Worried sick to leave him

I forgot to say, I'm also concerned by all the articles about IRNs that say they need to be handled everyday to remain tame, or they revert to their natural fear of man. If he's too scared to sit on the sitter, that will be seven days without being touched by a human. Is 7 days long enough for an IRN to go wild?
I forgot to say, I'm also concerned by all the articles about IRNs that say they need to be handled everyday to remain tame, or they revert to their natural fear of man. If he's too scared to sit on the sitter, that will be seven days without being touched by a human. Is 7 days long enough for an IRN to go wild?

Hi Aspie, I'm responding to 'bump' your visibility as I have no idea about IRN's. My two seem to be wild every other minute without any excuses LOL :D.
Also wondering if the Indian Ringneck section of this forum might get more IRN specific responses to your questions? And, your group membership to 'IRN's' should get the right people responding to IRN specific questions as well. All the best....
I went through exactly this with mine. I've taken periodic trips multiple times a year with my SO (now wife) since getting Mango & Mochi some 4 years back. They stay with my parents while I'm gone, and I plan to have them professionally boarded whenever that arrangement is unavailable. Birds are resilient. A change in environment can be stimulating. As long as their basic needs are diligently met (quality food, fresh water, clean living space, a variety of toys), they will be OK.

I have been gone away from mine for longer than 8 days, up til nearly two weeks for my recent honeymoon. I setup a camera so I can check on them every now and then. If the person you're having sit them can, they should interact with them at least a half an hour twice daily if possible. Even if it's just talking and providing treats. They'll be OK.
Oh I was also so worried the first time I went on holiday and left my babies behind, so I really understand. Berry, my 'tiel, is incredibly attached to me, and I was most worried about her. I thought it would make her very upset, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well she coped. The longest I have been away is about 2.5 weeks, and even then she was absolutely fine!

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