I'm getting adware from parrot forums, every time I come onto parrot forums and click where I enter my username to log in, I get a pop up from "adultcameras.info"(Don't go there). I continue to get them on occasion until I remove it, as soon as I come on parrot forums I get it again.
If you don't mind me asking....what browser are you using? Google is an open source and not quite as secure as internet explorer. Have you tried empting your cache? Clear browsing history? Open up your internet tool tab, on the top left of your browser, click the tool tab, go then to the internet options, click on the privacy tab, and where it says Location...under that it says "never allow site to track your physical location, clear that. Then go to next tab "content" and clear the SSL tab.
That will usually work...
I am a computer wiz and fix computers on the side for many people, I see the similar thing happen all the time with ad ware.
My Advice run a strong anti-virus, Mcaffe is the best, let you clear and clean everything with a smart check. Sure you pay for it, but for 11 dollars a year for 3 computers, it's the best there is hands down. You get what you pay for...sure there's free anti virus out there, but it's not anywhere near as good. And never run more than one anti virus of any kind on your computer, more than one any you cancel each one out....your a sitting duck then.