1st time mama to a 8 week old green cheek conure pinapple named coco

Not to discourage your cage purchase. But that cage has no feeder doors which means you will have to open main door and place your hands inside to retrieve bowls.
If your guy is that skiddish, this could be a problem. Also, most birds including Conures love to climb. This cage has no horizontal bars, all vertical. Climbing is more difficult. I feel that cage is more for finches, etc.
Also, debris tray looks very close to bottom grate. He might be able to reach through and grab stuff.
I know the price is good, but personally, I think there are much better cages out there in the $150 range.
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well the cage works for the moment but yes do get a new one when you can, right now the focus is to help your little goober's legs

I would suggest having a couple flat perches when you get the new cage and possibly now putting something soft in the cage like a hand towel in the corner of the cage just to add a little nesty safe spot for them where they can remove themselves from people and feel comfy and safe (avoid having any perches placed above to keep poop off it) Disclaimer: No scientific evidence for that but it's what I would personally do, if others disagree and think differently do please voice opinions to allow for as much options for tduane to decide upon

Once the bandages are off then I would remove any nesty places just to avoid hormonal behaviors in the future
1 the bars are so close together climbing is easy and two you’ve apparently never seen birds use vertical bars like it’s a stripper pole. The splayed leg budgie we have can climb on the side of that cage. Two my conures pull and grab stuff through the bars of their 600 dollar cage because if there’s a will....I actually gave up on stopping that and just took the grates out myself. 3 yes you have to open the doors to get the bowls but that’s only a real downside when the bird inside is the devil. Which I’ve total met about 20 versions of in that cage personally lol.

I’ve seen acaris (in the double long version), lories, conures, budgies, finches, coaktiels, Senegal’s, Quaker’s, and a grey in that cage. Non of them had a problem climbing it and a few were missing beak parts and/or toes, so I wouldn’t be worried about it. Skittish birds move to the back when people approach the cage even if you are not opening it. I’ve had birds so terrified they scream bloody murder when people approach to change side opening doors too. The fact that a giant is approaching is enough to scare and the door opening usually doesn’t make much difference. On the other hand most do realize if you just ignore them while working that you arent a threat and settle a little. I’m gonna guess you don’t have a baby with that level of terror ingrained in them quite yet.

I had pictures of my conures climbing around in it when I had them in it but I can’t find them. I’ll have to look at some of my older accounts.

Found a few of random birds playing with vertical bar climbing. Still can’t find most of my photos from the condo.




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1 the bars are so close together climbing is easy and two you’ve apparently never seen birds use vertical bars like it’s a stripper pole. The splayed leg budgie we have can climb on the side of that cage. Two my conures pull and grab stuff through the bars of their 600 dollar cage because if there’s a will....I actually gave up on stopping that and just took the grates out myself. 3 yes you have to open the doors to get the bowls but that’s only a real downside when the bird inside is the devil. Which I’ve total met about 20 versions of in that cage personally lol.

I’ve seen acaris (in the double long version), lories, conures, budgies, finches, coaktiels, Senegal’s, Quaker’s, and a grey in that cage. Non of them had a problem climbing it and a few were missing beak parts and/or toes, so I wouldn’t be worried about it. Skittish birds move to the back when people approach the cage even if you are not opening it. I’ve had birds so terrified they scream bloody murder when people approach to change side opening doors too. The fact that a giant is approaching is enough to scare and the door opening usually doesn’t make much difference. On the other hand most do realize if you just ignore them while working that you arent a threat and settle a little. I’m gonna guess you don’t have a baby with that level of terror ingrained in them quite yet.

"1 the bars are so close together climbing is easy and two you’ve apparently never seen birds use vertical bars like it’s a stripper pole".

Not true - Have seen them climb vertical bars. My Conure does so. He slides down them easily…BUT, the horizontals are still easier as he can race up them without hesitation.
My Moluccan did so also with ease also. But why not get a better cage for a little more $$ that has MORE features and some horizontal bars?

"I’ve seen acaris (in the double long version), lories, conures, budgies, finches, coaktiels, Senegal’s, Quaker’s, and a grey in that cage. Non of them had a problem climbing it and a few were missing beak parts and/or toes, so I wouldn’t be worried about it. Skittish birds move to the back when people approach the cage even if you are not opening it."
"I’ve had birds so terrified they scream bloody murder when people approach to change side opening doors too. The fact that a giant is approaching is enough to scare and the door opening usually doesn’t make much difference".

And freak out even more when the Giants hand goes into their domain.

Really? Go into ANY breeder or specialty store; walk up to a nervous bird and watch what happens. THEN place your hand towards them…again, watch what happens.

My comment regarding your recommendation on cages was not to demean or belittle but rather to help educate the OP that for literally a few dollars more you can get a much better cage with a lot more features.
I don’t need to go to a breeder or pet store when I’ve worked with hundreds of rescue birds that are ex breeders, abused, or neglected. I’ve worked with everyone’s screw ups already. I’ve gotten that scared bird out of their surrender carriers or cages or persons home. If you know what you are doing and are paying attention you don’t even have to bleed when getting them out or chase them around for an hour...

Just place the food bowls next to the door or even on the door and you are good to go. I own one of the most abused birds I’ve ever met. He is afraid of his own shadow and food bowl doors don’t make a difference in his thought process or behavior lol

But I honestly don’t care which cage they go with in the end or if they change it up...I was only pointing out the other side of why the cage would work. I’ve gone through pretty much every kind of cage there is out there and I always come back to that one for the little ones, which is why I always used to recommend it to adopters or people that ask. I don’t use it right now only because I like the stacker type cages more.
I have a wild caught african ringneck currently in the HQ flight cage. She's been in larger cages too, but in order to keep *all* of my birds separate right now, they have to be in smaller cages. I'm using two 32x21x35 cages (not counting stands) and one 32x23x47 (also not counting stand).

In short though, as long as I watch the ARN's behavior, she does not frantically flap around the cage or panic. Even if I do startle her, causing her to take off, she just lands and 'watches'/calms down. She used to be worse, but has gotten better through learning how to work with her.
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  • #47
Cages are so confusing [emoji848]
Everyone just wants the best for their birdies which is never a bad thing [emoji847]

On a lighter note.. CoCo is getting around so much better. It has been around the cage so much.

Also while I was changing the pillow case at the bottom of the cage, i let coco out.

I gave coco pineapple and it loves it. I held it and it was eating it and let me let him.

Then I got some water and coco let me clean its beak and closed its eyes and let me clean him.

Also he did still bit me but it was only once and so much lighter. It was not the scared aggressive biting this time. It really is starting to trust me.

Friday is the follow up apt with the vet.
I'll take the little wins [emoji173][emoji7][emoji211]

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sounds like you've got a good friend there!

Yes all anyone can do is their best and hope it's enough

good to hear your little one is doing better and is trusting you, fingers crossed your follow up visit goes okay.

as for the cage I think your best bet is to go to stores and have a look, I dislike buying stuff like that online because you can never see it and naturally you'll find some other stuff in the store you like the look of

hopefully we get to see a few more pictures of your small fruit salad
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  • #49
We were able to cancel the order we had. And just because we were getting so confused. We are going to go to a few different local pet stores tonight and check them out and talk to them.

Coco took off its splint. Definitely still splayed but looks less spread out.

Calling the vet at 9 to see if we bring coco I. But a splint on ourselves or wait till friday.

Thanks everyone for all the support!

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When you go out shopping. Bar spacing is best at less than 3/4 for conures (they can poke head out of bigger spacing and get stuck/break their neck...I use 3/4 spacing but that’s as big as I’d go personally and it’s pushing the limit), scrollwork can get things like wings and feet caught and damaged, do not get the doors that just have a sliding hook like lock because the conures can open that crap, tall and skinny doesn’t work that great since they tend to poop on the bottom perches, playtops can be great, any dome top should have at least a few horizontal bars on the top if it doesn’t toys are a royal PITA to hang up since they just slid down, the cages that just slid together without screws break easy, top opening dome tops can also be dangerous they’ve collapsed and crushed birds before but you can rig it to stay open better too so that’s an either way thing, cup holders with a cross at the bottom and ones that just slid in can be dangerous birds have gotten stuck on them with a wing poking through the gaps...you want the ones that are just a ring, when buying from a store with birds sanitize the new cage because you don’t know what people are bringing in or if the store isn’t being honest about the health of their birds. If they pull the box from a warehouse you should be fine on that front. That’s all I can think of right now:)

While I’m on a dangerous kick not sure if you know or found the info but some dangerous items. Ceiling fans make sure they are off, Teflon in cookware kills them, self cleaning ovens are a no, scented candles are not healthy for them, any smoke is not healthy for them really, cleaning supplies can be dangerous for them you want things like f10, vinegar, or plain old dawn dish soap works too, the store bought avian specific cleaners are overly expensive in my opinion, peanuts in their shell are a no go, plants...some of them and they will chew on anything so make sure you have safe ones, there is definitely more but I still haven’t had coffee and my brian is sluggish lol
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  • #51

I guess I'm fortunate I dont use teflon as it causes cancer. We dont smoke. I dont open windows really as we have older windows.
I remember from birds when I was a kid not to have fans on.
I dont use any plastic dishes for animals anyway.
Animals are always in a different room when the birds out.

I dont have house plants or fake ones.

We also use all natural cleaners.

I think we are on a pretty good start.

When you go out shopping. Bar spacing is best at less than 3/4 for conures (they can poke head out of bigger spacing and get stuck/break their neck...I use 3/4 spacing but that’s as big as I’d go personally and it’s pushing the limit), scrollwork can get things like wings and feet caught and damaged, do not get the doors that just have a sliding hook like lock because the conures can open that crap, tall and skinny doesn’t work that great since they tend to poop on the bottom perches, playtops can be great, any dome top should have at least a few horizontal bars on the top if it doesn’t toys are a royal PITA to hang up since they just slid down, the cages that just slid together without screws break easy, top opening dome tops can also be dangerous they’ve collapsed and crushed birds before but you can rig it to stay open better too so that’s an either way thing, cup holders with a cross at the bottom and ones that just slid in can be dangerous birds have gotten stuck on them with a wing poking through the gaps...you want the ones that are just a ring, when buying from a store with birds sanitize the new cage because you don’t know what people are bringing in or if the store isn’t being honest about the health of their birds. If they pull the box from a warehouse you should be fine on that front. That’s all I can think of right now:)

While I’m on a dangerous kick not sure if you know or found the info but some dangerous items. Ceiling fans make sure they are off, Teflon in cookware kills them, self cleaning ovens are a no, scented candles are not healthy for them, any smoke is not healthy for them really, cleaning supplies can be dangerous for them you want things like f10, vinegar, or plain old dawn dish soap works too, the store bought avian specific cleaners are overly expensive in my opinion, peanuts in their shell are a no go, plants...some of them and they will chew on anything so make sure you have safe ones, there is definitely more but I still haven’t had coffee and my brian is sluggish lol

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Yeah the fake plants are a good one if you do get anything! My conures after 7 years decided my beautiful hoyas were a good shredding toy....I wanted to kill them so bad lol. The Hoyas grow so slow and they were pretty big at that point. I had to toss them since I couldn’t stand the half destroyed look going on.

Also, steam cleaners are awesome to use on the cages if you have one!
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  • #54
Dumb question.
So I live in a nice wooded area.
Can I get some of the thick branches outside and clean them and take the bark off and use them?
Or avoid it and just buy some

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Yes. I would probably leave the bark on for them to strip but either way. Of course make sure they are from the safe wood list. You can fry them if it’s hot near you in the car. It gets so hot in cars that it works quite well. If they fit in the oven you can use that of course but I’m used to branches that won’t fit. I think other people have used GSE and soaked them in the tub too.
Yes. I would probably leave the bark on for them to strip but either way. Of course make sure they are from the safe wood list. You can fry them if it’s hot near you in the car. It gets so hot in cars that it works quite well. If they fit in the oven you can use that of course but I’m used to branches that won’t fit. I think other people have used GSE and soaked them in the tub too.

that's actually a super good bit of advice there! I would put them in the car over an oven so the utility bills stay down, may as well use the free energy you can right?
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  • #57
So keep the bark on and bake in the car.
I got this [emoji4]

Coco didnt bite me today and actually kept biting my shirt because it didnt want to go to the cage and snuggled up to me.
Crazy improvements.

All of you have helped me so much.

I thank all of you.

I will update after the vet

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Be very careful with outdoor wood. If it or anything near it has been sprayed with any kind of pesticide, it’s deadly. If you’re certain it’s free from chemicals then car baking sounds perfect.

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  • #59
We have 4 acres. No spraying of our trees :)

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