2 amazon yellow napes need new home

Lets clear up a bit of confusion and if i sound snide so be it, as i keep saying im all these birds have and i will not let them down of take gambles because of "hunches" from strangers,

I also do not like when i feel like im being rail roaded,

Saying i dont know the person but i "feel" they would make a good home may be enough for you its not enough for me, this is about my obligation to these birds.

I am not a "she" why would a person make assumptions about gender?
Im a 57 in sept guy, im married to tina a girl,

I suffer from mental health type issues most of my adult life, they are of conditions like OCD ADD panic, PTSD and at times debilitate my life, they are one reason i seek a new home for my birds, and it is a very emotinal hard time and thing to do.

As i have mentioned a while back i did list these guys on Craigslist, and yeah, for the most part a nightmare,

I had a long ad going into details about the birds and what i was seeking in a new home,
99% ignore most of my post only to jump to ask "how much am i asking" and "are they tame"
It both raised flags and annoyed me because i had covered it in the post they must not have read, if a person doesnt want to tell me why they want these parrots and would make a good home then they are obvisly not the new home im looking for.

Had i jumped on the first reply i received my birds would have went to flipper a reseller i know this because i didnt go on hunch but on facts that i dug up.

So now im being pressured that "sam" is the perfect new home, you might believe that but i do not know that just yet, so the balls in his court to show me.

No, i wont junp to text or call a person because they say to,

And while i respect privacy and not wanting to post a bunch of personal info on a forum,

I also believe that a person who has interest in giving my parrots a home could give a very good run down on why, their parrot experence, and other details without divulging any private information, if they ferl they can not do that i will fully respect their feelings as i ask others to respect my feelings,

No, im not comfortable being pressured that a person will make a great home when i have almost zero to go on.
As you see i am very passionate about this i have to be, im not trying to offend anyone but the parrots safety comes first,

Tone gets lost in type, im far from perfect and open to be mistaken.

Thanks all,
[FONT=&quot]buggyboo lets try this,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]What is it that you would really need to know that would help you feel comfortable? [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am retired, have the time, I have space, I am willing to give your parrots a good loving home with all that that entails. I am home most all the time, no dogs, or cats, no children, large house, have large garage, large porch, have alarm system, live on acreage with over 200 feet of spring and fall garden 100% organic veggies, have pond, fresh air, fresh food, talk to birds, can handle any size parrot, had parrots since I was 19, Mom had parrots, Sister have parrots, cousins have Parrots, friends have parrots. Keep cages clean, keep water fresh, grow fresh food, any parrot here will be healthy and enjoy its space.[/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Have a truck and trailer that can handle any size cages.
[FONT=&quot]So if you truly want to find your parrots a good place to live, the offer is open. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]If you have any other, non private, or personal questions, lets here them.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hoping that this covered all your concerns, I do not know what else to add.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]buggyboo lets try this,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]What is it that you would really need to know that would help you feel comfortable? [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I am retired, have the time, I have space, I am willing to give your parrots a good loving home with all that that entails. I am home most all the time, no dogs, or cats, no children, large house, have large garage, large porch, have alarm system, live on acreage with over 200 feet of spring and fall garden 100% organic veggies, have pond, fresh air, fresh food, talk to birds, can handle any size parrot, had parrots since I was 19, Mom had parrots, Sister have parrots, cousins have Parrots, friends have parrots. Keep cages clean, keep water fresh, grow fresh food, any parrot here will be healthy and enjoy its space.[/FONT]
[/FONT][FONT=&quot]Have a truck and trailer that can handle any size cages.
[FONT=&quot]So if you truly want to find your parrots a good place to live, the offer is open. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]If you have any other, non private, or personal questions, lets here them.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Hoping that this covered all your concerns, I do not know what else to add.[/FONT]


Well now i know a bit more, ty, you sound great.

What stands out to me is highlighted in red,

My "truly" wanting to find a good home for my parrots is not contingent on me taking you up on your offer to take them implying that you are the only good home and if i dont
go with you im not sincere in my cause,

I assure you that i wouldnt be going through this toll on my health if i didnt care and wasnt real,

I would have dumped them on the first flipper who hit me up or opened the cages in the backyard.

What you told me is very similar to what many scammers and flippers told me on CL,
Point is we never know what is real,

i do not know you at all, granted you dont know me either but the huge difference is im the one looking to rehome my birds, who gets thems is whats important here.

So while a bit vauge for me, you sound like you might be a good home i do not know yet
I am in no rush and i will not be rushed or pressured my doing this the way i am doing it saved my parrots from two different places that were not what they claimed to be,
A person who love their parrots will fully understand.

You have not said why you want my birds which would fall into a nitch of special needs because they are not perfectly tamed pets which was your only concern, know that they will need patient treatment from a parrot savvy person experenced not just with perfectly tamed pets thats easy but birds like mine that need that extra experence.

I will state some of the questions i asked those who responded off CL, this is generic not directed at you or sny specific person,

Were you looking for parrots when you found my listing?

Why do you want my birds?
Why do you feel you are qualified to care for them?
Tame parrots are great what experence do you have with parrots who will

Need love. Time and attention to warm up to you and might take a long time to do so.

How many large parrots have you owned or own

Please list them and are they still with you if not why?
Please include pictures of yourself with the parrots.

Do you own,rent etc, and have a steady income,
2020 is a hard year for everyone but these guys need a stable home
not an apartment or duplex or a person that relocates a lot.
Is your lardlord or neighbors good with parrots yelling from time to time?

Does your other half, significant other, husband, wife or whatever the case maybe
know of your desire to take in 2 parrots and what are their feelings on it?

Do you have any issues with signing a contract that states that you will not sepparate these birds and will not sell them or rehome them that if for any reasons they do not work out they will be returned to me at your costs or efforts?

And as for private personal which it really isnt, its out there with 1000s looking at it,

I asked people for their facebook, while i do not go on there my wife does and its a

Quick easy way to get to know a bit about a person.

We can go from there,
The truck would be super for the cages but the birds would have to
ride over in carriers where i drop them off and make sure they are settled in,
I wouldnt hang around long.
What you told me is very similar to what many scammers and flippers told me on CL,
Point is we never know what is real,

RESPONSE: You are on Parrotsforum, where I believe Scammers are booted out, which I know firsthand.

Were you looking for parrots when you found my listing?

RESPONSE: I was not looking, but I’m willing to take them in, (since you live within driving distance) and give them a good environment. If I cannot tame them, (which I believe all parrots are) they will still be living well contained in a cage or room, depending upon if they dive-bomb of just don’t like being picked up. Huge difference when in open room/aviary.

Why do you want my birds?

RESPONSE: Why does anyone want parrots, Companionship, they are a nice choice if you do not want cats, or dogs. Had a few dogs, took them around the state and won 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in obedience, volunteered with west Volusia kennel club for a few years back then, trained 100s of dogs., Had over 30 cats growing up on a the ocean with 2 horses, over a dozen geese, 200 rabbits, chickens, hamsters, turtles, tropical fish, monkey to name a few.

Why do you feel you are qualified to care for them?

RESPONSE: I am not sure I qualify in your eyes, however, I have always has well taken care of animals around all my life. I know they will like living here or I would not have offered to take then in.

Tame parrots are great what experence do you have with parrots who will Need love. Time and attention to warm up to you and might take a long time to do so.

RESPONSE: this answer can only be answered by everything I stated herein, and by all my other past posts on this forum. So above I stated that I have had parrots all my life since I was 19 I do think that is a good qualification in itself.

How many large parrots have you owned or own
Please list them and are they still with you if not why?
Please include pictures of yourself with the parrots.

RESPONSE: I owned a cocktail, 2 Quakers, 1 Amazon, 1 cockatoo, 1 African gray. However, my family has parrots, and I was around those all my life as well…
Back then there was no digital cameras, so I do not have paper photos.

Do you own,rent etc,

RESPONSE: as stated on this forum, I live on acreage huge garden etc…

meaning I own. I don’t think you can have that in apartments. and have a steady income,
you are getting into private and personal stuff now that should not be divulged on any open forum.


Does your other half, significant other, husband, wife or whatever the case maybe
know of your desire to take in 2 parrots and what are their feelings on it?

RESPONSE: you are getting into private and personal stuff now. no other half.

Do you have any issues with signing a contract that states that you will not sepparate these birds and will not sell them or rehome them that if for any reasons they do not work out they will be returned to me at your costs or efforts?


And as for private personal which it really isn't, its out there with 1000s looking at it,

I asked people for their Facebook, while i do not go on there my wife does and its a Quick easy way to get to know a bit about a person.

RESPONSE: Personal. Pm if you want it, but I would like yours first.

so I have a few questions for you:
Do you own your home?
Can you provide additional photos of your parrots in their cages showing the while cage in photo?
I would like to see the environment you kept them in.
Also can handle them?

can anyone handle them?
Have you taken them to the vet lately?
What diet are they on?
What words do they say?
What is your face book page?
What is your name?

Thanks to those who tried to help

Im done here.
Sorry if I made you feel pressured. I was only excited to help.

Finding s home fir are feathered kids is very sensitive. I hope I never have to experience that difficult situation.

Whether or not the current home offered suits you I hope you will stick around. We are a dedicated group who love parrots. Some of are great members only visit now and then . So yiu might have others step forward.
Well said Laura. Thank you.

Clearly, OP and the current offer of a possible home for his birds are not seeing eye to eye, so not likely to be a good match. That's okay. Giving up our fids is a difficult thing to have to consider, and rightfully should be taken seriously. No slight against anyone involved, just not a match this time. Point being, if we're not completely comfortable, for ANY reason, it's reasonable to continue looking for someone else. I hope the right person comes along for you.
Well said Laura. Thank you.

Clearly, OP and the current offer of a possible home for his birds are not seeing eye to eye, so not likely to be a good match. That's okay. Giving up our fids is a difficult thing to have to consider, and rightfully should be taken seriously. No slight against anyone involved, just not a match this time. Point being, if we're not completely comfortable, for ANY reason, it's reasonable to continue looking for someone else. I hope the right person comes along for you.

Thank you very much, very well said,

I knew when i made the decision to rehome it wouldnt be easy,
Ill keep looking for that great forever home for my guys,

Thanks all,
Thank you very much, very well said,

I knew when i made the decision to rehome it wouldnt be easy,
Ill keep looking for that great forever home for my guys,

Thanks all,

Hey just remember there are several of us that are willing to give you support where needed! I live close to you!
I know, if you had a choice, you wouldn’t be going through everything being put on your plate!
I also see by the time stamps on your post, you have been up all night! A nasty combination!
Thanks david,

We keep odd hours, just cant handle the 100 plus heat index days so we sleep
thru them, part of my issues i almost never get sleepy, i just hit over tired and its too late,

Racking out very soon,
I say thanks to buggyboo for the offer and consideration of his birds welfare. I also say and feel considerable thanks to those that offered me their support and trust. Oneday I will be offered my chance to be a forever home too. May the Forum always offer help, advice and support; to all that post here. jh

Thanks for the kind words,
I skimmed a few of your posts seems you and i are a bit simpatico yet polar opposite,

Where i will have a hard time finding a home for 2 parrots not all picture perfect tame,
You will likely find it hard to be given a perfect and free bird while refusing to prove yourself to the owner,

I can not express the emotinal trauma involved here, one of my AYNs yells " feather" in my moms voice, both feather the cat and mom who were friends with cluckle are gone, just one example.

When i mistakenly listed them on Craigslist it got countless replies and 98% were flippers resellers,
Had i not done my research i would have given my birds to profiteers whose only concern is $$$

So while none of us like to prove ourselves sometimes we have to or do without.

I’m here hoping the third times the charm! At lest your search for the right match is getting more attention.

In time the right combination will be found. :)
Hope everone doing good,

Hard few days with my health issues and no interest in my parrots,

Any other places i might try?
You had 2 suitable applicants.
You had 2 suitable applicants.

Im not just trying to unload them i could do that in less that an hour on
Craigslist, i have to have comfort in who they go to.

what i consider suitable is different than what it sounds like you do,

i had one person who did follow my guildlines
And refused to sign an agreement amoung many reasons and flags just wasnt a fit for my birds,

And the only other reply i can think you see as an applicant is ioldparroter

But if you read my posts hes not a match, my birds need someone with hands
On experence, and even if he had that neither his or my budget will allow the $$$ of shipping birds and cages,

Hope everone doing good,

Hard few days with my health issues and no interest in my parrots,

Any other places i might try?

I don't know where else to suggest but I am hoping you find a suitable home for them.

I did some research last night and found quite a few facebook groups that had MANY rescues added as members. Do you have Facebook? If you do I can send you the groups I found that can help place your birds in good homes or even in a sanctuary. Let me know if you're interested.

Thank you, i have an account, maxed out on "friends" but i do not FB and only use it for promotions which of course 2020 covid19 world tour has placed a srop to,
i was in the entertainment industry and i would get many kind souls wanting to take the parrots on impusle but with no parrot experence.

I also am not seeking a foster home, thats me right now, what i guess is the biggest parrot rehomer in florida stikes me as just a flipper with a kinder sounding name,
The few "sanctuaries" i ran into were more parrot collectors who wanted someone else fund their hobby, one actually wanted 2k per AYN, sure, keeping birds is costly but to offer a paradise only fanatically high end folks can afford isnt really a "resue" to me.

My dream would be a sanctuary, aviary type place but no, i cant pay them 1000s per bird.

If you see place you want to list my guys feel free link to this thread if within forum rules.
Many thanks.


Thank you,
I lived in college park 46 years then came out here to eustis, i used to hit bird cabin and that joint over on bumby,

It was my mistake listing on CL and it wasnt just flippers i had people perhaps just messing with me saying they owned chickens so they know how to take care of birds,
You know as a AYN owner that even experence with smaller parrots like parakeets, conures, etc or having an aunt, buddy or mom had a parrot when you were a kid isnt the same as hands on experence, i had 2 different GFs who had macaws but i have basically zero personal experence with them.

So my emotional connection is strong, a lot of people even some with birds just do not grasp these guys are like kids, and i do have to be comfortable with a new home, and the right person will understand and respect that.

Yes, please do ask around everything like that helps.

As far my post the other day, i have good days and bad days that was a bad day, today is okay,

Thanks all we will find them a great new home just takes time.

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