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New member
Jan 18, 2013
Nashville TN
Parker male BF Amazon hatched 5/2/2012
Charlie unsexed BF Amazon hatched 1994?
Juno Female BH Caique Hatched 6-3-2013
okay 2 questions
the first is what is an okay size for a travel cage for a bg macaw...not crate...
second is my I bought my friend one of the cages that the top and sides lift off for transport .... would something like this work for her as well...
time frame is usually around a week or less that we would be gone and she would get out of cage time everyday as well
when we travel to the beach Remington spends the week on his playstand, for the car trip he goes in a large plastic dog crate~ I'm not sure if you are asking about a travel cage for car use or in house use....

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