
  1. S

    Budgie diet

    Does anyone know what I should feed my budgies as all I have is seeds right now so please anyone tell me I would appreciate it so much
  2. Z

    Food related Questions and Step Up Question...?

    Hello so Zazu and me have been doing great hes tamed and is used to my hands now,i still haven't gotten him to step up,but now worries there's progress he lets me touch the top of his head and belly and when i do it he closes his eyes like he is enjoying it, now i have questions about the food...
  3. C

    update on indian ringneck named chili and advice required on diet

    I acquired a ring necked parrot 5 months ago, which was thin and had a short tail, possibly cut. The parrot is now healthy with a long, beautiful tail and has likely molted. It eats various foods, including seeds, veggies, and fruits, but not mangos. It's noisy and has started making louder...
  4. C

    Something that can replace veggies for a few days?

    Hello. I have a 9 month old caique who i'm boarding for 4 days. It's the only other place near me within an hour that boards birds. They only want me to bring pellets for my caique. I asked about veggies and they said unfortunately no. Now my caique mainly eats veggies and will avoid the...
  5. S

    Seed recommendations

    What brand of seed do you recommend for a brown headed parrot?
  6. J

    Not Always Available Safety Information I've learned

    So I wanted to post all the safety info or advice I've learned that might have slipped under some people's radar. I know it had mine. Obviously feel free to add your own. Poisonous: castor oil, anything avacado, fruit seeds like apple (arsenic) Dangerous toys or hardware type: - zinc...
  7. K

    Baby ringneck not eating

    My baby ringneck will not eat, I want to clarify that i am fairly expirienced with handfeeding parrots but this is new to me for context So my irns had two babies one had splay legs so i took it for hand feeding about 3 weeks ago. 4 days ago when i was checking the other baby in the nest, the...
  8. T

    Dog Saliva??

    Hi everyone. idek if this will be seen by a lot but im currently dog sitting and bird sitting and so my friend gave me a bag of her birds pellets in a plastic ziplock bag. I stupidly left the bag of pellets on the dinning table chair instead of the dinning table itself and somehow some way this...
  9. Pomegranate seeds

    Pomegranate seeds

    E.B loves fruit. The ones he doesn’t like so far are blue berries and cherries. He’s not very interest in vegetables either but gets them everyday anyways
  10. Bastin

    Budgie food

    Hi I have an aviary with 11 budgies and we’re fed on seed only, I have been trying to get them to eat less seeds and introduce fresh as well as pellets. At the moment putting chopped fresh veg first thing in morning but without much interest. Pak chor sprouts cabbage baby corn lettuce apple...
  11. Rico_Tiel

    What tastes better? Feather dust in your food or in your drink?

    Rico dusted my water and I drank it. It then sparked this question in my mind. What tastes better? Dust in your food? Or dust in your drinks? Edit: before anyone asks, no, I wasn’t aware until I put the glass down.
  12. Rico_Tiel

    Little meme I made

    (If you play L4D this will be even funnier, but it makes sense if you don’t play it!) It happens EVERY TIME he hears me pop open a Pringles can! Regardless of what flavor. He will hang around and stare at me, waiting… he is always there, watching me, waiting for his opportunity to pounce!
  13. Rico_Tiel

    Is it normal to want to eat your bird’s food?

    Every. Single. TIME I look at pellets/treats/seeds/whatever bird food related, I want to eat it. Have you seen that zupreem pure fun for African Greys? Does that not look absolutely delicious? How about pretty bird pellets? Those look yummy too! Zupreem, Harrison’s, Higgins, etc all look really...
  14. ImaParrot

    Are pellets safe to eat?

    For humans, I mean. 🤣 While making rice for my birds I was thinking about how much Elvis loves rice, and then I thought, "duh, it's delicious, and the other stuff is pellets and seeds. Gross." Then I thought, "I wonder what seeds taste like." Then I wondered, "What do pellets taste like? Can...
  15. BudgieBudgieBudgie

    (SOLVED) Is having the microwave in my birds proximity safe?

    I bought a microwave do I can start making then yams, veggie chops, and I places it in my room where my other eletronics are. Is the proximity of the microwave safe for my budgies? I heard that microwave radiation is bad. I wanna make sure they'll be okay with the distance from it and if...
  16. Rico_Tiel

    Pellets for budgies?

    Hi! I am really struggling here because there are not a lot of great pellets for budgies out there. (I DO NOT HAVE A BUDGIE AT THE MOMENT, BUT I MAY BE GETTING ONE IN 28 DAYS) So yeah, as mentioned above, I am struggling here. I will use ZuPreem to transition the budgie from seeds (if it does...
  17. Rico_Tiel

    So many pellet options, what do I choose?

    Hello! I have come to realize my bird isn’t a huge fan of Psittacus pellets but I like the brand. Sadly he just doesn’t like the pellets anymore so now I just have 4 pounds of pellets he doesn’t favor. He will eat it but prefers other brands. So, when he finishes the bag, I’m going to get him...
  18. Rico_Tiel

    got any chop recipes for a picky gremlin?

    Rico is super picky and sensory sensitive but is willing to try new things if it fits his picky wants. can't be too soft, can't be too wet, can't be too red but there should be some because he will be less interested if there isn't any, can't have pomegranate because I am mildly allergic, and...
  19. Vivvy


    Does anyone have any tips, tricks or advice on getting a birdie to start eating vegetables and fruits? He was previously on an all seed diet at the place I got him from and now thats all he wants. I've tried warming up the food, cutting it in certain ways and even mixing in some seed but all...
  20. Aprilxoxo

    Getting extremely fussy eater to eat vegetables or pellets.

    Anyone have any secret sure fire ways to get a seriously picky bird to eat something different? She a 9yr old galah and ive been told shes only been fed seed. Ive had her 2 months and ive tried desperatly to find atleast 1 thing she likes as a gateway to trying new stuff. SHE DOESNT EVEN LIKE...
  21. Quetki


    I made some chop yesterday for my Conure. I got him 5 days ago and he's been really happy and enjoying his life so far, but he's not eating his chop. It has apples, spinach, pumpkin, sweet peppers, broccoli, sweet peas, pineapple, carrots, and stuff. The most he does is lick it and spit it out...
  22. dancing_conure

    Cinnamon Conure doesn't want to go back into her cage!

    Hey guys :) Papaya, my cinnamon green cheek conure doesn't like going back into her cage after she is let out. I have tried so many different methods such as coaxing her onto a stick, turning off the light and shining a torch inside the cage, and putting her favourite treats inside but she just...
  23. dancing_conure

    Is Vetafarm a good brand?

    Hey guys :) So the thing is... I live in Australia and its been really hard to find a good pellet brand that I can actually buy here. I've tried Harrisons, TOP's, Zupreem and Roudybush but they are only available in one or two online stores and have crazy shipping prices. I've seen lots of...
  24. lifeofbrian

    Advice for leaving cockatiel alone for a few days.

    I am moving very far away from everyone I know in the next few months so a time will come when I may have to leave my cockatiel(Mr Snuggles) alone for a few days. The only in 11 years I had to leave him alone was when I was rushed to hospital and kept in for three days, luckily my brother lived...
  25. Raz

    Which food brand?

    I’ve got two Jenday conures and I’m trying to switch to pellets. But trying to find the best ones are hard. So far , my options are Tops , roudybrush and more. Can someone let me know which one would be better based on brand? Please let me know!!
  26. Amy-Milo

    Cockatiel fussy with food?

    I’m worried about my cockatiel. I have had her for around 2 months now but she seems to not like any of the food I give her. I have tried giving her nutri-berries, Harrison’s pellets and a few different brands of seed mixes. She wasn’t interested I’m the nutri-berries or pellets and she just...
  27. vljenewein

    Lions Mane Mushrooms

    I have a question about Lions Mane Mushrooms. There is a gal on the Lovebird forums on Facebook that may have a brain injured Lovebird. Would just a tiny bit of Lion's Mane mushroom be ok? Somewhere I had heard that mushrooms are a no no for parrots. If they are some toxic or psychedelic...
  28. K

    Am i doing things right

    Hi, new member here. I got worried when a friend's parot sudenly died. I have an alexanderine parrot that i named Alex because why not. I feed him vegetables like carots and cucumbers (pic atached bellow) .I change the bowl every day. I also change the water once a day, the water temperature is...
  29. MissMac

    Food - what and how?

    Missy is 10 weeks old, nearly finished weaning - down to one top up a day now - if that. She loves peas and corn, cooked egg ( still am thinking cannibal with this)and some seeds and fruit and she is my only bird so what do I feed her and is it something that can be frozen in batches for thawing...
  30. Alliegmarcin

    Pellet recommendations?

    I have a parrotlet and parakeet and want to start mixing some more pellet into their diet. The only pet store around is Petco, and the pellet options they had there were terrible, as they had a paragraph of ingredients that were mostly oils and random chemicals. Does anyone have any...
  31. N

    Is it okay to soak my quaker and cockatiel's pellets?

    Hello! I've been running out of ideas to convert my quaker and cockatiel to pellets. I've had them for years, so needless to say they're not giving up without a fight. However, I recently found that they like their Zupreem pellets a lot more when they've been soaked in hot water and become a...
  32. T

    Sudden Loss - Trying to figure out cause

    I am here to report back from over a year ago on our new cockatiel death after a few weeks in our home. We ended up having a necropsy done because we were so freaked out about it and didn't want to make the same mistake going forward. What we learned was that the bird starved to death. The bird...
  33. C

    Chest gets bulged up

    My conure's chest gets buldged up after eating idk y...but its actions are normal. I recently noticed it pooping a bit often but the poop seems to be normal ( it had its shape ) it was brown in colour coz I had given carrots for it. Today I had introduced small sized pellets (fruit mix ) as my...
  34. A

    GCC Vomit or Regurgitation?

    Hello everyone! I’m very new here so I apologize for any mistakes. I have recently become an owner to a beautiful 4 month old cinnamon GCC named Monkey (getting a dna sexing soon). All has been absolutely great other than this one issue. I have owned a fair share of cockatiels and budgies in...
  35. C

    What can my GCC eat other than seeds, pellets?

    My parrot has been eating mostly a mixture of seeds and pellets + fruits. Is this all a parrot eats? I could just search it up on Google but I would really prefer ideas from the community so that there are people that have experimented with what a parrot could actually eat. I can really feel...
  36. J

    Broccoli Greens

    I have a bunch of broccoli greens/leaves from the trimming I did and I'm wondering if I can give them to my birds.
  37. Gokha

    My IRN would not eat inside his cage

    Hello everyone! I own a 3 month old IRN baby and I have to admit I spoiled him a lot. I got him right before the Corona thing started, so I was able to spend a lot of time with hime, maybe too much. He ended up eating and being weaned outside of the cage and usually only goes to his cage to...
  38. Littleredbeak

    What do you feed your Indian Ring Neck.

    I recently purchased an Indian Ringneck and have been doing a ton research since. I am currently feeding him TOP’s parrot pellets for hook bills and Harrison fine pellets as a staple. He also gets organic bird seed sprouts and organic Avian herbs. He also gets organic fruits , veggies and hard...
  39. mkrosella

    Bella-The African Grey from Pakistan

    Dear members! most of you have been following my post on the Yellow Indian ring necks who passed away soon after i got them from a parrot shop that gave me already infected chicks. After that, we as a family really wanted a parrot as we were missing those babies alot. We were looking for an...
  40. lollipoppy

    New Budgie Questions - Cage, Food Brand, Cookware, etc.

    Hello, I am doing research to get a new budgie... I have had a parrotlet and a lovebird in the past, so I do remember/know a fair bit about bird husbandry, but want to make sure I have everything exactly right before bringing anyone home. Online, I have found a lot of resources but they seem...
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