First Post - New Member from England


New member
Nov 1, 2024
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Superb Parrot
Regent Parrot
My name is Shaun, and I’m from Nottingham, England.

My bird journey began when my wife rescued a very poorly canary. She then got him a female companion, and as you might guess, we soon had babies! Now, we have five canaries, all about five years old. I have since learnt about replacing the eggs.

From there, we got a parrotlet named Blue, who’s also five. He’s small but thinks he’s the boss. He’s best friends with two of our male canaries, but he’s not too fond of the females!

Last year, we bought home a Barraband parrot named Rambo. He struggled to settle in at first, so we decided to bring home the bird he’d shared a cage with at the shop—a Regent parrot named Pidgey. She wasn’t in the best condition when we got her, but both Rambo and Pidgey are now thriving and seem happy. All our birds are hand-tame, except for these two, but we’re taking it slow, and they’re gradually warming up to us.

Below is Pidgey looking very regal

This is Blue

Welcome Shaun, what beautiful birdies you have.
I love Pidgeys regal look.they all look in great condition.

I too am from England. Sussex. I started with 2 budges as a child, and had cockatiels and canaries as a teenager, now I have an Eclectus as my companion, He is young and it’s been sometimes a noisy and painful journey. This year he has started to scream/beeeeeep out the window. He loves to play with us, but Is quick to rise temper so I have to watch out ! I darent get him a companion as he is he obstinate , jealous and doesn’t really share well being a bit snappy. I have spoken to a mixed breeder & they thought this too. It’s lovely how all yours seem to get along.
I have had to teach him a lot, it takes a lot of time and patience, but he loves & trusts me. I’m sure Rambo will come around too.


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Thanks so much for the warm welcome and your kind words about my birds! Your Eclectus sounds like quite the character!

Blues cage is always open, he tends to sleep on my curtain rail most nights. The canaries are all in cages but when I'm home I let the boys out and they are free to go where they please. Blue's favourite spot is a heated towel rail that we have.

Pidgey and Rambo are in a different room, The canaries have no fear and will often visit them if the door is open. If I am in the room Blue will fly in and check them out. I have not had any problems so far but don't take the risk of leaving them alone.

I often visit Tropical Birdland in Leicester to spend time with the birds. They have a young Eclectus there that I love to play with, they are very beautiful-looking birds.
Thanks so much for the warm welcome and your kind words about my birds! Your Eclectus sounds like quite the character!

Blues cage is always open, he tends to sleep on my curtain rail most nights. The canaries are all in cages but when I'm home I let the boys out and they are free to go where they please. Blue's favourite spot is a heated towel rail that we have.

Pidgey and Rambo are in a different room, The canaries have no fear and will often visit them if the door is open. If I am in the room Blue will fly in and check them out. I have not had any problems so far but don't take the risk of leaving them alone.

I often visit Tropical Birdland in Leicester to spend time with the birds. They have a young Eclectus there that I love to play with, they are very beautiful-looking birds.
Hi Shaun
Yes a character is one word for him hahaha.

Weve been to Tropical Birdland . I did see one Eclectus but it wasn’t a young one, I think it was called Dexter, or Duncan.
I was bit by two cockatoos there lol. 😂 And I think it was a cheeky Patagonian that broke my coat zip and my hubbys watch strap that had much fun following us around. Finally at the end a hyacinth macaw broke off my toggles.. then we still decided a parrot was the right companion to get 🤣🤣🤣
Hubby fell in love with all the military macaws and the black capped Lory until I told him how it poops. I fell in love with the sun conures, but they would be too noisy for me. It really helped us decide which type would suit us, we went through all the rescue centres too.

Wow your canaries are bold, that’s sort of how I lost my canary he was flying around when he squeaked and dropped to the floor, I think he had a stroke. Your right it not taking chance, at a minimum until they are hand tame too, you have to be able to handle them. It sounds like they have a lovely home with you.

Have you ever been to the parrot society national exhibition, they started up again in 2021, we got most of our toys and perches there. There’s loads of canaries but there’s also lots of experienced parrot breeders happy to talk birds in the side warehouse.


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Hi Shaun
Yes a character is one word for him hahaha.

Weve been to Tropical Birdland . I did see one Eclectus but it wasn’t a young one, I think it was called Dexter, or Duncan.
I was bit by two cockatoos there lol. 😂 And I think it was a cheeky Patagonian that broke my coat zip and my hubbys watch strap that had much fun following us around. Finally at the end a hyacinth macaw broke off my toggles.. then we still decided a parrot was the right companion to get 🤣🤣🤣
Hubby fell in love with all the military macaws and the black capped Lory until I told him how it poops. I fell in love with the sun conures, but they would be too noisy for me. It really helped us decide which type would suit us, we went through all the rescue centres too.

Wow your canaries are bold, that’s sort of how I lost my canary he was flying around when he squeaked and dropped to the floor, I think he had a stroke. Your right it not taking chance, at a minimum until they are hand tame too, you have to be able to handle them. It sounds like they have a lovely home with you.

Have you ever been to the parrot society national exhibition, they started up again in 2021, we got most of our toys and perches there. There’s loads of canaries but there’s also lots of experienced parrot breeders happy to talk birds in the side warehouse.
I know the older Eclectus at Tropical Birdland—I'm pretty sure it's their oldest bird! I will send you a photo of the new one. I love the Hyacinth Macaws, If I ever had one I think I would need to retire as they seem to need a lot of attention and I would never get anything done.

Every time I go, I prepare by wearing my oldest clothes because, I know what’s coming! Zips, buttons, shoelaces, labels—you name it, it’s going to get destroyed. But it’s worth it every time, and I keep going back for more!

I haven’t made it to the Parrot Society National Exhibition yet, Will keep an eye open for it next year.


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Welcome to the forums, @Weetabix7, from a British ex-pat living in Australia! My Princess Peachie wishes to say hello to your flock, and she's particularly loving that you have some closely related Aussie cousins of hers cos there aren't too many others like her 'round here!! 😍

Welcome to the forums, @Weetabix7, from a British ex-pat living in Australia! My Princess Peachie wishes to say hello to your flock, and she's particularly loving that you have some closely related Aussie cousins of hers cos there aren't too many others like her 'round here!! 😍

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Thanks for the welcome, Princess Peachie looks lovely. I don't know anyone over here who has a bird from the Polytelis Family, so I might have lots of questions for you :)
Well @Weetabix7 I'll do my best to help, but Peachie is my first and only Polytelis-type parrot and I haven't had her for long, so you probably know more about them than me!!
Welcome! I have deep English roots. My mother was a Lancashire lass and my aunt was from Nottingham. My husband is from Newcastle. My mother used to tell me stories of her aunt in England who had a green wing macaw in the 1930s and 40s that used to walk around on the floor while screaming, “Watch out!” I am the proud parront of a blue and gold macaw that I have had the joy of caring for for almost 50 years! Birds are in my family’s blood.
Welcome! I have deep English roots. My mother was a Lancashire lass and my aunt was from Nottingham. My husband is from Newcastle. My mother used to tell me stories of her aunt in England who had a green wing macaw in the 1930s and 40s that used to walk around on the floor while screaming, “Watch out!” I am the proud parront of a blue and gold macaw that I have had the joy of caring for for almost 50 years! Birds are in my family’s blo
Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I love the story of your mother's aunt’s green-wing macaw! Life with a bird must have been very different back then. Fifty years with your blue and gold macaw is incredible! You must have an amazing bond with him.
My name is Shaun, and I’m from Nottingham, England.

My bird journey began when my wife rescued a very poorly canary. She then got him a female companion, and as you might guess, we soon had babies! Now, we have five canaries, all about five years old. I have since learnt about replacing the eggs.

From there, we got a parrotlet named Blue, who’s also five. He’s small but thinks he’s the boss. He’s best friends with two of our male canaries, but he’s not too fond of the females!

Last year, we bought home a Barraband parrot named Rambo. He struggled to settle in at first, so we decided to bring home the bird he’d shared a cage with at the shop—a Regent parrot named Pidgey. She wasn’t in the best condition when we got her, but both Rambo and Pidgey are now thriving and seem happy. All our birds are hand-tame, except for these two, but we’re taking it slow, and they’re gradually warming up to us.

Below is Pidgey looking very regal
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This is Blue
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Theyre beautiful

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