Yes, there are...all kinds of free flight!

Personally, I consider free flight flying your bird outside without a leash of any kind.
In the same category I also use the term recall flying which is just free flight inside a building/house where the bird will fly to you on command.
Lastly, in my eyes anyway, there is aviary flying which is just free flight indoors but there isn't really any method to the madness :) We do the last two here :cool:
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Hi Lene, I knew I could count on you for a heads up. Just trying to keep the site alive. I find free flying fascinating and am finding many people with different methods of madness!
I agree. Free flight is where you trust your bird to fly, well, freely. No harnesses, leashes, etc. Just be a bird and fly.
Oh, the site wont die Mare! I don't think it will grow as fast as some of the others but it will get there. It really hasn't been up that long. Once Rocco's feathers come in from that horrible clip there will be a lot more posts coming up ;). Right now though I'm so limited on our training.
I think harnesses should count as a form of free flying. Its a part of the training process for some and I don't think harnesses should be discounted all together. Using a harness is a stepping stone in training and takes just as much recall training as it would without using them. I think its more for the owner's piece of mind when they use them. Its like having a dog loose vs. a leash, as long as their walked their happy. :D
To my simple mind, free flight is when a bird is given the option to fly away or come back.

I guess that rule can even apply indoors, but for the purposes of this argument it should be outdoors only.
I think harnesses and leashes can be a part of training, but I don't consider it "free" if they're restrained by any thing
i think its when a parrot is trained to come back to its owner on command when flying outdoors with no restraints. its amazing when people do it. there is a free flight club where you take your birds to places like the grand canyon and free fly with a group of parrot lovers :D
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Mara, I found your video fascinating with all the distractions going on around you and Erin! You're doing a great job!

Iknow for myself with Amigo, I would not be comfortable flying him anywhere but home. He is not trained in the "formal" sense. Maybe I need to look into that...
Thanks. WE take er every where and people swarm her, so she has always been exposed to well every thing and every one, so they're not considered distractions, just part of outside. I just can't stand leaving her home and I have never had the room for her to stretch her wings inside.
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I need to revise the title of this thread to..."There are all kinds of free flight training methods".! That's what I was trying to say in the first place!

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