help needed

  1. D

    Rescued a parrot and need help!

    Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong section but i need help. Basically i was at uni and there happened to be a parrot rescued, they left in a box by the main entrance (stupid i know) and apparently it was injured. I took it to a quiet darker room so it would calm down. Called RSPCA blah blah...
  2. R

    Sun Conure help!

    The other day I was looking in my Local Petco at the birds, when I spotted a beautiful bird named Weezy. He was a male Sun Conure and me and my mom both just started to look at him. And then out of no where a song came on and he started to dance! He climbed super quickly to the top of his cage...
  3. R

    Hello, got a new CAG and named him Isak, I need some help

    Hello everyone, I just got a 6 months old CAG yesterday from a breeder here in India. He is a very quiet since yesterday, eats little in daytime and eats in good quantity at night and plays around in the cage up and down sometimes. He is a little scared as he is new in the house, but he lets me...
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