20 questions: parrot edition!

Is it a Sulfur Crested Cockatoo?
Is it an Umbrella cockatoo?
Is it a gang-gang cockatoo?
None of you are right!
Is it a red tailed black cockatoo? They're bigger than a bread box ;)
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo?
Is it any kind of a black cockatoo?
LaManuka is wrong, but close
Rozalka: yes
Inko-ai is wrong
So LaManuka...
Is it bigger than a bread box?

Ok, I'm as ready as I'll ever be, fire away!
Is it bigger than a bread box?
No, unless it's a very very small bread box :)
Is it...
A budgie?
A parrotlet?
A linnie?
A bourke?
A lovebird?
A pygmy parrot?
A hanging parrot?
No to all of the above!
Going a little bit bigger now...
A lorikeet?
A cockatiel?
A conure?
A senegal?
ANY poicephalus?
An Indian ringneck?
Number three on your hit parade there, foxie!

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