
  1. Melscamp

    Growing seeds

    Since I have SO MANY wasted seeds, I decided to start growing them. They have made a beautiful grass. Wondering if it's ok to let the budgies eat and walk on them? Bird seed grass :greenyellow::whiteblue::white1::blue2::yellow2:
  2. C

    My Eclectus Refuses Fresh! What do I do?

    I've had my female Eclectus for about 6 months now. She is 4 years old. Her previous owner said she was given fresh all the time, but everything I offer her (and I've tried everything!) she just throws at the bottom of her cage where it spoils, and I remove it. The only veggie I've gotten her...
  3. W

    Sun conure feeding

    I recently picked up my three month old sun conure. I was told they were done with hand feeding and eat on their own. I forgot to ask if the people started my bird on pellets or seeds. Tata (sun conure I’m taking about) enjoys the chopped veggies I gave them but doesn’t touch the pellets. I...
  4. T

    Healthy diet?

    I want to make sure I'm not on the track for obesity with my GCC, I keep roudybush crumbles and change out maybe weekly mostly just topping off, with sensible seed mix in another dish changing that out every three days or so (he seems to really like those lil white seeds) so just dumping out the...
  5. B

    Can I feed my parrots frozen veggie mixes?

    I recently bought a package of frozen veggies from the grocery store, it contains a mix of corn, carrots, green beans, and peas. I have seen pictures and videos of people giving their parrots these foods, but some say that corn can be deadly for them. Are the other foods safe, even if they’re in...
  6. D

    Converting my red lored amazon to pellets

    Hello Everyone, I have recently adopted a Red Lored Amazon who is in her 20's and she has always been on a seed diet so I am trying to convert her to Harrisons pellets and was wondering what the best way to convert her diet is. She hates anything new and has anger problems when I try and...
  7. J

    Watering Down Pellet Food

    Hello there, I have just recently gotten to take home my 5 year old Goffin Cockatoo, who lived with his original owners for 4 years, and then was relinquished back to the pet store he was sold from. I believe he's been on a seed-only diet his entire life. I have successfully transferred him over...
  8. socktheconure

    Help with changing diet

    Edit: Everyone is assuming that I am trying to give my budgerigars 100% fruits and veggies. That is not and never will be the case. I am trying to get them to CONSUME fruits and veggies because seed alone can be incredibly unhealthy if consumed constantly- alone. Hi everyone! Recently I have...
  9. PenClem

    Foraging ideas for Lovies and Budgies?

    I've been watching YouTube videos on ways to create foraging toys for small birds. There are a few solid ideas, but I'd love to hear what you do for your Lovies to encourage them to forage. Ideas I have so far: 1. put treats in paper cups and mash them closed. Then place in bowl where food is...
  10. PenClem

    Please make a sticky for a proper Macaw diet!

    I'm putting out a request to have a post made by someone with extensive Macaw experience to make a sticky post regarding the proper Macaw diet. As I understand it, and please correct me if I'm wrong; Macaws require a higher fat diet than, say, an Amazon. They get this fat mostly from healthy...
  11. PenClem

    Non-breeders on a breeder's diet?

    Hello everyone! This is my first post on this forum so please feel free to stop by and say "Hello!" I have two Lovebird sisters who are now 3 y/o. I've had them since they were weaned and even though they are housed together in their flight cage, they love to have my attention and affection. I...
  12. K

    My parakeet only comes to me when I have food.

    Trouble Taming I've had 4 parakeets each I love very much. I'd take a bullet for them, but the sad thing is, I feel they don't love me back. I clean their cage food, and water every day giving the fruits and vegetables as well everyday! They aren't tamed yet, It's been almost a year. They...
  13. yuko

    What foods are poisonous to a GCC?

    i know that avocado, chocolate, and cilantro are poisonous but what other foods? thanks in advance!
  14. A

    New Parrotlet Food

    Hey guys, so I am buying a blue parrotlet and I pick him up on Saturday. I am getting everything ready so I have a vision M02 cage and plenty of toys. I just bought a small bag of kaytee bird seed with a blue bag and some roudybush crumble. I know about the risk of pellets with mutations so I...
  15. sjalfsmord

    Trustworthy food-list?

    Hey, I've been wondering about this but couldn't find the answer by myself,so I thought I should ask you guys. So I've been searching the web for which food is toxic for lovebirds,parrotlets in general,and I of course,couldn't find all the food list on the web. I still can't find Melon's...
  16. N

    How do I get my birds to try foods?

    My birds will only eat seed and only one will take millet. Neither one of them will take anything fresh. I have tried putting the stuff in separate dishes from their seed feed and even in the same dish with their food but they always avoid the treats. They won't take anything from my hand (they...
  17. F

    are firethorn berries safe for lovebirds?

    Hello guys! I was reading something about parrot food, and it mentioned firethorn berries (Pyracantha coccinea to be specific) being a good thing to give to your parrot. However I'm still not sure if they are safe for lovebirds because the text didn't mention them.:confused: Also if they aren't...
  18. N

    Feeding dried fruit?

    In the past few days I've been trying to offer Oliver some fresh fruits and veggies. Other than celery leaves and lettuce, he doesn't eat them at all, and if I hand feed them to him he just throws them away. He loves pellets, seeds, peanuts and corn (and corn tortillas which he soaks in water)...
  19. B

    Mom stops feeding 4 week old baby

    Hi y'all! Oké, so we have gotten a little situation on our hand. About 4 weeks ago our lovebird couple, Kiwi and Mango, got their first baby. Kiwi had 5 eggs and 2 hatched. Sadly the second baby died within 2 days. They didn't feed him and me and my husband are very inexperienced with baby...
  20. T

    Low Fat

    Hi all! I was wondering if you know of any reputable low-fat parrot food that isn't pellets. I've found something called Crazy Corn, but I can't tell how good it is as a pellet replacement. Any advice for someone who can't make all their bird food by hand? Thanks! :green:
  21. T

    What to feed mum when she's feeding babies.

    Hi. My name is Toni. My conures just had a clutch of eggs. I have hand reared babies but this time i am letting her do it herself. I just want to make sure i am giving her the proper nutrients to help her babies grow. What are the best food to feed my conures right now? Any food i ahould...
  22. Billdore

    What should I feed African Grey Parrot

    So I'm kind of really stressing out. I';m feeding Timneh Nutri Berries. I have a couple of different kinds. I bought a big tub of the parrot food does this last awhile should I refrigerate for longevity? Safflower Gold mix, and Kaytee Fiesta blend parrot food. I mix them together and put...
  23. J

    FREE small bird supplies

    My parrotlet died last week and I won't be getting another bird, as much as I want to. I have a floor stand cage (on wheels) suitable for parrotlet, lovebird, or parakeets. I also have a small travel cage for vet visits - accessories for the cage like perches (natural wood branch) and cups -...
  24. Violet_Diva

    What Flavour Is Your Parrots Beak ? - Photos

    It always amuses me to see a flavoursome beak! Seeing jenphillys Ivory (winner of August's POTM competition) makes me smile when I login! :D I thought it would be interesting to know what everyones smothering their beaks with, and also funny to see it! So I was wondering if you guys would...
  25. damir

    Multi Vitamins

    Hello, Would you guys recommend multi vitamins? After doing some Internet re-search, a lot of people say its not smart to add Multi Vitamins to water, etc, and because of that, i am unsure if this should be wise to do, or not. Abby eats a lot of Carrot / Peach / Apple / (some seeds and some...
  26. N

    What can I wrap around a cage to stop the floor from constantly being a mess?

    So, Linus is beyond messy, Like 50% of his food ends up on the floor messy. I have to sweep more than 3 times a day and it's getting old. I thought about wraping mosquito net around the cage, but I'd be scared he would get his toes stuck. I also thought about cutting acrylic to fit around his...
  27. shellaves

    Golden Conure - Queen of Bavaria

    I'm having a very difficult time with my two little honey bunnies, Katie & Marco. Katie is a 13 year old female and Marco 7 year old male. They don't seem to be satisfied with the food I give them and I need help from fellow Golden folks what they like to eat, and then of course what is good for...
  28. Transylvania

    Weighing diet?

    So sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm having trouble locating specific information on this. I'm a husbandry assistant and I prepare diets for a lot of birds at work. I'm given a diet board that I follow, so every day I weigh out a specific amount of pellets and a specific amount of...
  29. C

    Help socializing neglected(?) red-fronted Amazon?

    Hi guys, I'm not technically a parrot owner...I've owned parakeets and finches in the past, but no large birds, and have no experience with them. However, I recently moved into a new house with several roommates. One of them is a bit of a "fashion" pet owner and gets cute or interesting animals...
  30. L

    My bird is eating his toy!!

    I'm new to owning Conures, and my Cockatiel never did this. I have recently switched my Conure, Avo, to a new food, and I gave him this new toy. The toy has little straw hats on it, and he loves pulling them apart, but I noticed that he's eating the toy! Like- chewing and swallowing the straw...
  31. LolaBird

    Hello! Few quic questions from Lola my Sun Conure

    Hey everyone my name is Lola, I am a five month old sun conure. I am beautiful, well at least that what my daddy is always telling me:) I have a few questions though, I was bought to my new home on December 2nd, and my dad has cared for me so much, he is always reading these forums and...
  32. dhraiden

    Goldenfeast Veggie Crisp Delite - How much, how healthy?

    Hey hey forum-goers, We want our GCC Mochi to eat more veggies, and have had good success with the Garden Veggie variety of Nutri-Berries. Recently we purchased some of Goldenfeast's Veggie Crisp Delight, which to my reading sounds like it has a fair amount of fried ingredients (duh, hence the...
  33. K

    A little weird but i can see why.. i guess?

    so here in california there is an exotic bird franchise (or so i believe) called Omars exotics. Ive nevr really had a problem with them and this post is not meant to attack them or anything, but i recently noticed that in there seed blends they include cat kibble? I cant recall the percent but...
  34. K

    Fresh Sunflower Seeds

    Q: Can conures(parrots in general even) eat freshly harvested off the plant un flower seeds? Do I need to do anything to the seeds themselves prior to consumption? Background info: Planted some sunflowers this year. For a few reasons. 1-My parents like them so I did some there & my apartment...
  35. meltedrose

    Bugs on Playpen and in Bird Food?

    So today I noticed when I was prepping my GCC's playpen/gym that there were a bunch of little tiny light brown baby ant looking bugs, and they scattered into the seams of his playpen. Also, I had forgotten the night earlier to clean up his bird food so when I was doing that today there were a...
  36. A

    Black Ball Dangling? Green Cheek

    Hey everyone i woke up this morning gave my green cheek some fruit and went away for a couple hours but when i came home i found this black hard dangling thing on my conures neck, i dont know what it is but i took it out it seemed to not give pain to my bird but as we took it out we as well...
  37. S

    Tiel would rather eat his poop than veggies

    Title pretty much says it all. My tiel is a seed junkie and I'm working on getting him to try veggies and fruits. I have given him peas, carrots, apples, cauliflower, and celery so far. He instead pecks at the dried poop in his cage instead of eating his veggies..he hasn't eaten any in 2 days...
  38. L

    feeding question

    Hello, a breeder recently sold me a 5 almost 6 week now old quaker baby, yes it is unweaned and yes i do realize this was a dumb dumb part on the breeder, but no worries i have experience. My question is... I am trying to slowly start weaning my baby after feeding it formula for a...
  39. N

    Odd behavior

    Hello, I have a green cheek named Naughty and he is almost two years old. I am very in tune with him, and about two days ago I started feeling like something wasn't "right". Let me start by saying he will be going to the Vet Monday, but I am just looking for info/peace of mind (hopefully). OK...
  40. J

    Treats and training

    Hello everyone, I am trying to train my GCC to improve his behavioral responses ( no biting, get off my shoulder when I need him to get down, etc). My vet suggested that I use a treat as a positive reinforcement when training him. The problem that I am having is that I can not seem to find a...
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