5 words only

Green.pisstacuillade,small,rare,philipenes (ignore my bad spelling of stuff)
Mindanao lorikeet? I even didn't know they are from there :D
Mindanao lorikeet? I even didn't know they are from there :D
from wikipedia:
The Mindanao lorikeet or Mount Apo lorikeet (Saudareos johnstoniae) is a species of parrot in the family Psittaculidae. There are two very similar subspecies, which are both endemic to Mindanao, Philippines.
but nope
from wikipedia:
The Mindanao lorikeet or Mount Apo lorikeet (Saudareos johnstoniae) is a species of parrot in the family Psittaculidae. There are two very similar subspecies, which are both endemic to Mindanao, Philippines.
but nope
I meant - I DIDN'T know. In the moment of writing I already knew because I'm using Parrots.org (I'm too dump in Philippines parrots) ;)

Blue-headed Racquet-tailed Parrot? (for me they aren't even small but the smallest Philippines I've already mentioned)​

I meant - I DIDN'T know. In the moment of writing I already knew because I'm using Parrots.org (I'm too dump in Philippines parrots) ;)

Blue-headed Racquet-tailed Parrot? (for me they aren't even small but the smallest Philippines I've already mentioned)​

no but its close

Blue-winged Racquet-tailed Parrot?​

Large, red, America, common, green
Green,yellow,large,america,common(as pets)
Yellow naped amazon?
My clues are:
small, green, Asia, sexually dimorphic (not the greatest clues, sorry)
vernal hanging parrot?

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