
  1. J

    Had A Trio Of Budgies. One Died & I Feel POWERLESS On What To Do Next(THEY ARE LONELY)

    I had 3 Budgies 1 Green Male(3-4 years Old) 1 White Female(3-4 years old) (Passed Away) 1 Blue Female(7 years old) They used to all be in the same big cage, in the same room. However, earlier of this month: Both females got sick. The White one with a tumor, and the other with a prolapsed...
  2. H


    My budgie who for privacy I'm just gonna refer to as T. T has never trusted me since i brought her home, she had a cage mate who died awhile back who ill call K, K was always the brave one who would try and bite me if i even entered my hand into their cage, while T would just run or hide. K's...
  3. I

    male chasing around female

    hi! new here and i wanted to get some advice. so, i've had my budgies for a while now. yogurt (female, since 2020?) blue (male, since 2020?) vert (male, since mid 2020?) (question marks because i'm not so sure) i have had previous budgies before! (2018-2019 but gave them away due to such...
  4. ARochester

    Volunteering as a parakeets sitter in NYC

    Hi everyone, this is Tai, 25 yrs old, a parakeet owner and lover. I am willing to offer free bird hosting and sitting to bird owners who need to travel or not be at home for a few days:-) The reason why I can do this is that I'm crazy about birds and really want to have one. But because I'm a...
  5. M

    help please

    hi guys..needed some help. ive had my birds for a long time and just recently moved into a new place with them. my white bird on the left keeps her head down while sleeping on the wooden stick. she sleeps in a vertical position with head down. is that normal? please help me i am so confused...
  6. Milkteeth

    Superb/Barraband parrot help!

    Hi all!! So… I stumbled into 2 superb parrots today! A kind customer from my work invited me and another coworker over- she has to move soon, and is slowly rehoming her birds to make this easier. When I came in and began speaking to her, she immediately showed me her two Barrabands, and was...
  7. H

    Need Help, Parakeet’s strange behaviour

    Hello, my birdie has been loosing feathers this week and now started feeling bad. She crosses her wings in a strange manner, is exhausted, moves strangely and is shaking. Most of the time she is sitting in strange places or on me when outside the cage, when in cage she goes down to the bottom...
  8. R

    Help identifying sex of new budgie, and color mutation if possible.

    I'm looking for help with the grey bird (Stormy) in the following pictures, it is full flighted and was not hand tame at all so it bumped its nose a bit on walls before it found its cage, visited vet and bird is completely fine aside from the bruises and scraped up cere, I waited a week for the...
  9. SandmanHDdddddd

    Budgies cant stop fighting!

    Hello, So I used to have 2 pairs of parakeets until one of the males passed away. For the last three months, they've been living normally in their large cage together. But for the last 3 weeks, the females have been at each other's necks. It got so bad that we decided to remove the single...
  10. R

    Help sexing my Clear Eye American Yellow budgie

  11. B

    parakeet chewing up wooden house

    I got my parakeet a wooden playground and she seems to love it but she chews up the wooden house into tiny pieces but doesn’t seem to me ingesting it? Should i just remove it all? It says it’s made up of natural wood and i understand that it’s normal for them to chew up wood, however do you...
  12. ARochester

    Hi! I'm new here. Will the parakeets be easily injured at home?

    Hello everyone, there are my parakeet couples, I call them Sparrow Magpie. For a long time, I just kept them in a cage. But recently, I just think about releasing them to fly at home, but I don't know if they will be easily injured outside her cage, such as bruises, or accidentally eating...
  13. 2

    I need help!!

    I have a 1.5 year old burger and I’ve been meaning to teach him some tricks. Unfortunately, he does not understand the concept that he has to do something for treats. Whenever I try to train him he just goes right for the treat and gets aggravated when I don’t give it to him. How should I go...
  14. jBurn801

    White poop please help.

    I noticed this morning that one of my budgies is pooping white and he's pooping more often than usual. I cleaned the cage and I've been watching him all day. He's been acting normal (singing, preening, eating, drinking, and playing). I've been observing his poop color throughout the day and...
  15. C

    Parakeet vent blocked?

    I?ve noticed a few days ago that one of my parakeets?s vent is blocked by parakeet poop possibly. I would?ve take him to the vet at first opportunity, but since I?m a minor and my mom didn?t want to take him I couldn?t really do anything except hope it becomes better. However, it seems as if...
  16. I

    Budgie with huge calcified growths on feet

    Hi everyone, a friend of a friend that lives in India has a bunch of parakeets they keep in a cage outside. They sent me these pictures of one of their parakeets with these huge calcified-looking growths on their feet and I?ve searched the Internet for what it could be but I can?t find anything...
  17. D

    HELP! Budgie vomiting and eating it

    I've had my budgie, Afina, for about six months now. She came from a pet store (I know, I know, it's not something I'm proud of). I'm not sure about her age. After adopting her, the pet store recommended a specific brand of food (ZuPreem Fruit Blend) as it's what they fed the birds in store...
  18. N

    Is this normal for a molting budgie?

    My budgies left wing has all her primary feathers, while her left has none. She lost them all from molting, and seems healthy, I'm just worried cuz now she cant fly
  19. A

    Territorial Budgie wants cage to himself

    Hi, I’ve had my blue budgie for almost 6 years. He had a cage mate until last year when he passed in the night. Until recently, he has been alone and actually kind of happier without a cage mate. He has a large cage more suited for 3-4 budgies to himself. A few days ago I got a lovely yellow...
  20. Ava.rg

    2 female budgies and one male?

    Hello so long story short would it be okay to keep 2 female budgies and 1 male together? So I have had 4 budgies for about 1 year and I had two budgies in one cage and two budgies in another but awhile ago one of the budgies passed away (about 5 months so the companion budgie has quarantined)...