Hi guys
I recently became the owner of 2 cute parakeets. They were passed on to my girlfriend from her late grandfather, so we really do not have much experience with the sort. Also, I'm not sure how old they are, but pretty sure the youngest is somewhere between 2-4 years, and the oldest a...
Hi guys. My kak (Sunny)laid her first ever egg last night but sadly i found it this morning cracked at the bottom of the cage and it was leaking. She wasnt near it (it was like she new it was broken) so i took it away? did i do the wrong thing?? Ive gave her a nest box and shes been in there for...
Hi... I have put a deposit down on a Rosey Bourke's parakeet. It should be ready in about 2-3 weeks. I already have two cockatiels, a green cheek conure, black capped conure and quaker. Yet I feel like I know NOTHING about the Bourke's. Any one here own one that can give me any pointers? I read...
I just joined this site tonight, and I was hoping someone could help me with a problem I'm having with my parakeet. His name is Buddy. He's the first pet bird I've ever had. I got him from a bird farm when he was about 2 1/2 months old. He's now about 4 months old. He was pretty easy...
Hey everyone!!! I am a new member and just wanted to say hello!!! If there are any tips anyone could give me that would be helpful lol. Thanks in advance.
I have a 8 week old alexandrine parakeet. He was never scared of me when i brought him home but then he fell sick. After his recovery he always hides himself behind stuff and avoids every person, even me. When i reach out my hand to cuddle him he gets scared and runs to a nearest corner and sits...
My Alexandrian parakeet is in a habit of flying around the house & we haven't gotten his feathers snipped; so he's usually all over the place whenever he's out of his cage.
Today he ran into a glass door & a wooden one when he was following me into the kitchen :(
He still made there but hit the...
I have no idea if it's male/female, we call it a he. He's about a year old now.
We got him from a local pet store that is really particular about who they give their pets to.
They make sure you have all the right things for the pets and even want you to bring the cages in before you take them...
Please help!! My parakeet Tweety is not comfortable out of her cage. I've had her for 4 years. She is always scared and watchful of everything, she tries to find a corner in the house that she can sit undisturbed, when she finds one she stays there. she was always the shy and guiet type...
I recently bought a pair of Alexandrine's that have already bred together once before(they're about 4 years old) - I'm going to hand raise their next babies, but i feel bad about taking their young ones out of the nest at about 2 weeks old. I'm worried about the mother... besides trying to...
Hi, my name is Cassandra and I have recently acquired a female parakeet. I have named her Echo and she is around 4-6 months old. I will be honest, I don't know a lot about birds so I have signed up here in hopes that I will have help if it is needed. I look forward to being an active member of...
My name is Tom and I live in Newark, DE. I love birds and had 2 parakeets when I was growing up: Polly:greenyellow: and Greeneroo :greenyellow: (guess what color he was). When I was older I had 2 cockatiels: the first one was a male named Arturo :yellow1:, who I had for 9 1/2 years. Artirp...