A comedy of errors ...


Bird poop and baby poop
Dec 26, 2006
New Hampshire USA
15 year-old Sun Conure: Hamlet &
14 year-old Green-Cheeked Conure: Mac
Ok,so this is a continuation of my original Lamentation, but this has really risen to a new level .. the "are you F'n SERIOUS level"

Ok, so we got here on Sunday, and we checked in and we confirmed our reservations until Thursday with the hotel. This hotel was beautiful, two bedroom suites (each with their own bathroom) a full kitchen and a common living area (made my college dorms look small). Had lots of room and could have been considered a two bedroom apartment in many towns.

Sunday was a rough day about 10 hours of travel, but when my boss and I met our roomates and we had a great time with them ... after dinner it was time to drink ...

Monday we had almost 9 hours of meetings (the first 3 morning hours are still a little hazy, we are trying to collectively piece them back together) ... and then after the meetings we went out to dinner and drank even more ...

Tuesday morning we wake up and the Hotel has NO POWER ... we had to wear wrinkled clothing (mind you, this training is in our Corporate Offices for our company) to our meetings. Then, as I was getting ready I heard my roomate yell to me, "Hey, are you checking out today?"
"umm, no!"
"Well, according to this you are"
He handed me a bill for my room ... I went right down to the front desk and found out that the Hotel had over booked the hotel and we were being shipped to another hotel ... GREAT!!! All of us were pissed ... then, on top of that we had probably 10 hours of training that day ... we were fried by the time we left.

We get to the new hotel on Tuesday night and the hotel hallways smell like urine, and it's a standard double bed hotel ... UUUUGH (we've gotten hosed Tommy) ... We get up this morning and there wasn't any breakfast ready becuase we left kinda early ... We then go through the roughest day of training in which, out of the six of us who were there, 3 cried and I lost my temper with one of the trainers.

The trainers stopped at this point, we had lunch, they gave us a 2 hour break. They explianed to us that they had pushed this group further and harder than they had pushed any group because of our abilities and knowledge.

My boss and I's roommates left from the training facility so we didn't get an adequate good bye really ... and then when we get back to the Hotel there is NO POWER IN THIS HOTEL! I then get a call from my roomate and he tells me that the shuttle they took to the airport dropped them off AT THE WRONG AIRPORT (and not being from around here, they didn't know that until they went inside and figured it out) .... They ended up taking a cab to the other airport and it cost them $50 ... which the company will expense out to him.

I can't wait, I am outta here in the morning, back to good old New England ... I want to get back to my family ... I know how homesick I am now, I can't immagine what it will be like when Christy and I have children .... I will never want to leave home again!

~ Tex
I can't immagine what it will be like when Christy and I have children .... I will never want to leave home again!

~ Tex

I'm sorry this bit made me giggle. You will want to leave! They will drive you nuts and you will just want some time to yourselves! Of course then you will get the time to yourselves and within hours (or minutes) want to go home again cause you miss them so much!

I am sorry you had such an awful trip though. Just a few more hours and you will be done though!
yeah I heard on my radio this is the first time in recorded history all the rivers in texas have been full! The rain has been really bad this year we've has a couple of bron outs lately and that never happens. Please give Texas another try sometime when you don't have to go to training and can go do the fun things like sea world which I'm going to in AUgust and plan to post lots of pics of orcas :).
I can't wait, I am outta here in the morning, back to good old New England ... I want to get back to my family ... I know how homesick I am now, I can't immagine what it will be like when Christy and I have children .... I will never want to leave home again!

Ohhhh believe me you will. Just for some catch up sanity time. :D And you think fids are crafty, give me fids anytime, just you wait. I'm gonna be reminding you of this one day :D :D :D :D

Of course then you will get the time to yourselves and within hours (or minutes) want to go home again cause you miss them so much!

That is also very true. Imagine the worst day ever, and all you want to do is have some "me" time, then when you see your child sleeping in his/her bed, it just melts your heart. Till the next day and it starts all over again.

Yep there are real bad days that will make this trip seem like a heavenly break, but I wouldn't be without my two for all the money in the world.
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