Would you rather have...

I would rather own a bird store and that way I can interact with all the birds I love.


..the ability to speak French or Italian?
French! Took 4 years of French in high school and promptly forgot most of what I learned!


Advanced smartphone with great camera or stand-alone digital camera?
Smartphone with great camera. I never saw the point of using a stand-alone camera, and I don't take pictures that much anyway. :)


A ceramic top stove or an induction stove?

French! Took 4 years of French in high school and promptly forgot most of what I learned!

Here in Canada you're basically forced to take French in school. So I took it in school (not high school though, not offered then) and I still don't understand it to this day. I can maybe remember two sentences (like, "I don't speak French"). German is much easier...

Oh no, boats are worse! Not to worry though, I am afraid of heights. Seriously, except for in an airplane!

I'm afraid of heights too, but the few times I've flown I've felt almost completely safe. :)
I'm a chef sooooo definitely induction! We have one and it's to die for.
A missing front tooth or a missing finger? Accidents happen...
Occupational hazard much? Lol I'd rather be missing a tooth.


LED lights or incandescent?
Seriously? LED...who on Earth wants to replace lights more often if they don't have to?


Someone pay off all your debt or someone randomly buy you a boat you can't sell to pay off your debt?
Someone pay off all my debt


Huge house with an hour commute to work or smaller house with ten minute commute?

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Someone pay off all my debt (I don't have any, but my parents do).


A big house in the country or a small house in the city?

Seriously? LED...who on Earth wants to replace lights more often if they don't have to?

Believe it or not, my parents. I would get LEDs, but they're just stuck on the price of them or something. Honestly you save SO MUCH money in the long run, but I can't seem to convince them. :/

Edit: Oops, sorry. Just realized I posted at the same time as you.

Smaller house with ten minute commute.


An SUV or a truck?
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Neither, but if forced to choose, a SUV. I have no practical use for a truck!


A car with run-flat tires* or standard tires with a limited-performance "donut spare."

*Run flats have stiff structure, so if punctured you can drive at least 50 miles at limited speed.
Donut spare


Unlimited parrot food/pellets or unlimited parrot toys
Unlimited food/pellets. Toys are less costly and one can be very creative.

Stainless steel cage for life of the bird, or purchasing several less expensive but varied cages for variety?
A good stainless steel cage for life, pending any replacements.

WYRH a donut shop or ice cream shop
Ice cream shop


Palm Cockatoo or Hyacinth Macaw?

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Mountain cabin. Already live near the beach


Breakfast in bed or breakfast buffet with many choices?


Cheerios or Frosted Flakes?

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Frosted flakes with bananas in it.

A green smoothie or kale salad?
Kale salad


Thick soup with lots of ingredients or thin but flavorful broth?
Thick soup with ingredients - rather eat my soup than drink it!


a snack that is a little salted or sweet?
Sweet, sweet, sweet!!


Red apple or green apple?

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