5 words only

Lutino (in any parrots) can't have any blue colors.
I know it's my turn, I'm thinking.
Australia, black, crest, mutation, yellow
Yellow tailed black cockatoo
yellow mutation
i have no idea what its called but it has some yellow feathers here and there
Yellow tailed black cockatoo
yellow mutation
i have no idea what its called but it has some yellow feathers here and there
Yes, I think it's called just as yellow mutation
White breasted galah?
White breasted galah?
its a galah but what mutation?
(sorry if what you said is a mutation i searched what u said in google but gave me a normal galah send a pic of it if u like)
its a galah but what mutation?
(sorry if what you said is a mutation i searched what u said in google but gave me a normal galah send a pic of it if u like)
Rare, blue, large, Brazil, Rio
Harlequin macaw?
Harligold macaw?
Catalina macaw?
Camelot macaw?

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