Bird Identification Game!

It's not in exactly the same category, but I have a local call-only ID story. Every summer I would hear this bird calling with this distinct 3-note call I had never heard before. But it spent all its time up at the tops of the highest trees, and where I live those are Costal Redwoods and Douglas Firs - so 150 feet plus in the air, in the canopy, and forever invisible. The same bird would bacically sit up in the tops of those trees for several months every year, making that call about every 30-60 seconds for most of every day. At other locations around town different birds of the same species could be heard, but not seen, doing the same. I thought that since the call was only three notes I was sure to get and ID from one of the big birding sites. I even figured out the exact musical pitches of the notes and gave that information. Well, I got no help from the experts. A few of them tried to convince me it was an insect. I once was backpacking and ran into a birding club on a trip. I realized that none of them could tell the difference between a far away hawk and a turkey vulture instantly on sight, so I dont know what I was expecting from the birding site. But a few days later I got a hit from a lightweight backpaking site of all places. A guy said it sounded like an Olive Sided Flycatcher. I looked it up and sure enough it had the right song. But the really cool thing about it is that I learned they migrate all the way from the Andes mountains in South America every year! All just to spend a 3 month "vacation" in the trees above my house!


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