Clementine candles?


New member
Aug 15, 2013
Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Avery, a GCC born on March 5th, 2013 & Shiko, a blue IRN born on February 25th, 2014
Per usual during my late night down time with my phone, I was scrolling through Pinterest and came across one of the neatest things ever... a 100% natural candle! You literally cut the skin off the clementine and remove the flesh of the fruit, then use the white flesh(?) and olive oil to light it. No additives, very natural, and I'm sure it smells lovely. I have a video of it here (hopefully it works):

How To Make a Clementine Candle)

How safe do you think these are for birds? Of course they wouldn't be lit while the birds are out, but do you guys think you'd be dealing with any of the typical soot or potential harm from the natural scent of the orange? I really want to try it out!
That was interesting, looks nice and really good way of peeling clementines neatly.
Bird safety? Probably OK. Unless someone tells me olive oil gives off toxic fumes etc?
House safety? Questionable.
If you do this please be very careful, put on a non flammable surface (not a stool!) AND don't leave unattended.
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Definitely wouldn't leave it unattended. I'm not a huge candle person, I just really miss having nice smells throughout my place. I used to have so many perfumes and citrus smells for myself and home, but ever since Avery and Shiko I use all natural with no scent for everything.
My opinion is anything that "burns" is going to leave something in the air (soot, toxic fumes?) but something and I'm just not sure I would trust it.

I use pure essential oils (I know this is a touchy subject and some of you may want to condemn me for it, but I'm being honest) I did a lot of research before I chose a company to buy them from (never ever buy them from a drug or health food store!!! they only have to have 1 drop of pure oil in them and the rest can be fillers & chemicals). I have boosted my and Zilla's immunity and my place always smells great! The other day I was diffusing a combo Zilla & I like (it's a super immune booster and also smells amazing) and someone came into my office and said it smelled like Chai Spice Latte. There are lots of citrus oils and spice scents, and florals....and the health benefits to us and our pets is just amazing. I haven't been sick for even 1 day all winter, no allergy symptoms in the last year, I sleep better, I'm in a better mood during the day, less stressed out, just so much I could go on and on about. Zilla loves them and gets super excited when she sees me coming with the little oil bottles to fill the diffuser...

I would be more than happy to share my research and information with anyone who wants to PM me with their email address asking for more information...
ANYTHING that burns with less then 95 percent of the flame burning blue in color contributes vast amounts of Carbon Monoxide into the room and therefore is dangerous to parrots. Candles are near 100 percent yellow flame and are therefore dangerous regardless of whether they are 100 percent natural or not!

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