20 questions: parrot edition!

is it a lory/lorikeet?
Is it small or big?
does it belong to broad-tailed parrots?
Is it a red rumped parrot? They are small and there’s one on this forum (Hoppy).
Sorry for the late reply. I went away for a few days and didn't have internet access.
No, it's not a Fig Parrot.
You're close. It's not a part of the broad-tailed parrots, but it is in the tribe Platycercini.
Platycercini = broad-tailed parrots ;)

is it a rosella?
(They said it was small so I guessed not Rosella…I don’t know.)
Platycercini = broad-tailed parrots ;)

is it a rosella?
Actually, there are some parrots within Platycercini that do not fall into the braod-tailed parrots category. At least, that's what I gathered from my reading yesterday.
And no, it's not a Rosella.
On Wikipedia "broad-tailed parrots" are as English name for Platycercini... but nevermind, maybe it depends on a classification - I know a version which has Pezopornini members being include into Platycercini... so maybe genus Pezoporus?
On Wikipedia "broad-tailed parrots" are as English name for Platycercini... but nevermind, maybe it depends on a classification - I know a version which has Pezopornini members being include into Platycercini... so maybe genus Pezoporus?
I'm not sure. It thought that's when it said, but I could totally be wrong. In any case, the bird is in Platycercini, lol.

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