
  1. A

    How To Get Angel To Eat Her Fresh Food??

    I've been feeding my eclectus apples, carrots, sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, and more, but she refuses to eat it. They're not mixed. She goes strait for the sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and the occasional peanuts. How can I get her to eat her fresh foods? Is there a specific food they...
  2. babybirdie

    pellet problem

    Hey everyone, So echo has never liked pellets before and hates eating them. Its a mission to get him to eat pellets. He literally doesn't eat for days at a time because he doesn't like them. He will eat almost anything else but not his pellets. I'm just wandering is there any types of pellets...
  3. H

    Parrotlet Food Aggression

    I was wondering if someone could help me with a problem I'm having with one of my Parrotlets. She is 2 years old and has suddenly become extremely aggressive with my other birds whenever food is involved. Even if she's not eating and another bird goes for the food dish, she will attack them...
  4. B

    Colour feeding have you done it?

    So you year about people colour feeding there birds to enhance there colours Has anyone tried this? Is it safe? And does it work? My Sun Conure Rocky has got some beautiful red coming through and lots of it il love to enhance it but only if it's safe for him :yellow1:
  5. M

    vegetarian foods for sun conures

    What types of flowers, herbs, and grasses are safe for sun conures to eat?
  6. veimar

    Parakeet food for a green cheek?

    I'm getting to an end of large Kaytee parrot food bag that we bought in Petsmart when getting Parry (they recommended it to us). This food has large pellets and dried fruit which Parry never eats - most of this food goes to the wild birds and squirrels in the garden. He only eats small seeds (or...
  7. S

    Cheeko won't eat anything but seeds!

    So Cheeko Is a three year old pie balled cockatiel, I bought him off of kijiji on Boxing Day that just passed. He was not treated well by his passed owners. I have spent these passed months getting him friendly wanting to handled, so forth. Now since he allows me to scratch his head, I'm wanting...
  8. Itsohkai

    Any of your conures like this?

    My little Blaze is being introduced to fresh fruits and veggies for the first them since I got her. I suspect this may be the first time in her life that she's getting these because she hesitates to try them or refuses to touch them at all. I tried putting some in her food and giving it straight...
  9. B

    I need help! Eating issues.

    Hello Eclectus lovers... I have 2 Eclectus parrots: Buddy & Recee. Buddy is 8 and Recee is 3. Recee is an angel when it comes to eating, showers, playing, socialization, etc.. Buddy on the other hand, he is my problem child and the reason why I am posting this thread. We...
  10. A

    90% pellet, 10% other food question

    So....I can't be the only one wondering this. How much is 10% of my (black capped) conure's diet? A sliver of apple? A half a grape? A mini carrot? The vet says Jade should have 90% Harrison's for the next 2 weeks. You can imagine how thrilled (not) Jade is by this new diet. So I'm trying to...
  11. ct92404

    Chipper needs to lose weight. Help please!

    I took my parakeet, Chipper, to the vet a couple of days ago to get her claws trimmed. They always weigh birds whenever you bring them in, which I like. But it turns out Chipper is WAY overweight. (The vet tech said she's "a little chunky"). I knew she has been getting a little chubby, but I...
  12. Poppys_mom

    Quaker Feathers

    Can someone tell me why my Quaker has black feathers? When I got him he was 4 months old He is 5 months old now. I heard they might be stress bars or poor nutrition. I just bought my little baby and when I got him he had the black feathers. I've never seen a Quaker with black feathers. I got him...
  13. walterbyrd

    How much apple, or banana, can be fed?

    We feed Lucky as much apple as she wants. She loves to roll apple pieces in her crushed Roudy Bush and then eat the covered apple pieces. I give her much less banana. I am afraid of too much sugar concentration, also afraid that bananas might constipate her. Banana pieces are about 1/4"...
  14. Barbrawr

    3 week old parrotlet

    Tomorrow I am bringing home a 3 week old Pacific male parrotlet. I have a 2 year old female and was wanting some ideas on what would supplement the formula best. I have heard egg supplements and millet. But I also heard not to give millet until they're weaned. At what age are cuttle bones ok to...
  15. M

    *My macaw diet*foods that she eats -Need opinions and plz post your macaw diet too

    *My macaw diet*foods that she eats -Need opinions and plz post your macaw diet too My blue & gold macaw has 1 year and dont eat many foods .. Her diet is 70% fruit (pineapple, papaya, mango, banana, orange) 15% seeds / nuts (sunflower, nuts, Buriti, peanuts) and 15% pellets. She dont eat...
  16. Rufio850

    food in the water

    I keep reading these posts about make sure they always have fresh water. But my GCC has food mixed in his water bowl. Given his food is loaded with vitamins and nutrients so if his food is in the water making it murky, isn't that a good thing? Water filled with nutrients?
  17. Lita

    First Birdy Salad

    I've been trying to get Reginald to eat vegetables since I first brought him home a year ago. Broccoli just got preened, most things are just thrown on the floor, but he does like nibbling on spinach and green beans. Having some free time today, I drove to Central Market and picked up a wide...
  18. MarshallSpears

    Need some advice for my new Sun!

    I got a Sunburst Conure on the 4th of July. He is already spending 3 to 4 hours a day with me on my shoulder and lap. I just love him! However I notice some sneezing when he is preening or scratching his nose. He sneezes and some discharge will hit my face! But it seems to be clear. Like I...
  19. K

    Almonds for Lukah's foraging toy?

    Well the title says it all! I believe that Sun Conure's can eat almonds and today at the store I saw shelled almonds. I bought him an amazing foraging toy (here it is for anyone who's interested- refillable, heavy duty, washable, etc. Creative Foraging Systems Foraging Sphere 3-Inch...
  20. Dacombe

    Egg Suprise - A New Recipe

    Hello, I have just invented a recipe for my Eclectus Parrot, Rupee, and I thought I'd put it on here for others to try. You'll need an egg poacher (I used a microwave one which makes it really easy!). 1 Egg Seeds Assorted vegetables to your parrot's taste. 1. Crack egg open into poacher, wash...
  21. Peppers And Feathers

    Peppers And Feathers

    I love this pic. Cinnamon eating a pepper and Cheeky taste testing Cinnamon
  22. Peppers And Feathers

    Peppers And Feathers

    I love this pic. Cinnamon eating a pepper and Cheeky taste testing Cinnamon
  23. Cinnamon The Pasta Monsta

    Cinnamon The Pasta Monsta

    My birds love ALL kinds of foods!, they love pasta...spaghetti, maccaroni, penne, we usually eat whole wheat OR brown rice pasta...doesn't matter. ..These girls love it all.
  24. K

    Sun Conure food question

    Hey guys! I just got a brand new little sun conure. His name is Lukah and he is about 5 months old(: I'm still training him and he's learning so fast- he's incredibly smart! But I have a question for you guys... How many pellets should he be eating a day and how many fruits and veggies...
  25. I


    I heard about Harrison's High Potency recently and decided to look into it since it is recommended for birds recovering from disease or some that have been on crappy diets for most of their lives. My question is, why is it so "good" if their fist ingredient is sunflower seed? I thought those...
  26. A

    New Lorikeet won't eat wet mix?

    Hi everyone! First post woo! So I just got my baby Scaley-Breasted Lorikeet (4 months old) about a week ago. I got Olive from a breeder who hand raises his birds (although mine seems a bit unhandled :confused:) . The only problem is that Olive will not touch her wet food. She only started eating...
  27. Jennamilito


    What's a good food to feed an amazon? Pellets? Seeds? Fruit? I'm at a loss. There is an overwhelming amount of info online and I can't find something satisfying.
  28. walterbyrd

    I am afraid my Lovebird may be getting fat

    Kinda hard to tell if she's fat, or just has her feathers fluffed. I don't know how old she is, I found her in my backyard about a year ago. She has a bad foot. Only one talon works. Maybe that keeps her from exercising? Her diet: all she wants: Rowdy Bush, corn, brown rice, apple. She won't...
  29. R

    New to owning a Jenday Conure.

    Hello, I am new to this forum and new to being a parrot owner. My sister has 3 parakeets and I have always loved birds, but never really decided to get one. I have mostly small furry pets, but my awesome mother surprised me with a Jenday Conure. Now before you all go nuts lol, I received this...
  30. walterbyrd

    Is rice safe? Or too much arsenic?

    I give my Lovebird rice everyday. She loves it. I use Lundberg's Brown Organic Rice. Now I am finding that rice is loaded with arsenic. Any thoughts? -------------------------------- ConsumerReports: Arsenic in your food Our findings show a real need for federal standards for this...
  31. M

    Spices for cooked food

    Hi, does anyone have an suggestions on how to season/spice the cooked food I provide my four parrots. I don't use salt but I think they are bored with their chop and they need some variety. Any Suggestions?:green:
  32. happycat

    Which food should I keep him eating?

    I got my kakariki eating zupreem fruit pellets and cockatiel food. (A mixture of both ) He seems to like the tiel food a bit better but he's not picky. Does anyone know which I should wean him off and which food I should keep?
  33. J

    Feeding My New Grey

    Hello, Me and my partner have just got a baby African grey, and we just wondering what everyone feeds theirs. At the moment we feed him on fresh veggies in the morning, some seed throughout the day and then some fruit and grains for dinner. Just wondering what seed or pellet you use (brand)...
  34. A

    Show me your food... ! :D

    Just for fun...! :) I was mixing up Pocket's and the budgie's (Yuki and Luna) food today and thought I should grab a picture to share. But at the same time, I want to see what other people feed their birds :D Diet for Pocket is as follows: Dried: Premium Parrot Mix Dried Fruits Vetafarm...
  35. N


    I know that ginger is a nice treat for birds; but is it safe to let them drink lemon and ginger tea. I bought some the other day, it's a health food brand, and I thought if i made it cold, a little bit might be a nice refreshing treat for my buddies. Does anyone know if it would be okay to give...
  36. Pugtato

    Senegal Surprise: Sweet Potato, Carrot, Quinoa, and Couscous Parrot Mash

    I remember reading a recipe which was similar to this a few weeks before my Senegal came into my life, but for the life of me I could not find it again. It had looked amazing and I could not get it out of my head. So a few days ago I decided to improvise with what I remembered of that recipe and...
  37. meltedrose

    Best food for a gcc?

    I've been through a list of food for my green cheek Caspian, and thought I found a good one(Healthy Select Conure Diet) but now I'm not so sure. I think he's developed/developing scissor beak? His bottom beak is jetted out to the left, and on his top beak on the same side I think he's chipped a...
  38. M

    Chulo coming home November 17th

    Hi everyone, I am bringing my CAG home November 17th. My home is ready and the cage has been set-up for a month. I am trying to add to the cage by buying toys and perches, bowls etc. I am wondering if anyone has any tips or tricks. The cage is in my living room. We sleep on another floor...
  39. C

    Picky Sun Conure Diet/ to correct?

    My 5 year old sun, Chicken, is so incredibly picky when it comes to anything. When she was a chick, she would eat jalapenos, carrots, broccoli, green beans, oranges, apples, millet, and her pellets. As of about 3 years ago she stopped eating most of those things and would let them sit in/on her...
  40. L

    Houdini is throwing his food out of the bowl

    Hi all. I want to get some ideas on what happening with Houdini. It may seem like a long story but please bare with me and try to help me. I bought 2 green peached faced lovies (around 5 months when we had them) and had them for around 1 1/2 months with out successful taming. Maybe because there...
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