripoff?
Or All above?? I can’t understand why she still not sending copy to us after all this time.
She is not once wrote about why she sent different bird either. She wrote 4 long pages going around the issues.
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Update: The letter Ana sent to BBB with the follow below is from AG from TX and I double check with the letter I received, and my letter is dated: 04/22/2019 with Complaint ID no: CGS-213947 - just make sure I have the correct info.

Date: 04/15/2019
Unknown Unknown Unknown

RE: Ana's Parrots and Supplies Complaint N0: CGS:213576

The my AG from PA is date 04/01/2019. I am still not sure which letter is this one date: 04/15/2019.
Is it normal for a Breeder to cut off one of the birds claws to order DNA? Kira is our other bird we have, and recently we got DNA since the family who sold us did not know for sure if it was male or female and the Vet did not cut anything. Kira (DNA tested male) and Kira doesn’t have band and has all her claws.


  • Coco - missing one claw.webp
    Coco - missing one claw.webp
    5.8 KB · Views: 108
Sometimes a vet will cut a nail short (if that is what you mean by "claw") to get blood for DNA testing, but they can also draw blood or pull a feather. Cutting a nail is just one way to do it.

In that picture, is your bird completely missing a nail? It is hard to see, but even on a nail that is cut short, you can still see plenty of the nail remaining...They should never cut the nail off completely.
Based on the photo, I would classify that as a lost of the first or second joint behind the nail. I'm not aware of any medical reason for an Avian Professional to remove a joint unless it was damaged or seriously infected.

If connected with medical records, such a loss can be used as an identification marker.
Unfortunately Ana is not willing to provide any information on Coco, or DNA test results, and I don't know if was cut by Ana or avian professional either. I received him just like that, and since she said she did his DNA I was wondering if this is how she did...we got no medical info from Ana besides the one she called F, Coco ... in this case we don't know if it was our Coco test anyway. Per our Drs medical records Coco was sick for long time.
Some parrots are either born with a missing nail or have them fall out during growth. One of my TAGs was missing one nail, never grew after hatching. One of my goffins developed normally, but one nail fell out as a juvenile and never regrew. No infection or trauma... strange!

Completely agree with previous posts, blood samples can be obtained by clipping a nail far enough to cause blood flow. Quickly heals and regrows as normal.
Hi, just an update... PA attorney general sent us letter stating "there is no resolution of our complaint" ... Ana will not help I guess. I guess she is not taking responsibility how deceive she was sending different bird, with PDD.

Anyway on the letter it said the complaint is on record and we hope other Victims will contact them as well and make sure will have there complaints also on record. Eventually she will get want she deserves. Karma will catch with her some day.

Same as BBB - BBB could not help have a resolution but the complaint will be in the record of 3 years.
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