help needed

  1. haleyd

    Flight suit for GCC?

    Hi everyone, I saw a forum about this recently but for the life of me I could not find it again. I plan to take my GCC with me basically everywhere I go that is suitable, and I believe a flight suit would allow me to do this. I would prefer one with a diaper included, purely because Conure poop...
  2. S

    Picking my First Bird

    Hi everyone! I'm sure this is an extremely common topic, but I would like to ask for specific advice pertaining to my life and picking a bird that is perfect for me. BACKGROUND BLAH BLAH: I'm 19 years old, and I commute to college from my parents house. In the future I plan on moving into my...
  3. C

    So scared it breaks my heart.

    I recently came to own a sweet quaker parrot, her name is Sol! I call her my little soul bird. She's a happy bird who loves her toys and cage, but is TERRIFIED of people. She's been this way since we got her from the pet store. She won't bite, but her little heart will race, she trembles, and...
  4. T

    GCC Not Perching?

    I just got my GCC today. He's almost fully weaned, I have to handfeed him once a day if he wants to eat it. When I brought him home, I put him in the cage, and he immediately started climbing the cage walls. The parrot store told me to put all of the perches down low, since he's only a baby, but...
  5. I

    What kind of bird should I get?

    I've been wanting a bird for a few years now and have never owned one previously. Most of my family is okay with getting a bird especially my sister who said she will help me care for them. I'm a sophomore in high school with a A/B average so I'm responsible. I've been wanting a Green Cheeked...
  6. G

    Opinion Needed....

    My name is Jamie, and I have a 4 year old Quaker parrot named Gary. He has been plucking his feathers since he was about two. At about June 2016 he cut in the crease under his wing, and so the vet put him in a cone and stitched him up. After he was healed he began picking under there, so I took...
  7. L

    Need Advice About New Conure

    Hello everyone!!! I just bought a new, four month old peach-fronted conure:green1: from a local bird breeder shop. They were very nice and told me they hand raised their birds, and also (of course) let me bond with my new friend for about a week before taking him home. While at first he was the...
  8. C

    What Species is my parrot and what is wroung with him

    Hi there, I got a parrot from one of my friends. Hi says its a 6 month old indian ringneck parrot who is loosing feathers. so i want to know is it really indian ringneck or any other species and what is wrong with its feather. i am really worried about it.
  9. A

    Help!! | Bird (budgie?) in retirement home

    Hi, In my grandparents' retirement home there are many fish and birds and one of these bird cages I'm a bit concerned about. The budgie (I think it's a budgie; small blue and white and some black bird; I typed in blue and white bird and the images that show up look a lot like it) kept in the...
  10. N

    Jake attacked Linus, veterinarian necessary?

    What happened was, My friend was working in the other room and he accidentally cut his hand pretty bad, I left the room for just a few minutes without putting Linus away and forgot that he likes to fly around. After showing my friend where the first aid kit was, I heard screaming coming from the...
  11. M

    Sun conure info?

    Hi everyone :) Since I am considering my second bird to be a sun conure, I was hoping that someone with a sun could tell me a bit about their experiences with them? Especially how loud they are and how much they vocalize. I have a gold cap already so I think the noise level is similar but I've...
  12. P

    Is this Normal Conure Behavior?

    Recently got my Jenday Conure boy, Tempest, from a parrot specialty store. They claimed he was handfed, and I do believe he was, but I'm wondering if he was force weaned. He hatched May 3rd, and was considered weaned on July 16th, that seems a little quick. I feel like I see most Jendays weaning...
  13. A

    Just bought a 9 week old eckie need help !!!

    Hey guys just bought a male eclectus, he's only 8-9 weeks old and bought him baby food ( the one you have to mix with hot water ) ... I need help guys because I don't know how much to feed him, how much baby food I have to put into the cup, and how long I stay feeding him this baby food for ...
  14. P

    Which Conure is Right for Me?

    I have a rather unique question to ask. First off a quick background, I have agoraphobia and almost never leave my house. When I do leave my home, I always bring a pet with me to help keep me calm and reduce panic attacks. I have recently come across a video of a Cockatoo that is a registered...
  15. M

    Need help with conure!

    Hi :) I recently got a 7 month old gold capped conure around 2 weeks ago. When I first brought her home, she got out of her carrier by herself and flew right to the cage door. For the first two days whenever I open the cage door she flies right out and goes on my shoulder but she would never...
  16. lorika

    Really upset :( Got bitten in the face, please help!

    Hey everyone :( I just had a pretty rough experience with my lorikeet. Some days he seems fine, yes he can get a little possessive but he usually doesn't lash out without warning. Just now, he was sitting on my hand while I was rinsing out his water bowl. Somehow this apparently enrages him...
  17. S

    I'm moving and need help!

    Hello everyone! I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, but I need help. I am moving to a new state and I have a sweet parrotlet named Sofie. I do not want to give her up just because I'm moving. Is there a best way to ship her over? I am not sure where to begin. I am currently...
  18. lorika

    Baby lorikeet hasn't pooped since yesterday

    Hey everyone, My rainbow lorikeet Loki is six weeks old and has been with me since saturday. He's just getting used to being hand-fed. We fed him yesterday at around 21:00 and this morning ar 7:00. I can see that he has pooped in his cage yesterday after feeding-time, but he hasn't pooped yet...
  19. Originalvim

    Help With Meyer...

    Hi, I have a ten month old meyer. He seems very loud in comparison to what i have heard about the species. Some of his squawks are understandable such as his barks for attention in the mornings but he also sometimes screams quite loudly when me and my partner are with him, he'll fly around...
  20. S

    Love bird help needed!

    I bought a lovebird about a month ago off a breeder, she was the last one left. She is very beautiful, all white. The only problem is she is terrified of my hands and any movement near her cage! This is making it a nightmare to tame her, please does anyone have any tips of making her less scared...
  21. C

    Scarlet Macaw started screaming ONLY when I'm talking...

    I adopted a 9yo scarlet about a month and a half ago. I love him to death. For some reason though, he's decided to scream and squawk over me when I'm talking to someone else in the house. I've tried squirting him with water when he does this & firmly telling him, "Not nice." But he's only quiet...
  22. Lullx

    I'm bringing home a baby this summer. Help me plan?

    For several months now, I've been seriously contemplating which species of parrot to get as my final flock member (I have a flock of 6 small birds currently). After much deliberation, I've decided that an African Grey is the perfect fit for my flock and my lifestyle. I've looked into rescuing an...
  23. H

    in between two birds!

    Hello my name is Dorian and I had a love bird when I was younger. It was hand fed and I don't remember it being really afraid of me. It was my second bird because the one that was originally sold to me was so sweet and tame but died like a week later from unknown sources so they gave me the...
  24. V

    Huge GCC Behaviour Change?!

    I have a 3 year old male Green Cheek named Marley. He has always been super sweet and cuddly with me and friendly with the rest of my family. He snuggled with me and spent 80% of his time out of the cage, on my head or shoulders. Recently he has had a big change in his attitude towards me and...
  25. M

    Weaning advice

    Hi guys, Long story short as of yesterday I am now the owner of a breeding pair IRN that came with what are said to be 2 x 6 week old babies. I would prefer them babies not end up caged birds like their parents. Can anyone offer any advice on how to take over care and feeding. I know google...
  26. EVbaby

    Name that lovebird!

    What kind of lovebird is this? Hello fellow lovebird owners! I have a new baby lovebird named Jax who is 7 weeks. When we got him, it just said blue peach face lovebird, but can anyone please identify my lovie and give me a specific name as to WHAT KIND of lovebird he is? I attached a photo of...
  27. R

    Toy Ideas

    My new boy Ringo needs new toys but I have no ideas on what to get so what do all you GCC and other conure parents recommend. also if i was to get him a friend what would you recommend
  28. G

    Is it normal for a Conure to have saliva? HELP

    hello guys i am in desperate need of answers because i read online somewhere it had said that conures cant really taste peppers and spicy peppers like ceyenne peppers simply because they dont have saliva. This is the first time i am noticing my bird have saliva because as i was on my phone...
  29. babybirdie

    pellet problem

    Hey everyone, So echo has never liked pellets before and hates eating them. Its a mission to get him to eat pellets. He literally doesn't eat for days at a time because he doesn't like them. He will eat almost anything else but not his pellets. I'm just wandering is there any types of pellets...
  30. Cherie

    Help/advice appreciated

    Hi everyone :) Im a new member looking for advice. Myself and my mother both brought a pineapple conure from the same clutch and from a reputable breeder in january. They are just over 6 months old. While my bird ( miss pineapple) is bright in colour my mums bird (Rita) isn't :( Rita ( mums...
  31. hamza.ayub

    Need help with my amazon

    Hi I have a amazon parrot it has always had skin on its beak I now want to remove it please check this image out It there is a way to remove it please comment below THANKS
  32. hamza.ayub

    Need help asap with my amazon

    Hi I have a amazon I have had it for a month now he steps up on me but I have to force him without force he will step up on me only if he is off his cage or a way from his cage I realy want to bond with him could you please help me bond with him :green2:
  33. B

    I need help! Eating issues.

    Hello Eclectus lovers... I have 2 Eclectus parrots: Buddy & Recee. Buddy is 8 and Recee is 3. Recee is an angel when it comes to eating, showers, playing, socialization, etc.. Buddy on the other hand, he is my problem child and the reason why I am posting this thread. We...
  34. P

    Lear's Macaw

    Hi, I have seen photos of the Lear's Macaw and it really is one of the most beautiful parrots I have seen. I understand it is highly protected, but I wanted to know if someone perhaps has any ideas about the possibility of acquiring one? thanks! :blue:
  35. S

    peeing parrot

    I was having a bath with my parrot and while he was drying off on my shoulder I noticed he was peeing?? Then minutes later he did it again, then once more? He doesn't pee... sometimes his poop is watery but this keeps happening now evey 5 to 10 minutes and its completely clear? I think while we...
  36. C

    New Parrotlet Mom

    Hi All, I adopted a 5 week old male, blue parrotlet named Charlie. I love him so much, but have been racked with fear that something will happen to him. He's so little and besides a couple of buggies when I was a kid, I've no experience with birds. He's still on formula, but is starting to...
  37. R

    Female electus wont stop screaming-help!!!

    Hey there ive had Ruby for approx 6 months now and the last month she gets on these screaming rants which is so loud it scares me half to death! Can anyone help please? I love this bird to death but its getting to the point where I am so close to giving her away :( Please help!:red1:
  38. Caillaech

    willed a blue front

    I was willed an 18 yr old blue front that has never really been handled he flirts with approching me and isn't overly agressive but is there anyyI hope of being able to handle him of not I'm still keep him weather or not because I made a commitment to him but it would be nice if I could touch...
  39. A

    Caique behavioral issues please help!

    My white-bellied Caique, Riley is having some behavioral issues. He is currently a little over two years old. He's always been a nibbler but sometimes he gets extremely "bitey" which we are trying to train him out of. However, he'll sometimes squawk that loud pitch annoying Caique squawk...
  40. D

    please help): oral medication

    My green cheek conure was diagnosed with an excess amount of yeast caused by the stress of moving houses and prescribed an anti fungal. I tried to administer the medication this morning and the bird went nuts, barely swallowing the medicine and leaving me so upset. Is it ok to mix the medicine...
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