25 year old male Red Sided Electus Hypersexuality


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Sep 6, 2024
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25 year old Male Red Sided Eclectus
Hi Everyone, I have a 25 year old male and he is starting to masturbate more and more and more. I really screwed up by allowing him to do this, but lately its one into overdrive. I don't know how to back out of this now. I watched a video about this and see that it is best to stop this behavior when it first starts. Clearly I did not do this, but now it is just all he wants to do. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. I saw in the video that it actually is bad for his health. I really feel like I let him down. He is all I have in the world. I am 58. Anything would be so appreciated
Carol profile.webp
. Thank you so much, Nurse Carol and Biwi.
Hello, and welcome to the Forums! First, what a lovely picture of you and Biwi! :)

You're experiencing a more common issue than most people talk about. It happens. You may or may not be able to stop it, and that's okay, but there's things you can do to hopefully tone it down. Aside from a bit of potential frustration, he's not hurting himself. We have several members whose birds are chronic masturbators. Some folks provide a stuffy or favorite toy for the purpose and leave them to have their way with it when they feel the need. Better that than you, your hand, shoulder, etc., right? There definitely are times of the year that hormonal behavior is elevated. Ekkies are more opportunistic maters, so season means less to them than other species.

That said, a few things that might help...

Sleep. At least 12+ hours of dark, undisturbed sleep, on a regular schedule every night.

Diet. Reduce or eliminate sugary foods. They don't need them, or the calories, and the sugar can be a huge hormone trigger. My guy gets his veggies, but I don't give him fruits for that reason. Also, corn can be an issue for him too. It's actually pretty high in sugar, and more than a few pieces throws off the balance of things and he'll start toe tapping. I've found that dark purple grapes and blueberries have the same affect on him, so they're off his list.

Otherwise, just generally not encouraging the behavior. If he starts with you, put him down on a perch or back of a chair and walk away. Every time. Consistency is key. If he's seeking your attention, he'll learn that he won't get it by behaving that way with you.

Hope this helps, or at least provides a little insight for you :)
You could ask your vet if they would be willing to try a hormonal implant to help bring down his hormones. I think it’s caused Deslorian. (of course you would want to try behavior modification and a diet change before going this route.)
I also have a hormonal male Ekkie. You aren’t alone. I’ve tried everything under the sun to “calm” his hormones down without luck.

I’ve just started using it to my advantage. I know he will chase me, and do anything to find me for mating. So I walk around the house, and he follows me everywhere. It’s great exercise, and it tires him out. Then he doesn’t want to mate because he’s too tired. It’s the only thing I’ve found to reduce it.

Soft foods are a huge trigger for my Ekkie, or anything warm. Regurgitated scrambled eggs is really gross 🤢🤮🤢🤮. It’s not realistic to only feed him crunchy things. I’ve tried dehydrating fruits & veggies, and then he doesn’t eat the stuff. Usually it just ends in bowl tossing.

Nico seems to target someone regardless of his environment to be his mate. Prior to me it was the person who ran the shelter he was at. He would try to mate with her, and regurgitate food for her. She also tried to get him to stop. The odd thing is that if you aren’t what he considers to be his mate he just flat out bites you. He has a nasty bite. Everyone always calls him my overly possessive boyfriend as a joke because he will attempt to attack people who come close to me.

I’m sorry you have to go through this. I can understand your frustration with the situation. I wish I had a resolution 😢
I feel your pain. My 40-year-old burd has always been hypersexual, impulsive, aggressive.
Good ideas above.
I would also add a stray thought. Certain head injuries in mammals produce this syndrome, especially notable and documented in humans. I wonder if this might happen in birds. My avian vet agrees with the possibility... he refers to the Rickeybird as the Masturbating Patagonian since the doggone bird even goes at it on the perch scale.
My solution? I let him do anything he wants. Never take advice from me!
I feel your pain. My 40-year-old burd has always been hypersexual, impulsive, aggressive.
Good ideas above.
I would also add a stray thought. Certain head injuries in mammals produce this syndrome, especially notable and documented in humans. I wonder if this might happen in birds. My avian vet agrees with the possibility... he refers to the Rickeybird as the Masturbating Patagonian since the doggone bird even goes at it on the perch scale.
My solution? I let him do anything he wants. Never take advice from me!
I am with you. I no longer pursue resolution to Nico's hypersexual activities, or his feather plucking (this has calmed down a lot since I first got him, or when I moved). I provide him with love, a variety diet, and enrichment. If I come across something that is harmless (without a bunch of chemicals) I may try it. Other than that Nico can be Nico. He's a great parrot he just has so much love to give, and can't hold back. He must make sure I'm fed at all times, and that nothing will harm me. I have the best protection!!!
Wow, I didn't realize so many people have responded to my post! I am just overwhelmed with gratitude and don't feel so alone in this anymore. The last couple days I have let him sleep longer in a dark room. Ok, I sleep with him in my bed! He sleeps on a towel right next to my pillow with some newspapers taped to the towel and on the floor. He just stays right there and doen't try to masturbird at all. He always just sleeps. He's really a good bird. When he masturbirds the most is when I am on the sofa watching TV so the last 2 days I just put him back on the back of the sofa. He keeps trying, but I have consistently put him gently on the sofa and after MANY MANY tries he just gives up. I always thought this was cruel because who else does he have to do this with? It just keep him doing it. One time was never enough. I don't think he has had a head inusry. I'm a nurse so I have seen how head injuries lead to almost constant masturbirding. I had no idea there was a hormonal implant. I will try the behavior intervention, longer sleeping schedule and no sweets and see how that goes. Once again I CAN'T tell you all how much I appreciate your responses! I'll keep you posted. Love, Nurse Care All and Biwi.
Try to discourage it as best you can .. I know easier said than done. The reason being is it becomes addicting for him the more he does it the more he’s going to want to do it. I felt bad discouraging my girl from acting all nesty, but I realized even though she really wants to do that, it was not making her happy it was just making her frantic .
Wow, I didn't realize so many people have responded to my post! I am just overwhelmed with gratitude and don't feel so alone in this anymore. The last couple days I have let him sleep longer in a dark room. Ok, I sleep with him in my bed! He sleeps on a towel right next to my pillow with some newspapers taped to the towel and on the floor. He just stays right there and doen't try to masturbird at all. He always just sleeps. He's really a good bird. When he masturbirds the most is when I am on the sofa watching TV so the last 2 days I just put him back on the back of the sofa. He keeps trying, but I have consistently put him gently on the sofa and after MANY MANY tries he just gives up. I always thought this was cruel because who else does he have to do this with? It just keep him doing it. One time was never enough. I don't think he has had a head inusry. I'm a nurse so I have seen how head injuries lead to almost constant masturbirding. I had no idea there was a hormonal implant. I will try the behavior intervention, longer sleeping schedule and no sweets and see how that goes. Once again I CAN'T tell you all how much I appreciate your responses! I'll keep you posted. Love, Nurse Care All and Biwi.
There are quite a few great people owned by Ekkie's on here. I also have 2 conures. No, they aren't anywhere near as hormonal as Nico my Ekkie. I am way too scared to sleep with my parrots. I flip flop at night, and I'd end up rolling over on them for sure.

From what I've gathered from other owners, some of Nico's vet visits, and from a zoologist... Male Ekkie's in the wild basically spend all day finding food for a female Ekkie to present it (regurgitate it). Then they mate, and he moves on to the next nest. These birds appear to mate a lot in the wild from my understanding.
I might also mention (from your post) about him sleeping on the bed with you. I hate to be graphic, but... Sadly, the forum is filled with heartbreaking stories of that scenario going very wrong when someone rolled over in their sleep and found their beloved bird squashed or suffocated in the morning. It happens. Please consider a different sleeping arrangement. 🙏🙏🙏 Perhaps a sleep cage or a nice comfy perch on the nightstand if he's going in the bedroom with you at night.

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