Would you rather have...

4 GGC and a Patagonian Conure lol!


Almond Snickers or Normal Snickers?
Normal snickers! Why do we need all this alternative candy?


A bird that hated your partner, or a partner that hated your bird?

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Partner that hated bird, at least in this case I could get the bird out of cage.
Although it's rather mutual, so no big choice here.

No access to favourite music, or no access to PFs?
Partner that hated bird, at least in this case I could get the bird out of cage.
Although it's rather mutual, so no big choice here.

No access to favourite music, or no access to PFs?

I'll have to be politically correct and prefer no access to favourite music!


A day of no smartphone access or a day of fasting?
A day of no smartphone access. I love food.


Cheddar or Brie?

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Brownies. Every day and twice on Sunday!!


Pen with blue or black ink?
Blue ink.
Petrol car with manual tranny or diesel car with automatic tranny?
Diesel with automatic. Prefer petrol, but dislike MT due to horrible traffic in my area. Otherwise an MT is fun!


4-door sedan, 2-door coupe, or either 2 or 4 door with hatchback?
Proper sedan, as prefer road fun on a motorcycle.
House on plains near oceanside, or house in a mountainous area far from the sea?
House in a mountainous area far from sea. I've lived near the sea for decades, time for a change!


Bigger TV or newer and better smartphone?
Newer and better smart phone seems I’m using phone more than I’m watching tv


African Grey or African Cape Parrot

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Cape parrot
smaller or bigger parrots?


McDonald’s or Burger King?

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Pizza! Well, if forced to choose, Burger King. I guess.....


A visit to the dentist or appointment with the DMV? (motor vehicle and drivers licence bureau, depending on country)
Dentist visit (it doesn’t take 6 hours like the DMV!)

Sugar or artificial sweetener
Sugar, definitely avoid all artifical sweeteners

Heavy winter or extremely hot summer?
Well, I'm South African, so can't say I have "heavy winters." Our winters are fairly mild by northern hemisphere standards haha!

So I guess, an extremely hot summer because I am used to it!

Italian food or Mexican food?

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