You are NOT my type... or specie. Advice on how to tell my boy "NO"???


New member
Sep 7, 2011
miami, fl
ok so my bird started doing the mating ritual, he's done it about 4 times, at first i got worried and thought he had a hard time regurgitating something. but after doing it the first 3 times i did looked sennie's mating ritual praying it WASN'T that, but unfortunately its exactly that! the whole nine yards: wing position, low noises, regurgitating, fluffing up :(.... so I should probably discourage this behavior, but how? and when does he get the "no, we are so not mating"?
go gentally,

when he starts i'd just ignore behavior, walk away, turn your head if you can't

this can lead to aggression, but cross that bridge if it happens, because you want to find the balance of him understanding your not interested, but at the same time not have him feel rejected, my females hormonal nov till end of jan
Right go gently and please do not say no or other negative responses to this behavior. I would just return the bird to the cage until it passes. Is the bird Male or Female?
If female do not feed any products with flax as it enhances estrogen in birds. Make sure the bird is getting a good 12 hrs. of darkness also. The time changes confuse them.
I've had my amazon only 4 weeks and am being courted as well. If he is out of the cage, I just gently and unceremoniously return him to the cage. If he is in the cage or on the playgym I just don't praise or pay much attention to the behavior. It seems to be working. Do make sure you praise and pay attention to the behaviors you want to enforce. In the case of my bird he will hang upside down to be clownish, and I praise that a lot. He will also imitate the funny poses he sees my conure doing, and I praise those as well. I praise all his good vocalizations by repeating them.
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thanks so much for the info!

hes a boy, 8mn, i thought it was somewhat precocious, i never touch his back or under his wings either. he sleeps from about 8:30 until 7-8. his cage gets covered to give him darkness.
OK maybe my Sennie is displaying mating signs also. im not sure. He does the regurgitate thing and then reaches his foot back and grabs his tail feathers, pulls them forward, and does this little dance while shaking the tail feathers. Is this a mating sign or just a fancy dance ? He sees quite proud of himself when he does this.

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