Klaatu <3


Active member
Aug 9, 2012
Queensland, Australia
Fargo- Blue and Gold Macaw
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Thought i would share my other best friend! Klaatu :)
He is a baby clydesdale cross
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Awww he's cute I love my horses I use to have 2 clydesdale's one was called tia maria and the other was called Rex sadly both of them died
After the loss of my two I decided I wouldn't get anymore as I couldn't go through the pain of lossing anymore that's when i decided a parrot or two would do me as the chances are high of them out living me I have always loved birds and did own budgies and tiels over the years but jinx my blue front who I get in a week or so now is really my first large bird even tho I have handled macaws cockatoo's and amazons at local bird shows and at my local pet store
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aw yes thats fair enough. wont have to worry about klaatu for atleast another 25 years!
do you have any other animals ?
Barada Nikto!

Horses can live into their late 20s or early 30s these days, although they are somewhat delicate. So are birds for that matter.

What is Klaatu going to be when he grows up? What's the other half of the cross?

I have a horse, although he's currently being leased and loved by a couple of young girls so he's only mine on paper really. Which is just as well as I can't really afford the board bills right now!
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I am going to take him eventing so will get to be doing jumping and dressage when he gets older.
He should reach atleast 16.2hh so will be a big boy! :)
and he is clydesdale crossed with thoroughbred.. as he is getting older he is getting more hairier haha

oh what kind of horse have you got debsflock :)
He's actually a New Zealand Warmblood I used to do eventing and dressage with. Well I got older and more chicken, so I mostly did dressage and my friend/trainer evented him. He developed ringbone and is retired from heavy-duty jumping, but wins all the little fun shows with the girls who are leasing him.

Here is me with him a few years ago. I look like a constipated ogre, but it's a decent picture of him:

And here is one of my favorite pictures of him, playing with the barn owner's dog:

And here he is jumping with Lisa:

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