I think I got Coco sick


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Ft Lauderdale Florida
Ziggy a yna Rip
Rico an orange winged amazon RIP
Coco a yna
I've been suffering from the flu for a couple of weeks now and Coco has been hanging out in my bed with me quite a bit. On Tuesday he looked a little lethargic and wouldn't eat. I knew something was wrong right away when I went to his cage to get him out for his bedtime move to his sleeping cage. I was so worried until the next morning when I could get him to the vet as soon as they opened. The vet took blood and a stool sample for a culture and sent him home with doxycyclin and said if he didn't eat by Thursday to bring him back. He has been eating very little - a pecan and a few pellets every now and then but not even a whistle or peep out of him since Tuesday.

The blood work came back fine but we're still waiting on the culture. I asked the vet if he could have got sick from me but the vet said it's not likely since birds don't get colds. I just can't help but wonder though how coincidental it is that this happened just when I'm as ill as I am. I sure hope my little guy gets well soon as it's so pitiful watching him so sleepy and quiet rather than his usual noisy rambunctious self. Not the Christmas I was hoping for.
I've been suffering from the flu for a couple of weeks now and Coco has been hanging out in my bed with me quite a bit. On Tuesday he looked a little lethargic and wouldn't eat. I knew something was wrong right away when I went to his cage to get him out for his bedtime move to his sleeping cage. I was so worried until the next morning when I could get him to the vet as soon as they opened. The vet took blood and a stool sample for a culture and sent him home with doxycyclin and said if he didn't eat by Thursday to bring him back. He has been eating very little - a pecan and a few pellets every now and then but not even a whistle or peep out of him since Tuesday.

The blood work came back fine but we're still waiting on the culture. I asked the vet if he could have got sick from me but the vet said it's not likely since birds don't get colds. I just can't help but wonder though how coincidental it is that this happened just when I'm as ill as I am. I sure hope my little guy gets well soon as it's so pitiful watching him so sleepy and quiet rather than his usual noisy rambunctious self. Not the Christmas I was hoping for.

Flu commonly is 10 days of death warmed-over and in a weaken-state back to something that resembles life. A bad cold, that can be two - three weeks of a drag down, bottom-out, and slow return to life. Neither are trans-species with Parrots.

So, what did your Vet say s/he was treating for?
Salty sends Coco healing, strengthening , loud thoughts and vibes!
Come on Coco, get ready to bite Santa .

The Doxycyclin can make them really feel out of it (tired). Also may not want to really eat,
This is a really strong medication .The only problem with this is that they can lose weight fast and become dehydrated.Please get some baby parrot formula and be ready to hand feed him.Watch to see if this medications to strong.When your done with it .It can take a few days to get out of its system. I don't believe you made your bird sick. I'm a firm believer that they can carry illnesses and not develop them until stressed .Maybe you not feeling well stressed him.Please jump in and hand feed him if you have to .Things can go bad fast .I know this from experience (might save his life).

Hopefully the culture results will allow the vet to fine-tune Coco's treatment. It will be important to ensure sufficient support in the form of food and keeping Coco's temperature comfortable. You may have to get creative to ensure there is not significant weight loss.

It is helpful to monitor Coco's weight on a daily basis. If you have or can get a small scale calibrated in grams, weighing in the morning, hopefully after the first void, the information can be invaluable.

Hope we here some good updates soon!
The Doxycyclin can make them really feel out of it (tired). Also may not want to really eat,
This is a really strong medication .The only problem with this is that they can lose weight fast and become dehydrated.Please get some baby parrot formula and be ready to hand feed him.Watch to see if this medications to strong.When your done with it .It can take a few days to get out of its system. I don't believe you made your bird sick. I'm a firm believer that they can carry illnesses and not develop them until stressed .Maybe you not feeling well stressed him.Please jump in and hand feed him if you have to .Things can go bad fast .I know this from experience (might save his life).

I have been struggling with a cold virus last few days so have been hands off with my Plum and after 2/3 days he seemed to be going into a bit of a depressed state. (Hubby has cared and played with him). They love us and do not know why we are acting different to them, although it is done in their best interests, Plum has lost some weight also. Today it was try and make it a normal day for my boy although mummy feels like ....... Hand feeding your boy may make all the difference.
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Thanks for all the kind words and advice. Coco is still not saying a word but he doesn't seem as tired today. He had a slice of apple and about a tablespoon of cooked mixed vegetables. I haven't noticed he's had any water though so I keep offering apple instead of nuts or anything dry. Unfortunately apple is the only fruit he'll eat. I haven't given him the meds today as it's so stressful. He hates it. I am hoping to hear from the vet by end of today but if I don't then I'll give him today's dose. I'm not sure if it's doing any good.
Would Coco eat a mash of sweet potato and if so could you put the meds in this? Even some pellets with apple juice. Sorry that you have been ill and now Coco is not 100%. Good news he has eaten something but if the meds are needed then consistency is important.
My vet said that avian tuberculosis (inhaled bacterial infection, yes?) can pass between us and birds, and of course the avian flu thing (virus) was/is a big scared. I was told by a previous avian vet that a cold (also a virus, right?) COULD pass between us and birds...
Anyway, good luck, Coco, get better NOW!
Just to pass on this

Most human diseases, including those that cause the common cold and the flu, are not transmittable to our companion birds. If exposed to certain viruses or bacterial infections known to afflict parrots, your bird could develop an infection on her own even if her human family is healthy. These risks can be minimized by practicing good hygiene yourself, including limiting your exposure to other birds at stores, bird marts and club meetings and cleaning your hands thoroughly before feeding or touching your own bird. Also, avoid allowing your bird to come into contact with your saliva through sharing food or kissing her on the beak. A healthy parrot with a strong immune system should be able to fight most viral or bacterial infections.

This link is also worth a look as it is answered by a vet and explains very well
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Colds can't pass between us and birds, but you said you had the flu, so maybe.
I have a cold and my birds are around me for hours a day. They aren't sick, I've done this with past colds and my birds are healthy. It might just be a coincidence.

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Please read my previous post but I will add this for your convenience

When we have a cold, we tend to cough and sneeze a lot. This liberates large numbers of these bacteria, which are opportunists to the bird, into the air. We end up contaminating our faces, hands, clothes, as well as their feathers, food and water dishes, cages, etc.

They are then more likely to become exposed to them when they come into contact with any of these surfaces.

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