How much sleep does a parrot need?


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Southern Africa
RIP Hugo (African Brown Headed Parrot) 2 years old, lil Rosie May (Lovebird)
I noticed, for the first time, my parrot was sleeping during the day. Im not concerned as he is eating and active but it just got me thinking on how much sleep a parrot needs to feel healthy and active? Is it ok if my parrot is taking a nap during the day? He is only a year and 3 months. Should I be concerned?
Such a good question honestly......
Mishka used to sleep quite a lot during the day when she was very young.
I reckon they are just like baby's they need that short nap now and again.
I am no expert at all. Just going with my experience with Mishka.
Mishka started staying awake more as she got older.
My advise would be let him sleep, obviously he need it, unless you notice strange behavior, not eating etc.
You are doing a fantastic job MOMMY.... keep it up.
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Most parrots do sleep during the day - particularly when they are younger as antoinette mentioned. Parrots generally need more sleep then we do: a full night of 7-8 hours plus some shorter naps during the day.

Most owners are out and about enough that the birds nap while we are away, but if you are ever interacting with your bird for the entire day they will likely become cranky and perhaps nippy. They do need their quite time in the day.
In my extensive reading on this topic the opinions of several authors was about 10-12 hrs. of good sleep time is needed. That does not include the time when the TV is turned on. My parrot will take short naps in the daytime. They are smart! We should do that too.
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Thanks so much for the advice guys!!! Will make sure that he is gettin enough sleep during the night...:) Antionette - shot for the praise (good students are made by good teachers) - legend!!!!!
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The pictures of Mishka are too cute - precious little gal!!! :)
I let the sun determine when my babie go to sleep. When the sun goes down, they do too. No need to cover them. It's wonderful. I've read that 10-12 hours is best for them. If they are napping a lot during the day, they may not be getting the necessary amount of rest.

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Hi Jeri, thanks so much for the advice, a couple of days after I posted this thread Hugo got sick so that would explain why he was napping. He is doing much better but still on antibiotics - luckily he hasnt stopped eating and is his lively self - were some worrying moments but we seem to be on the clear now :) I did monitor his hours of sleep and have made sure that he is getting enough sleep.
sleeping alot or trying to stay awake is a serious sign sickness. keep bird at 75 degree or above. plenty of food and water. fluff feather is sure sign that it is cold, move to warm place immediately . from experience its eating but not enough. its not eating enough to keep body temperature.

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