
  1. N

    I'm finally winning him around!!

    So this isn't a question but I am absolutely overjoyed at me and Yoshi's progress.. After a month of absolute stress, Yoshi is finally realising I'm a friend (or a treat-giver). In the last 4 days we have made huge progress. I think this could possibly help someone who's still in the taming...
  2. L

    Taming 1 Year Old IRN

    Hi all, I'm having trouble taming my IRN. Butters is a creamino, about 14 months old. He's afraid of hands and I'm having a lot of trouble helping him get over it. He'll take food from my hands and I can get him to step up onto a coffee mug, but he nips at my hands and bites hard enough to...
  3. N

    My new conure is terrified of my hands! Help!

    Hi all, I got my little yoshi (GCC) 6 days ago, I've started to let him out for the past 2 days and he's fine, he doesn't get freaked out if i get to close to him but as soon as i put my hands towards him he flies away. Today i let him out and closed his cage door - i figured this way he won't...
  4. DaisyChick62

    Budgie Advice

    So my little sister got a couple of budgies a few months back and ive been trying to help her take care of them better (shes nine and their mom doesnt really know much about their care.) so ive been researching and switched their diet from only seeds to about 10% seeds and 90% pellets. (They...
  5. Y

    NEED HELP!! two week old budgies

    Hi. So before anyone yells at me for not knowing how to take care of budgies, I just wanted to say that I did not plan on adopting any birds. A few days ago, I noticed my friend post pics of her budgies and she captioned it "someone take them or I will give them to a shelter". I don't know much...
  6. S

    Hi new member

    Hello everyone. I've just bought a young gray cockatiel 9 wks old not hand reared last week. I've looked online on how best to hand tame him but there's to many videos etc which show you how to get them to step up and I'm no where near that yet lol. I've been sitting close to his (I hope ) cage...
  7. L

    Baby Indian Ringneck Afraid of Hands

    Hello, I just purchased a baby Indian Ringneck a couple days ago. I don't know the gender and haven't named it yet. It's about 8 months old and wasn't handled much at the store I got it from. It gets really scared if I stick my hand in the cage and runs away. I tried taking it out of the cage a...
  8. Conureflock

    Shy Conure - Need help taming

    Whilst I’m a new member, this isn’t the first time I’ve used this site for help! I have 2 conures, a pineapple whom I’ve had a few months now called Alby, she’s very tame and completely comfortable with me. I decided to get her (not sexed just decided she was a she!) a companion, not a cage...
  9. K

    My parakeet only comes to me when I have food.

    Trouble Taming I've had 4 parakeets each I love very much. I'd take a bullet for them, but the sad thing is, I feel they don't love me back. I clean their cage food, and water every day giving the fruits and vegetables as well everyday! They aren't tamed yet, It's been almost a year. They...
  10. CakeMarie

    Some detailed tips for taming a new cockatiel?

    Heya everybody! Wanted to updated you guys that hohenheim is just fine :) thankfully. He's been very happy, whistling to me if I try to leave the room, inching toward me to his cage and eats millet from my hand now! I was wondering if I could have a few tips for taming him? I'm slowing trying to...
  11. R

    Need help with training

    Hey guys! So I'll try to keep this short and sweet: Last december I got a Lovebird, it was a present from my boyfriend which was an issue since he wasn't really informed about the differences between a hand raised lovebird and one raised by its parents. It seems to me he wasn't used to being...
  12. CautionBlondeWithBrain

    To Tame Lovebirds Whom I've Had For Years

    So I have a pair of lovebirds, a blue masked named Satchmo who does not bite when I pick him up no matter what and I'm half sure he was hand fed. Then I have Lola who is Seagreen Pied Peachface who I got more recently. She does bite anytime you pick her up and is more "wild". I do not think she...
  13. Midnightstarian

    Training/Clicker? Budgie

    Hello i have a budgie i'm wanting my budgie to learn how to step up he will eat from my hand and allow me to "Sometimes" touch his belly. But he doesn't like belly touching and i'm scared to push it or brake his trust we've already come ineradicable far given it's his first week home. So i'm...
  14. thatdamnjodie

    Grumpy Cockatiel

    Newbie here! :yellow1: I need some help with what I guess could be called "re-taming" my bird. For context and history, there's a few paragraphs here. Sorry for that! I've got a male cockatiel named George who is about 4 years old now. He came to us hand-raised from a breeder and was our first...
  15. A

    New Cockatiel bird owner, need help taming!

    Hello, I just recently got a cockatiel about a week and half ago from a pet store. I always knew that it’s better to get them from a breeder but I fell in love with him the moment I saw him and just had to get him. However, im currently having trouble taming him. He’s very feisty and always...
  16. K

    Introduction Post

    Hello everyone! I'm a new member of the parrotforums website, but I've been lurking this site for a couple of years now. I've started wanting a bird for a companion about five years ago from now, but I didn't have the opportunity to have one until I received one for Christmas just last year as...
  17. S

    Lovebird taming help

    Hey im a new bird mom and i got two male lovebirds. This is my first day having them and i named them mars and saturn. Saturn is so chill with letting people carry him. Mars on the other hand...mars is very not chill lol. He bit me while i was getting him out of the transport cage and was...
  18. S

    Tips on Helping a Lovebird Warm Up?

    Hello! This is the first time I've posted to any forum in a long while, but I thought it would be extremely helpful to garner some tips. I recently purchased a Peach-Faced Lovebird last Saturday that I have named Palmer. I also purchased the necessities (larger cage, toys, cuttlebone, etc.) and...
  19. K

    First time kakariki owner!

    Hi everyone :) I've never owned any species of bird before so I am a complete newbie! Really enjoying my kakariki, he's shy but we're taking taming slowly, little by little as I have read this is the best way not to spook him! We got just the one bird Thinking it would be easier to tame, but...
  20. S

    advice for taming pair of aviary cockatiels

    Hi everyone. I have found a person looking to rehome their cockatiels. They are adorable pair of male and female. However the owner says they haven't had time to tame them so they never leave their cage. My main concerns are: Would having a pair of untamed birds make taming them difficult? As...
  21. K

    Help with training a cutie!

    Hi! So I recently adopted a 14 month old Pineapple Conure called Lilly! She's incredibly cute and doesn't bite. She's very shy and untame but very excitable... she loves to fly around the room but I'm unsure if I should be allowing this before taming? Should I? I've made sure it's bird proof...
  22. B

    New Budgie taming

    Hi all! So I just want to ask how is my progress and what can I do to make things a little better or smoother... Okay so firstly...I have had my new budgie,Toby,for two weeks now. He is still very quiet and shy. He eats well, mostly seed right now but he has eaten few veggies like lettuce and he...
  23. M

    Training a 3 month lovebird

    Hello I've just bought a 3 months old untamed Fischer lovebird. It's been two days now since I bought it, I'm not sure what gender it is. I brought it in carry box ( small wooden cage) and put it in a cage. It got used to where the food and water is but when I approach the cage it gets scared...
  24. M

    Yellow Rossela - Help taming?

    Hello, greetings from Greece! I just got a yellow rosella off my grandpa, and according to his chip that is attatched to his leg he is already 12 years old. Since my grandfather bought him however, he has never gotten out of his cage and I really want to set him free to walk around in the house...
  25. S

    Old Masked Lovebird Taming Advice

    My bird is a 10 year old masked lovebird and isn't afraid of hands if they're outside of the cage. He also tends to bite ALOT and often breaks skin and I cant get myself to let him bite me without gloves. I really need tips and advice on taming him.:rainbow1:
  26. lorika

    Questions from a first-time lorikeet owner

    Hi everyone! ^-^ From the depths of the Netherlands I come to you. I'm hoping to get a rainbow lorikeet soon and I am just full of questions. 1. He/she will then be about 7 weeks old. Is that an appropriate age to get a bird at? Will I have to feed her or will she be self-sufficient? 2. At...
  27. E

    Are they ever still?

    Hi there, I recently purchased a six month old female Rainbow lorikeet. She is very sweet, but when she comes out of her cage she is never still. I can't hold her on my hand, or get her to stand on a playstand and play. It's very exhausting. Will she always be this way, or can she be tamed...
  28. veimar

    I know I shouldn't have, but...

    … but I saw this young women with 4 kids posting on CL over and over about an IRN baby she couldn't tame and didn't have time for. First I didn't pay attention since IRN wasn't anything I was looking for, but seeing this frantic ad for the fourth time I picked up the phone and called her… She...
  29. K

    Target Training Progress Question

    So I recently started target training my bird in its cage since it's still not really tamed but he doesn't move much. He likes millet so I give him that after he touches the tip of the stick. He only touches the stick when it's right in front of him, below, or a little bit over. I did it many...
  30. K

    Taming a shy conure

    So yesterday I got a 6 month old Cinnamon Turquoise Conure. I found the owner on craigslist and they were super nice, they just didn't have time to take care of the bird anymore. He/she isn't hand tamed and bit me pretty hard when trying to put them in their new clean cage. This morning they...
  31. veimar

    We made some progress! (Pictures included)

    I posted here about 2 yo cockatiel I adopted a little over a month ago. He came from very rough conditions, and I felt pretty hopeless after a few weeks. He was never handled, probably not hand raised, hated and bit my hands, was asocial and would just sit on one spot for hours. I introduced him...
  32. L

    Taming Lovebirds

    Okay, I've tried taming them forever but it won't work. :( I've had Maxwell and Claire, two abused lovebirds that I rescued from a swap meet, where they were treated terribly, for about two and a half years. Claire is a bit more laid back but she did bite me once. They are not clipped, because...
  33. S

    Update on Mia! (Lots of pictures!)

    So I've been trying clicker training and she HATES the sound. It makes her really aggressive. I tried muffling it a lot but to no avail. I suppose I'll just use the word good or something but I really like how precise the clicker is. Anyways she bites when I put my hand in her vicinity and when...
  34. S

    Is it too late to train/ tame?

    Is it too late to train/ tame cockatiel? Hello, Little disclaimer, sorry this is going to be a bit long, I just want to put out all the details. So I got a cockatiel about 6 months ago. I bought him from a guy who had about 20 cockatiels in a huge cage, but he never took them out or handled...
  35. F

    How to tame my lovebirds

    Hi, I have two lovebirds that I've had for about 5 years. They let me hand feed them bread through the cage, but freak out if I try to touch them or put my hand in the cage. How can I tame them to let me carry them around? Or is it too late?
  36. M

    Taking on my biggest challenge yet.

    The name's Jo, I've got two peach-faced lovebirds, and I just found out this place exists. Me: I'm a young animal lover and bird enthusiast; I grew up surrounded by animals and I can't imagine life without them. I used to have two budgies when I was a kid, at which point they were mostly cared...
  37. Jamie_95

    Taming young budgies ?

    So one of my younger brothers and I are THINKING about getting a little baby budgie or two from our local bird breeder. And i was going to try to tame them and make them a bit social. When i was younger our family always had budgies, but we eventually upgraded to Lovebirds. And now i kind of...
  38. S

    Just adopted a 3 year old amazon, advice please!

    Hello, I've just joined this forum so I'm trying to get used to it (took me ages to work out how to even post a forum haha) anyway, one of our neighbours has a family member who has needed to make a big change in his life by re-homing his beautiful 3 year old amazon parrot. My family were...
  39. L

    newbie just got 2 parakeets(aid needed)

    Hi guys I recently became the owner of 2 cute parakeets. They were passed on to my girlfriend from her late grandfather, so we really do not have much experience with the sort. Also, I'm not sure how old they are, but pretty sure the youngest is somewhere between 2-4 years, and the oldest a...
  40. C

    confused about new conure

    Ok so I just got a sun conure on Sunday night so I have had him for two full days. Yesterday he was really aggressive and scared whenever I would try to take him out of the cage and he bit me so I decided to leave him alone. I don't want him to bite me anymore so I tried to leave him alone...
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