Yikes! I hurt him!

Good news! Kirby is 100 percent better! (or at least 99 percent) I changed his cage back and took the towel off. He is so happy to see out the window again! He is the most energetic I have seen him in a long time and is obviously excited about not sitting bored at the bottom of his cage anymore. I'm going to give him medicine for another day or two just to be safe though! :D
His foot may still be a little hurt. He is gripping good but he lifts it every once in a while. Also, I just noticed that one foot is more purple colored and the other is more pink. He eats with one foot so it may be that? Is that a problem?
That doesn't mean he is internally bleeding does it? His hurt foot seems to have less color and is more purple. He has always had a little difference but now I notice it a lot more.
Also, his hurt foot seems a little rougher to me.
It's probably bruised from the injury, and bruising can take a while to subside. It will probably be tender for a while, but I'm sure he'll be back to his 'normal' self in no time:)
It's probably bruised from the injury, and bruising can take a while to subside. It will probably be tender for a while, but I'm sure he'll be back to his 'normal' self in no time:)

Gosh Kiwibird, thank you for the reassurance. I can be such a worry wart. The internet has so many horror stories!

Right now they seem like the same color again. Its strange, a couple of minutes ago they looked different. It could be the lighting too. He was also shaking and drooping his wings when he was resting.
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Kirby's such a little cutie, I would worry incessantly too:) I think we ALL worry incessantly about our feathered babies. I know I scrutinize every poop, fluff, nap and funky feather on my Kiwi.

Just keep an eye on him, but it sounds like he's on the mend.
I think I might have to get rid of the perches again. He is obviously feeling worse than yesterday. He lifts his foot often, and I find him sitting on the cage floor sometimes. Also for some reason, every time he seems to be resting with his foot up he looks like a sick bird. He is ruffled, shaking, wings drooped, and tail pointed more inward than usual. But when he starts standing on both feet again he looks normal. Hmm. Do you think I should keep him on the bottom again?
He has also regurgitated TONS today. I mean, I haven't been paying attention but I've seen him do it today maybe about 10 times? Probably even more because I wasn't watching. He is regurgitating on a perch and eating it back up. :/

And I just read that if regurgitation is not only water the bird is sick. But Kirby always regurgitates soft yellow mush.
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Regurgitation that isn't only water is not necessarily a sign of illness. For instance, my eclectus sometimes regurgitates for me as a sign of affection. But the amount that you're talking about does seem excessive. And given that we're talking about this happening on the heels of a painful injury to your bird, I suggest that you take him to the vet right away.
I really hope that it's nothing, but when things go downhill with a bird, it can happen rather swiftly. Have you checked Kirby for any weight loss?
Regurgitation that isn't only water is not necessarily a sign of illness. For instance, my eclectus sometimes regurgitates for me as a sign of affection. But the amount that you're talking about does seem excessive. And given that we're talking about this happening on the heels of a painful injury to your bird, I suggest that you take him to the vet right away.
I really hope that it's nothing, but when things go downhill with a bird, it can happen rather swiftly. Have you checked Kirby for any weight loss?

I haven't checked him for weight loss but he seems to have a little indentation in his belly. I honestly don't think we can take him to the vet tonight. I'm really worried...
I called the vet and she said he was probably doing it from an upset stomach from being to active after eating too much. We are going to keep him at the bottom again and feed him less to see if it helps. He has been extremely active today and eating a whole bunch.
Then you do have to get him to the vet as soon as is possible. Without seeing him, no one is going to be able to say for sure if he's okay. I don't mean to worry you. Everything might be fine. But you need to find out for certain.

An indentation in his belly? Tell me, how does his chest feel? Either side of his keel bone? It should feel full. If there's an indentation there, that could be an indication that he's underweight. How's his appetite?
If his appetite is good, that's a good sign. Is your vet an avian vet?
If his appetite is good, that's a good sign. Is your vet an avian vet?
Yes, she is an avian vet. I'm not sure he had an indention. Hes asleep right now so I can't really check.
I hope everything turns out okay. Please keep us updated on how Kirby is doing.
What type of medication has he been on? Antibiotics can cause an upset tummy, as can certain pain meds, especially once discontinued. I would take the vets advice for now, but keep a CLOSE eye on him and make an emergency appointment if necessary. Hope Kirby is just having a minor issue after his big ordeal.
What type of medication has he been on? Antibiotics can cause an upset tummy, as can certain pain meds, especially once discontinued. I would take the vets advice for now, but keep a CLOSE eye on him and make an emergency appointment if necessary. Hope Kirby is just having a minor issue after his big ordeal.
He is on a pain med and we are giving him less.

I have another question. I can't tell if his tail is bobbing or not. Its not constant but every once in a while I see his tail go up and down. He isn't open mouth breathing or wheezing and it doesn't look nearly as bad as the videos I looked at but it is still noticeable. I seriously hate this, I can't get any sleep.
I haven't walked in on him regurgitating today, but I have found like 3 little things of mush. Those are either regurgitation or just wet food. Well, I'm feeding him a little less today (although still a lot because he seems to really want it) so hopefully he'll stop today.
I'm so glad his appetite has remained strong. Hopefully April (Kiwibird) is right about the antibiotics causing an upset stomach. Was it your vet who suggested feeding him a little less? And do you have a veterinary appointment set for Kirby, yet?
I'm so glad his appetite has remained strong. Hopefully April (Kiwibird) is right about the antibiotics causing an upset stomach. Was it your vet who suggested feeding him a little less? And do you have a veterinary appointment set for Kirby, yet?

I don't have a vet appointment set for Kirby. Do you think I should? I took him to the vet on monday and was planning to take him to the vet for anything too worrisome but he has stop regurgitating today.

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