
  1. J

    training my budgie to come out of her cage by herself

    Recently I bought my parakeet toys designed to hook outside of her cage and perch on. I hooked her cage open so she would be able to get to them easy. However, I didn't know where to start in helping her realize she can come in and out however she wants as she pleases. I started with getting her...
  2. A

    Young Green Cheek Biting

    I recently adopted a 6 month old green cheek conure. Problem is, he's rather nippy. I've done so much research and tried so many methods in order to get him to stop, but nothing has worked. He bites hard to the point it breaks my skin. Here is what I have tried so far: - Blowing on him gently...
  3. A

    I need a little advise here

    in a past post I told my story regarding a parakeet flew in my window. I live in a loft very big with lots of natural perches all over the place it took a while but she got used to me and sometimes allow me to get my hand verycloce.OnceI got her to perch on my hand.One problem ( as I see it) is...
  4. N

    He won't step up!!!

    So me and yoshi, my GCC seemed to be on the right path in forming a bond - he started taking food from my hand through his cage, then inside the cage and then from the palm of my hand all in the same week after 1 month. But now we seem to have reached a stagnant point in which he refuses to step...
  5. N

    Training continues...

    Training continues...i'm stuck I've had my GCC, Yoshi for just over a month now and he's made major progress since i first got him - initially he was afraid of hands but now he takes food from my palm with no hesitation. Next step in his training is for him to actually go onto my hand, i've...
  6. K

    I'm at the end of my rope with the squawking!!!

    Hey folks, I need help!! I have an 11 year old Meyers parrot. She has her own room, which is our spare bedroom with a wonderful view of the backyard and big old trees. She loves her cage, but she is constantly squawking! If we leave her for more than 15-20 mins, she's squawking. We have been...
  7. FrancisMom

    Training out attack behavior

    I need advice either from someone who has dealt with this successfully or "all y'all" brainstorming about how to do this. It's an old story: I have Francie, the U2, as well as two cats. The cats were raised by me and don't even know that a bird is prey. They're scared to death of Francie...
  8. W

    IRN screaming behavior help

    I have an approximately 5yo IRN named angel. I’ve had him for about four years and I’m his third home. His first home was a breeder and his second home couldn’t keep him after several months due to a disabled child. I say this because I don’t know if this is partly why he is so attached to me...
  9. PenClem

    Behavior modification training w/Lovebird

    Backstory: one of two 3 y/o Peach-faced Lovebirds who became increasingly aggressive towards me (the only person who handles her) over the last several months, especially with regard to her cage. She wouldn't let me remove or place bowls of food and water without trying to bite me. Most of the...
  10. I

    A Kermit Training Update

    Hey all, I posted a while back about my progress with harness training. That was about a month ago. I'm happy to say Houston, we have progress I've been pretty busy so this is only with a 10-15 minute training session per day (which is shared with the second piece...
  11. L

    Ringneck training tips

    Hello! It's been a short while since I've been on here. So I am hopefully getting my first hand reared baby ringneck next year. I have been constantly researching about everything to do with ringnecks! I met one in person the other day in a pet shop near where I live. I got really close to the...
  12. N

    Need Help with Rescued Conure

    A week ago, I rescued a 10 yo female Jenday Conure from a lady online. I was told she'd step up, was friendly, and preferred men. That, besides her age and gender, is all I was told. She refused to let me come over to meet the bird, which I found understandable given internet stranger, but I...
  13. N

    Training new GCC

    Hi, new here. Recently (yesterday) my partner and myself brought a Green Cheek Conure (Pineapple x Red Front colouring) from a pet shop. Horrible conditions, small cages and hardly good drinking water. It is extremely obvious that Bean (what we ended up naming them and they had no DNA test done...
  14. D

    not making much progress training

    So I have a parrotlet :green2: I got from a pet store, although I much prefer from breeders. She's one year old and I have had her for one month. I have her cage across from my 2 green cheek conures, and I've been trying to hand tame her at her own pace, but not making any real progress. I was...
  15. B

    Aggressive Conure - Looking for Help

    Hi all! I'm new here and have owned a little Green Cheek named Juju for a couple years now. She's incredibly aggressive (biter) and I'm hoping some of you might be able to offer some tips for training to make her a little more handleable. First some backstory for Juju: I got her a few years...
  16. L

    Controlling noise from an IRN

    Hello! So I have been reading into trying to keep the noise down with an Indian ringneck. I am getting one next year! I know they are loud birds when they want to be and that is fine by me, not so much by my boyfriend but I have looked into other parrots and the loudness is the only downfall to...
  17. L

    IRN training

    Hello again! Here to ask yet more questions before I get my bird next year haha. So I read that not every bird talks, but Indian ringnecks will more than likely talk if given the proper training and time and effort. Is this true? I really want my ringneck to talk (if it doesn't then I will still...
  18. T

    Gonna Foster an aggressive/paranoid Eclectus, I need some tips

    So I have decided to foster a male ekki on from craigslist, I am fostering it because the current owner is scared to let it out of its cage and handle it, 6 months ago he had a tangle up in the owners blinds, and though it was not injured, it was became aggressive, and refused to step up and...
  19. M

    Conure keeps climbing me ?!

    My 13 week old pineapple conure has been acting very weird with me lately. He will climb up my arm to my shoulder, bite my ear and play with my hair but when I try to pet him he lets out these tiny screams and bites me. Hard. He didn’t do this when I first got him and we would cuddle and he...
  20. R

    Need help with training

    Hey guys! So I'll try to keep this short and sweet: Last december I got a Lovebird, it was a present from my boyfriend which was an issue since he wasn't really informed about the differences between a hand raised lovebird and one raised by its parents. It seems to me he wasn't used to being...
  21. H

    Scared Eclectus Need Help!

    Hi Guys 10 days ago i bought a new 1 year old Eclectus. He is very quiet and scared of us specially when we try to comfort him . Moreover he is afraid of any hand contact, even treat or food given by hand. He will stay on his perch for the whole day and at night will go inside the cage to...
  22. M

    Harness Training Update

    Hi again lol so I’ve been working with my 3 year old sun conure Mari for a few days now. At first she hid in my shirt from the harness. Now, I hold it up and put some seeds in front of her and the only way she can eat the seeds is if she puts her head thru the hole of the harness. And she’s on...
  23. Jferrand526

    Need your opinions.

    I don’t know if this is in the right section of the forum or not, sorry. So I went to the PetExpo thinking it would help cheer me up after losing Blue and it did a little bit. I met a lot of bird owners there and had fun in general but I had a few questions. There was a bird show there by the...
  24. Migi.oso.priti

    Are my training sessions with my bird hurting our relationship?

    Hello all, I'm brand new to the forum and I joined to get feedback on this question. I got a 5 month old Indian Ringneck named Dagger (when I first met him he bit me and drew blood, hence the name) about a month ago and I've been taking all the typical advice (no sudden movements, soft kind...
  25. shecarknee

    How to tame a bird??

    Hey, So i recently adopted two conures ( taco and tequila ), taco is 4 and was a hand raised bird were as tequila is 1 and hasn’t been handled. taco is really nippy and tequila is really flighty. Is there tips on getting them used to my hand and to tame them? Thankyou! :orange:
  26. B

    Help! New to Conures! My friendly Conure isn't playful?

    Hello! My husband and I just got our first Conure about a month ago. She's a Black Capped Conure and her name is Sage. We got her from a specialty bird store, so she was hand fed and very friendly. She's 5 months old now. She'll step up (but I don't think she really knows the command), I haven't...
  27. I

    One step forward, 5 steps backwards [harness training]

    Over a year ago I ordered a harness for Kermit with the hope that, someday, I could get her to wear it. I really didn't have many expectations on timeline. I took it slowly, made a game with wearing rubber bands to get her used to something around her neck, and ultimately got her to the point...
  28. R

    Is there a way to get my GCC to stop screaming when she is in her cage?

    Hello, My GCC Cosmo is usually a very well behaved bird and is quiet whenever we are hanging out or she's playing with her toys, but any time she is in her cage she screams and screams unless I either let her out or whisper at her very quietly. The problem is that i live in an apartment and...
  29. J

    Unstable, but not Critical

    Hi everyone, Welcome to my first ever post on a forum. I am not very experienced with raising birds so please excuse me if I am ignorant in some of these matters. I have broken down this post in to the backstory, the problems faced and the questions i would like to have answered. Also, a big...
  30. dantes_beak

    Training for baby alexandrine

    Hi all :) I am excited to join the community and learn as much as I can. I have had my 4 month old alexandrine for two weeks now and already love him to bits. I got him from a fantastic breeder who hand-raised him and gave him a very loving start to life. At this stage, he knows how to step...
  31. M

    Can you train your birds to stop chewing wires?

    Okay, so I've never had much of a problem with my Goffin chewing wires until recently and, with the profession I have, it's hard to keep wires out of the way. I'm an open cage believer, which means my cages are always open; open door, open top all day long - as long as it's not bedtime or I'm...
  32. Soyajam

    Training Babies - Motivation + Rewarding

    Hi guys! So Remi my 3.5 month Eclectus has been home now for almost 3 weeks. It's clear she is beginning to settle and relax, with lots of calm and contented behaviour. I am interested in getting her used to the idea of training, even if it's just "clicker charging". At the moment though...
  33. 1

    Cinnamon Green Cheek not liking back touching

    I have had Limon for about 3 weeks now and he is now 6 months old. He enjoys being scratched on the head, nibbling my ear, and cuddling up next to my hair . I have recently been trying to get him comfortable with my hands so that he can lay down on my hands. He was being very reluctant when i...
  34. W

    Conure Wants Cuddles But Bites

    I recently adopted a conure from someone. The bird has no problem with new environments and is very calm and quiet. She loves cuddles and wants them 24/7 , however she bites me almost every time she cuddles me. I go to change her water and I get bitten. She wants the contact, she just wants her...
  35. coral3

    How to ensure your dog/puppy doesn't hurt your bird?

    Hi there... We have a much-loved Alexandrine parrot, Ringo. He is almost 5yo, lives in his cage most of the time but comes out for play & flying time around the house regularly. At the moment we are on the waiting list for a dog. We've decided to get a pup rather than adopt an adult dog as I...
  36. D

    Helpless about our GCC

    Our green cheek Doc is about a year old and my gf and I just feel helpless. We think Doc's a male, so I'll just keep using that pronoun for the sake of simplicity. He doesn't show any symptoms of poor health, has regular sleep, good appetite and has been to our new home long enough to get...
  37. peachykeen

    Help Training an Older Bird

    I've had my conure Oscar for about a month now, so I think it's time to start getting serious about training. However, she's an older bird (at least 15), so I'm worried her habits will be a bit harder to break. The only major issue she has is, as her owner said on her surrender papers, she's...
  38. Oedipussrex

    Charlie a re-home with a few annoying quirks...

    Hi everyone! This isn't our first rodeo, but this will be my first cockatoo. My mum and grandparents used to have a different galah & corella, but I don't really consider them, or our other old birds, real cockatoo experience on my behalf. Meet Charlie. Everyone was calling Charlie "him"...
  39. F

    Introducing our flock of 3 parrots <3

    Hello!!! We've been long-time lurkers of this forum. Without it, we wouldn't be the parrot parents (what a tongue twister) that we are today! African grey Bella, Meyers parrot Lemon, and Happy the green cheek conure are our pride and joy. It would mean a lot to us if you could visit and...
  40. DillyAndBaby

    Dilly being naughty!

    Hi all, I've received a lot of great training advice from this forum! My very naughty GCC, Dilly, seems to be making improvement (slowly but surely). This though is a video of Dilly being naughty: She does this a lot... She will find a hiding place and...
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