Hi there, and welcome
There are many great people owned by Ekkie’s on here.
I cannot comment on your specific Ekkie as I have no personal experience with him. Every bird can vary in personality. Some have stronger personalities than others.
I will however comment on mine! My male Ekkie can be hormonal. He try’s to mate with me quite often (once a day give or take). He will bite my husband, and he will try to scare him away. He’s an intruder, and my Ekkie makes it very well known of his dislike of anyone but who he considers to be his mate. Sometimes just the sight of my husband will set off our Ekkie, and he will waddle across the room as quickly as possible to attack.
On the way other end he treats me like I’m a princess. He regurgitates for me as he would in nature for his mates. He really enjoys hanging out on my shoulder. He steps up for me, and I have yet to be bit by my Ekkie. He talks, does tricks, and is a great parrot to me. He’s bonded to me for whatever reason, and has picked me to be his chosen human.
Parrots can be like this regardless of the species. Some are great with multiple people in the home, and some are one person birds. It’s not a predictable situation. If you have another person interacting with your Ekkie maybe take over. You be the primary person that your Ekkie interacts with. You clean his cage, train with him, feed him, and such. I would highly recommend training with your Ekkie, and build a relationship that way.
This is a video on the beginning stages of training with a parrot. It truly is a good place to start.