
  1. DillyAndBaby

    Help with Biting Green Cheek Conure?

    Hi all, I recently adopted a 2 year old green cheek conure (Dilly) and an adult lovebird (Baby) of an unknown age. I love them dearly, but the conure has a biting problem. She acts generally friendly when she is not being held. She often asks to be let out of the cage and asks to for me to...
  2. K

    Training a conure to be touched?

    I'd like to thank everyone that's helped me so far with Lilly! She went to the vet a few weeks ago and she's being treated for infection, I put some drops in her food and giving her longer nap times like the Vet told me to. She's mostly stopped mowing off her feathers... fingers crossed! So I...
  3. M

    Rescued macaw training tips

    Hey all, in about a month or so I'm adopting a rescued Green Winged Macaw that I've been visiting for over a year and a half now and looking for any tips on training or just overall wellness. Before the rescue, he was hoarded for years and and has taken a toll on his health. He plucked nearly...
  4. Inger

    Barbara Heidenreich Videos?

    My CAV recommended these to me, but before I start coughing up money for the videos, I thought I'd get your opinions. Since Bumble doesn't have any problem behaviors (yet), I would probably just get the "How to Train Your Parrot" which addresses targeting (Bumble's pretty good at that already)...
  5. A

    Trying to get the little guy to trust me

    So I've had him for almost 3 weeks now and I'm trying to get him to trust me. I got him from petsmart, so I know its gonna be hard. Right now he's escaped form his cage and is flying about the room, but the thing is I don't know how to get him back in his cage. He won't let me touch him and he...
  6. R

    Training Question

    Hello! I have a little 5 month old peach-faced lovebird named Rizzo and I love him(?) to death but he won't leave my laptop alone. I do online school so a good four or five hours in the morning I'm sat in bed across from his cage and working. I would love to utilize this time to just hang out...
  7. H

    IRN training problems.

    Hi. So i got 2 IRN about 2 months ago. In my country its rare to find them trained so i got a younger pair so it would be easy to train them early on. I asked the shopkeeper for the tips and he said that they wont be scared after a month and you can train them to hand feed etc after that. Now...
  8. Billdore

    Help Training to Step Up

    I am currently looking to take home a 1 1/2 year old Timneh African Grey Parrot.l Hes had a crappy home and the local pet store bought him and has been giving him a nice home. He hasnt had any training and is slowly becoming more socialized thanks to the pet store. I dont believe he was...
  9. K

    Help with training a cutie!

    Hi! So I recently adopted a 14 month old Pineapple Conure called Lilly! She's incredibly cute and doesn't bite. She's very shy and untame but very excitable... she loves to fly around the room but I'm unsure if I should be allowing this before taming? Should I? I've made sure it's bird proof...
  10. K

    Help on hand training

    Hey, I've had my two conures, Zorab and Nello, for about a month now but can't seem to build up any trust with them. The lady I purchased them from said that she knew little about them and had only had them for about 5 months. She said that she was able to get them onto her hands and then...
  11. A

    A debate on treats

    Hi everyone, hope all is well! I was wondering what type of treats you find most useful when training your birds. Our 3 year old caique Murphy came to us knowing a handful of commands, but I would like to start working on some fun tricks so he can get more mental stimulation and as an...
  12. F


    So I would like to train my Patagonian Conure to poop in "authorized locations" the way my partner has trained his Alexandrine to do. Sadly, we've discovered that success with one bird doesn't translate into success with another! Baby the Alex has a clear "gotta go" face that allows Matt to...
  13. MoLo

    Treats for Training a Conure

    What are some good treats for giving my Black Capped Conure when training him? He is 3 months old and my first bird. I want to make sure I feed him something that is special so it seems like a reward and also not too filling, and of course not unhealthy! Thanks in advance!
  14. M

    5 Month Old Green Cheek Conure - Watson

    :green2: Hello my name is Mark from New Jersey and I have just recently purchased my first bird. He is a 5 month old Green Cheek Conure named Watson. I have always wanted a bird and when the opportunity came I couldn't wait. My girlfriend and her family have a 27 year-old blue fronted amazon...
  15. R

    Teaching your parrot to talk while at work

    Hello, Didn't know where to put this, but I think this is the right place. I have created a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching your parrot to talk while you are out. I currently have 5 words on there and 10 videos in total (2 copies of each word. one with background noise and one without)...
  16. X

    Screaming Conure behavior is beginning to get out of hand, need help!

    Hi everyone, I have a 4 year old Green cheek conure named Bowser. He is the only parrot I have since I let go of the second Conure I bought a couple years ago to a very nice woman. Bowser is my first Conure and he is extremely attached to me. Basically wants my attention 24/7. This is an issue...
  17. I

    Terrier and a bird? [seeking advice]

    I lost my beloved budgie a month ago and have started researching into getting another. The species is still unclear, but it will be something relatively small (i.e. GCC, cockatiel, lovebird, parrotlet, another budgie... still narrowing down XP). The only problem is our terrier. She is very...
  18. Transylvania

    "Perch" then "step up"?

    While observing avian zookeepers when they're getting birds out of their cages, I've noticed that they'll tell the bird to "perch" (so the bird calmly stands on a perch right next to the door) before they open the door and have it "step up" on their hand. Is this a common training technique...
  19. M

    Likes someone better?

    Hello, I got a conure about a month ago and I have been trying to get her used to everything. I have tried to pet her and sometimes she will flap her wings or quickly move her beak to my finger as a warning but if my mom tries to do it, my bird lets her. I feed my bird everyday and take her out...
  20. M

    Conure keeps biting

    Hello :) My seven month old conure loves to bite everything ( as all bird do xD ) and I'm trying to teach her to not bite my hands. I've heard the fastest way to teach them not to bite is to not get bitten in the first place. They said to distract them with food or toys if they are biting or if...
  21. A

    Ekkie's not playful

    My eclectus Angel and I have been together now for about a year and a half and she's settled into our routine well. She underwent some testing and we found out she had a vitamin A deficiency. After about 6 to 8 months she's good as can be, howe very she'said not very playful. Every now and...
  22. M

    Need help with conure!

    Hi :) I recently got a 7 month old gold capped conure around 2 weeks ago. When I first brought her home, she got out of her carrier by herself and flew right to the cage door. For the first two days whenever I open the cage door she flies right out and goes on my shoulder but she would never...
  23. AgentSir

    Bird Training Tips?

    I have a 5 year old Sun Conure that I got a few months ago from someone that wanted to get rid of her. The Guy that I got her from said that she's really sweet, but they were wanting to get rid of her because she started attacking his wife. They also never clipped her wings and let her fly...
  24. D

    Training with the visually impaired?

    My wife and I adopted two conures from a rescue, they're probably about 2 years old now. I've been having good luck clicker training them (they now step up onto my finger instead of biting it). My wife, on the other hand, is visually impaired and cannot read their body language - so she can't...
  25. B

    New Budgie taming

    Hi all! So I just want to ask how is my progress and what can I do to make things a little better or smoother... Okay so firstly...I have had my new budgie,Toby,for two weeks now. He is still very quiet and shy. He eats well, mostly seed right now but he has eaten few veggies like lettuce and he...
  26. B

    Still working on that first step: update on Jakey

    Well Jakey and I are still working on leaving the cage, and I really need support so even though there is not much to update I'm posting an update anyway. Things are going pretty much how any one would suspect with Jakey at the moment. I decided to use the towel method to get him out of the...
  27. P

    Potty Training

    I have two young cockatiels that I have had for about two months now. They are very smart and lively! These are my very first birds so I am kinda lost with a bunch of things. I have been taking my birds out every day and doing little training sessions with them which are going fairly well...
  28. B

    Out of my depth with my rescued Macaw

    Hello! I am posting on this forum because I have exhausted all sources I had available to me and finally can admit to myself that I need help. Admittedly, as a first time bird owner I have needed help from day one but I didn't understand how seriously hurt my bird had been in the past. So I am...
  29. S

    New Green Cheek: Would love advice

    Hello! I am new to parrot forums and to conure ownership, and would love some advice about raising a happy, healthy feathered friend. My boyfriend and I purchased JoJo, a very young green Cheek conure (max 10 weeks old) from a breeder 2 days ago. Long story, but this was not a conure breeder...
  30. P

    i need some real help

    so i bought my Indian ringneck about 5 days ago, in the shop the owner told me that he was very friendly and doesn't bite yet he failed to show that, i bought the little guy and i trained to step up the first day and all was good, but then the second day is when my trouble started, he would want...
  31. lorika

    Questions from a first-time lorikeet owner

    Hi everyone! ^-^ From the depths of the Netherlands I come to you. I'm hoping to get a rainbow lorikeet soon and I am just full of questions. 1. He/she will then be about 7 weeks old. Is that an appropriate age to get a bird at? Will I have to feed her or will she be self-sufficient? 2. At...
  32. M

    Can I train my bird without using the training diet?

    I have seen some people highly recommend using a training diet to increase the productivity of training sessions. The main idea of the diet is to make your bird a little hungry before its training session so that it is more motivated and focused during the training session. In a training...
  33. lolitas_dad

    Towel Fright!

    Hi All, Lolita has since day one been afraid to death of towels and any cloth for that matter. I have tried to very slowly get her used to the most simple touch of them but she runs away like I have an axe in my hand! She is 8 years old. How should I strategize in gaining her acceptance of...
  34. P

    Years of mistakes... Is there still any hope?

    So, I bought my Quaker Parrot ~4 years ago when he (could be she) was 8 weeks old. I, unfortunately, did not take the time to train him as much as I should have. He loves me and rarely bites but he HATES everybody else... unless they are giving him treats, otherwise it's flying attacks...
  35. Originalvim

    Help With Meyer...

    Hi, I have a ten month old meyer. He seems very loud in comparison to what i have heard about the species. Some of his squawks are understandable such as his barks for attention in the mornings but he also sometimes screams quite loudly when me and my partner are with him, he'll fly around...
  36. A

    The Pickiest Parakeet!

    Earlier in January, I bought a 4-month old parakeet who had been hand-fed, but due to fighting with other flock members, was removed from the group after he was weaned and I believe his hand interactions were stopped then, which is unfortunate. Why would someone stop putting effort into...
  37. S

    Clicker training questions

    Hi, I recently got a DYH Amazon from a friend. She is somewhere between 6-10 years old I believe. She knows a few sounds, not really any words unless you count gibberish. I am starting to clicker train her and I have a few questions: Is it going to be a lot harder to train her since I didn't...
  38. P

    When will my Quaker start learning to talk??

    I bought a Quaker a few days ago, and I was told he was 2 years old, but now I'm told he's less than a year old. Whichever the case, mine is very tame and friendly. He'll fly to anyone's shoulders, he's used to being indoors (he won't even fly toward the windows), he loves being petted and...
  39. D

    David from El Paso

    I just bought a beautiful little 14 week old lovebird. She's really sweet and seems to be settling in nicely to our home. I have a quick question to start with... There are conflicting methods on how to gain your parrot's trust. A lot of people have said that I should just let the parrot be and...
  40. D

    Cockatoos and kids

    I recently adopted a 4 year old cockatoo. Recently meaning yesterday. I have some experience with them as I am a pet sitter but without doubt have a ton to learn. The person that I got her from is a client of mine. Molly (the bird) has always been very sweet to me when I was caring for her. Her...
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