Baby finally has company


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
Reaction score
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
Baby spent most of his life in the company of Lucky his BFF.
Luck passed away a few years ago and since then I have tried to match up Baby with one of my other Tiels.

The girls don't like Baby and that's just as well as I don't want to raise more.
Popeye, I don't know what's wrong with him, but I would label him anti-social if he was human.
Popeye gets along with Baby but he thinks Baby is a female and keeps trying to court him.

I have had the best luck with Cheeky and yesterday I put them together.
They stayed together in the same cage overnight with almost no problems.

It's now been more than 24 hours and so far so good.
I am glad Baby is allowing Cheeky to share his cage.

Here is a short video of them this morning .
Baby spent most of his life in the company of Lucky his BFF.
Luck passed away a few years ago and since then I have tried to match up Baby with one of my other Tiels.

The girls don't like Baby and that's just as well as I don't want to raise more.
Popeye, I don't know what's wrong with him, but I would label him anti-social if he was human.
Popeye gets along with Baby but he thinks Baby is a female and keeps trying to court him.

I have had the best luck with Cheeky and yesterday I put them together.
They stayed together in the same cage overnight with almost no problems.

It's now been more than 24 hours and so far so good.
I am glad Baby is allowing Cheeky to share his cage.

Here is a short video of them this morning .
They look and sound pretty happy together so far, I hope it works out for them! 💝

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