
  1. D

    Indian Ringneck Taming.

    Alright so hopefully this is the right area for this, but I'd like to get some advice on taming my newest IRN. I only brought it a day ago at around 6 months, so I haven't a sex for it yet. I'm hoping to tame it over time, I've already had time handling birds, and have hand raised a couple of...
  2. MaraWentz

    Taming A Red Front

    I had a previous flightless red front macaw. Well, he has been passed for almost a whole year now (vet put him under for blood work and he regurgitated), so my husband and I bought a new one, but a female. She is over a year old now and was greatly bonded to her sister. We met her last fall...
  3. I

    Could a six months old rosella be tamed?

    Hello, I've been given a female eastern rosella. She is about six months and I've been told she's grown up in an aviary with other birds. Now I have her in a cage, outside. She eats her seeds, sometimes whistles, and seems quite fine. Still, when I approach too near the cage, she takes fright...
  4. N

    Hello. :) (A Bit of Help, If You Please)

    Hey. :) I adopted a lovebird a few days ago. She was a breeder whose mate had died. I worked at a pet store which specialized in birds, so I do know the basic ways of taming a bird. She is an enigma to me, though!! She is comfortable around me- she'll land on my head, shoulders, and loves to be...
  5. C

    How hard is it to tame conures?

    My green cheek conure was my first bird and I am so in love with birds that I want another conure to add to my flock! :) I'm not home for 10 hours a day because school is 8 hours and it's a while away from where I live so I'm sure my little girl would like a cage neighbor to chirp to. I have...
  6. sportzchikki

    behaviorist needed for rosella

    my name is kristin. i have a beautiful rosella named skittles. i have had skittles for little over a year. i bought him/her from petco. i am his 3rd owner. the 1st owner brought him back because he bought him for his son and the son was bit. the 2nd owner did not have the time and patience to...
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