Would you rather have...

Four stroke


Cheese Popcorn or Carmel Corn?

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Carmel Corn (preferably also with chocolate!)

Energy drink or plain water?
Plain water. Energy drinks are awful for you and taste terrible.


Regular Fries or Chil Cheese Fries?

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Regular... with tons of ketchup! :)


A thunder storm or snow storm?
A thunderstorm because I hate driving in the snow


Spaghetti or Lasagna?

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Lasagna! Cheese is a great addition to pasta and tomato sauce!


Slightly green bananas or well-ripened bananas with lots of brown?
Ripened Bananananananana


Pickled eggs or pickled pigsfeet
Pickled eggs. Pigsfeet..... :+o:


Bowl of dry cereal or warm cereal?
Bowl of dry cereal. However, each option is not very appealing.


Lots of friends your not very close with or only one friend you are very close with?

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One good, close friend.

WYRH movies or food delivered?
Food Delivered


Make your own meals or Go out to dinner?

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Make my own meals.

WRYH a dog that meows or a cat that barks?
Cat that barks (bobcat)


No arms or No legs
No legs (I can’t knit or hold Bumble with no arms)


PC or Mac

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Mac. When this PC dies, it will be replaced by a Mac!!


Traffic ticket or tooth root-canal?
Hmmm that's a good one...I guess the ticket if I didn't have too many points on my license.


A big house in the county or a small apartment in the city?
A small apartment (lived in the country for too long)


Be living in a big or small city?

Mac. When this PC dies, it will be replaced by a Mac!!

See, that's the beauty of PCs IMO. They're basically immortal because when something breaks they're very easy to fix, clean, and maintain. With a Mac they make it hard to fix on purpose (to make you buy a new expensive piece of junk, or spend money on repairs). My opinion of course, I buy iPads but never Mac. :)

Edit: We have a PC that's been running for about 10 years as an example. I've only had to replace the HDD and clean it a couple times. Still going.
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Big city...the biggest the better.


A Lamborghini or a Tesla?
Tesla, hands down!


Farm eggs or store bought eggs?
See, that's the beauty of PCs IMO. They're basically immortal because when something breaks they're very easy to fix, clean, and maintain. With a Mac they make it hard to fix on purpose (to make you buy a new expensive piece of junk, or spend money on repairs). My opinion of course, I buy iPads but never Mac. :)

Edit: We have a PC that's been running for about 10 years as an example. I've only had to replace the HDD and clean it a couple times. Still going.

Hmm, good point. I thought a Mac is best because of my experience with iPads and iPhones, but will have to rethink!

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