
  1. C

    Taming 2 Budgies

    So, I have two budgies, both female, named Blueberry and Snowball. They should be around 5-7 years old. I love them and they... tolerate me. I've had them for several years and have worked with them on stepping up with the motivation of treats, but they still don't trust me. I need help getting...
  2. Nolgi

    What’s my next move in taming my budgies?

    I’ve got four lovely budgies, I adore them so much. After three years I am finally getting past some of my health issues enough to stick to taming them. Having known me for this long, they are very friendly and sweet - as long as we have cage bars between us. I’ve been able to work them up to...
  3. S

    Mutation and How to tame an IRN T.T

    So.... I got a ringneck from a pet store about a month ago. The store was going out of business... He was the only bird that was available other than budgies(originally I was planning to get senegal parrot but he was sold already). I was told that IRN is a he, less than a year old, handfed and...
  4. Fauna

    How to begin the bonding process with baby bird?

    Brought this sweet baby home a few days ago. Shes super lively, adventurous and curious about everything. She will immediately go and explore any new thing that is put in, and around her cage. I want to start getting her used to my hands but i dont know what the best way to do it would be. Its...
  5. F

    Taming a skittish but friendly lovebird

    I got a new lovebird ~6 months ago (he's almost one and a half), and I've slowly made some progress taming him, but it's been especially slow for a while now. He can fly, so I bring him to a bathroom for clicker training to limit his flight space. I'm able to get him to step up and sit on my...
  6. S

    Probability of Taming

    Hi everyone, this is probably a very popular question but I wanted to gain some opinions from others. I currently have a 1 year old budgie (give or take) that was previously owned by an acquaintance. He claims that he got her when she was young and used to have a very close bond with her up...
  7. A

    Can a non-hand fed parrotlet be tamed?

    Hello everyone, I want to buy a parrotlet. I tried searching for hand fed ones but unfortunately this period they only have parrot fed ones. My question is, can a parrotlet that has not been hand fed be tamed? Talking about parrotlets that are about 2-3 months old so they can eat on their own...
  8. 00089

    Avian companionship

    My bird is a softbill and not a parrot, but I still want to be an active member here. I encourage you to participate in the discussion of avian companionship. I think about my relationship with my canary a lot. I have owned many pets throughout the years, several species, and there wasn't a...
  9. Fauna

    Lil gray spots near eyes?

    My parents got me a couple of budgies last summer. I love them to death but ive never been able to fully tame them. The only times they’re willing to step onto me or even let me get close is when they fly too far from their cage and need help getting back. This time my girl Edith flew right out...
  10. Birdfriendly

    Don't tame it if you want to sell it!

    A local breeder promised I could have first pick from her violet colored, single factor spangle, clear wing clutch. I was so excited, I purchased a cage in anticipation. I was ready and waiting, except for one small green problem: the cage-seller surprised me with a tenant. Inside the cage...
  11. ayahllm

    Aggressive cockateil

    Hey everyone ! First of all I don't really know if this message goes here and if it doesn't im so sorry :') Yesterday I got my first rescue bird, a pretty cockatiel named Bonnie ! I know he went through quite some stuff to say the least. The thing is he is VERY aggressive, which is normal. He...
  12. D

    Wild Parrotlet

    Hello everyone! My history: 4 years at a pet store taming birds. I use to work with the “difficult” / abused birds to help them get re adjusted and to trust people again. I use to bring home some birds to work with them after years of abuse to get them to the point of trusting people again...
  13. B

    Taming rossela parrot again

    Hello everyone, So, in 2017 I've got a rossela parrot. He was previously taken care of by a human breeder(since he was born) so he wasnt scared of humans. He lived with me and my dad. He was a very well behaved parrot. He wouldnt bite you very often, he would always fly over to your finger...
  14. P

    Help needed for a female Eclectus.

    Hi, I’m new to this whole thing so please help me out. :) Just a few days ago I brought my 14 week old female eclectus. I was able to let her come out of her carrier on her own before transporting her into a cage my supplier provided. She is comfortable with me hand feeding her if the food is...
  15. A

    Experienced Owner Training Tips

    Hello everyone. After owning a Budgie as a kid I recently bought another one: Limoncello. A beautiful male budgie. Years ago, I tamed my old bird essentially by leaving my hand in the cage long enough for her to become comfortable stepping up and being petted. As successful as this was, in...
  16. A

    First Time Lovebird Tamer

    Hello everyone. About 3 weeks ago now I purchased my beautiful Lovebird: Frosty. While I am not a beginner parrot owner, this is my first Lovebird. I am following the usual pattern of placing hands on cage and spending lots of time around him to build comfort, however, I would love some more...
  17. Katrina38

    Baby budgie- flighted and on meds

    I need help! I have a 14 week old handfed English budgie that we have had for about 3 weeks now. He came to us with a respiratory infection and clipped to the point that he couldn’t even flutter. With that said, bonding has been hard because I have had to give the poor babe medicine almost...
  18. H


    My budgie who for privacy I'm just gonna refer to as T. T has never trusted me since i brought her home, she had a cage mate who died awhile back who ill call K, K was always the brave one who would try and bite me if i even entered my hand into their cage, while T would just run or hide. K's...
  19. leafexn

    Help Taming

    The budgie I bought back in August is a really tough bird to tame. I've tried taming her the same way I tamed my other bird (who is very close and friendly with me, flies onto my head whenever he pleases, likes kissing, etc.) But that didn't work, so eventually I'd just sit down for hours with...
  20. L

    Struggling with untamed Ringneck

    Hello all! I'm struggling to know whether I am able to keep an INR (Mr Wong) I adopted from my tai chi teacher. I was told that Mr Wong is "totally tame", "loved being with people" and "could go outside on your shoulder without flying away" all of which are absolutely not true. His wings are...
  21. R

    Taming two old budgies? Is there a way?

    Hi! I was searching the web for a place to ask this and found this page. First time poster. I have a situation with my two budgies. Background info: I had two, got one more from someone who couldn't keep him any longer, then one of the originals passed away. One of them is about 7 years old...
  22. E

    Can you tame a 10m old parent reared Caique?

    Hello, I'm currently interested in getting a caique of my own. I have the experience of taming my sisters 6 month old caique who was parent reared but was handled every day as a baby in the nest. Taming him was quite easy for me and I'm a pretty patient person. I have found an advert for a 10...
  23. Z

    Taming a cockatiel

    I got a Cockatiel this past weekend, Hebe. The place I got her form already clipped her wings. They took her out and the guy forced her onto his hand. At this and the fact that she was alone in her cage made me want her. Whenever I put my hands close, she looks like she wants to bite me, and...
  24. E

    Untame bird teaching baby to be scared

    It's so hard to find good information about this! Someone please help. I have one female budgie about 6-7 months old, she is from a pet shop and pretty scared. I sat by her cage 24/7 first 5 weeks she lived with me and she got pretty comfortable with me being around. She will eat millet from my...
  25. WillowAndGingko

    How to tame my BC conure/loss of trust?

    I have had my black capped conure Ginkgo for almost a month and a half and he's settled in and is getting along great with my budgie but is still scared of me and my hands. I talk to him sometimes and let him out of the cage for a couple hours everyday, he has toys and has been using those. How...
  26. G

    Help me tame my Conure

    Hello everyone, I recently got my newest little buddy, Kiwi/Link (still can't decide) the green cheek conure, other than a Fischer Lovebird :rainbow1:, this is my first experience taming and bonding with a bird. I've done a lot of research before getting him and I understand the general...
  27. millet

    My 3 months old ringneck isn't interested in any kind of interaction.

    When i got my male ringneck around 2 weeks ago, he was wild, and afraid of everyone. Now 2 weeks later, he steps up, flies to me, takes treats from my hand, and he is also target trained. But he doesn't care about any form of interaction. He isn't afraid of my hand anymore, but when my fingers...
  28. R

    Advice on adopting aviary bird

    Hello all I’m looking at taking a aviary bird from a pet shop that is basically just going to be thrown back in to circulation if I don’t take it,it’s 5-6 months old and is a gcc not sure what sex the reason why I’m writing this is because I’m wondering if it’s worth it to take it at that age or...
  29. M

    Several questions about taking care of my african grey

    Hello, my african grey is 3 years old and it doesn't behave in the way I'd like it to. I usually face some problems with it and would like some help and advice. 1. I used to spend alot of time with him whenever he would be outside the cage but he never bonded with me. He bonded with two...
  30. M

    Struggling to tame budgies

    Hi, I got my first budgie on the 11th January 2020. She is okay with me touching her and will go on my finger however she started to show signs of loneliness so we decided to get another budgie for her on the 21st of February 2020. This other budgie we named Rio is so scared of humans, he hides...
  31. N

    Desperately seeking help with terrified QP!

    Hi everyone, I’ve had my QP Nova for over 6 months now and I really need reassurance and advice. She was 3 months when I got her and would now be around 9 months. It’s important to note also that she has no use of her left foot at all, my vet is aware and happy to leave her be with it since...
  32. B

    Trying to help my new bird relax and do normal bird stuff again

    Hello Parrot Forums! My girlfriend and I are first time bird owners who have recently adopted a little blue parakeet, Selene, who needed a permanent home. Unfortunately, she has had a bit of a difficult life before coming to live with us-- she was dumped by her first owner when they moved and...
  33. Melscamp

    Excited birb mom

    Hunny Sunny Munny Bunny and Roger are adjusting well to their new room. I gave them my extra bedroom and set everything up for the to be free in there. My friend had said I shouldn't let them out before hand taming them, but I couldn't do that to them. They love flying around! They are about a...
  34. 2

    Need help with my parakeets

    I have 2 parakeets that are not tamed and they will not trust my hand but they come to my hand when i have millet or seeds but when i try to get them to step onto my finger they dont want to step up and i think i have scared them and i dont know if they will trust my hand again or be scared of...
  35. G

    It's been 6 months, 0 progress.

    Alright, today was the first time I scolded my IRN. Literally, after months and months of trying to build trust, being extremely patient to all sorts of biting and misbehaviour, and getting him used to his environment, he still has some absolute hatred for me. Scratch that, it's not me, it's my...
  36. N

    New 4 month old Quaker baby! All tips/tricks welcome!

    Hi everyone! New Quaker parent here :) I've had my little Nova for about 2 weeks now and I absolutely ADORE the bones off her. I have a few questions I'm hoping some of you can answer for me if that's okay. 1. Taming I've got budgies that I managed to tame myself and I'm guessing the...
  37. M

    Yellow Sided Conure Help

    Hey there everyone. Im new to the forum so bare with me. Ive gotten a new Conure about a week ago and now this isnt my first conure but it is the first time the conure didn't become attached to me the first day. Lol I guess you can say I got lucky. His name is Phoenix. Now i know ive only had...
  38. H

    How difficult to tame a pair of cockatiels?

    I could soon be adopting a pair of cockatiels who I am told are between 6-8 months. As far as I know they haven't been handled much, if at all, and I want to know how difficult it is going to be to tame them? I have tamed a cockatiel before who was aviary bred but he was by himself and only 9...
  39. T

    I got a breeding pair of lovebirds as gifts and need help

    I am new here and this is my first time posting (joined because I thought it would be helpful to caring for the birds). A family member of mine received two masked lovebirds (if I am correct because the internet seems to give me weak answers) as a gift and I have co-ownership over the breeding...
  40. N

    He won't step up!!!

    So me and yoshi, my GCC seemed to be on the right path in forming a bond - he started taking food from my hand through his cage, then inside the cage and then from the palm of my hand all in the same week after 1 month. But now we seem to have reached a stagnant point in which he refuses to step...
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