Worried about Tiki


New member
Jan 13, 2013
Hello, I am new to the forum and am having an issue with my baby Tiki. Let me tell you a little about myself. I live in North Florida and was a breeder of African Greys and Golden Conures until about 16 years ago when I had a terrible tragedy at my aviary. I had a neighbors 11 year old boy shoot several of my pairs of Greys with a BB gun. I was so devastated I just couldn't raise birds anymore and sold out. Anyway 16 years later I have the fever again and just purchased a CAG baby. I was told she was 12 weeks old and was totally weaned. As soon as I saw her, I knew that was not the case and knew I had to "rescue" this baby. I think she was more like 9 weeks old and NOT weaned. This man had her in a small plastic box with no toys etc. I now have her in a cage with toys, perches etc and she loves it. She plays with her toys and is trying to talk. My problem is she is not wanting to eat formula. I have been trying for the past 4 weeks with both a syringe and spoon. We just end up wearing most of it. She opens her mouth for the first few cc's and may get her to bob, but then she just starts flapping her wings and screaming. The vet says she does not have any injuries, infections or such and just be patient with her. She is going to be small. She is way underweight for her age. She has a bowl with zupreem pellets and a small amount of seed. She is beaking her food but not really eating. I offer her bananas, sweet potato, apples, oatmeal, beans. She will not eat out of a bowl or off a dish. She will not take food from my hand either. She screams like she is hungry and when I take her out to feed, she really fights me. I have hand fed many babies from day one and have not had this problem before. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get my baby to eat more?
What a terrible story with that ugly 11 y.o. boy, who shot you birds. Made me very sad. I have no experience with baby feeding, so I couldn't possibly help you.
I would advise to post the same question in other sections of this forum, so more people could see it and help, try "general parrot information" or "questions and answers". Any way wish you a very good luck with you AG baby.
Hello and welcome to the forum:)

I am sorry to hear of the loss of your Birds in such tragic circumstances.

I cannot advise you on Handfeeding, but we have many Members that will be able to assist you on this. I am sure someone will be along shortly to help.
I would get a second opinion. being patient does not help your situation, when your bird is hungry....very frustrating.
I am a breeder, and hand feed my babies, but don't do greys :(

It could be he's in the transition stage of not wanting formula and wanting food. sorry I'm not familiar when greys wean.
you could try a mash, with beans, rice etc...warm it and see if he likes it.
At this stage I would be giving his vitamins, and supplements till he is eating better.
sorry I couldn't be of much help
Maybe you can try gerber or something. My AG loves it and likes to eat it from the syringe.
Wow...what a disgrace that an 11 year old would do such a thing. I currently have a Congo Grey baby...a little over 3 months. I have had her home now 3 weeks. I am giving her the hand feeding mix...but she prefers it from the spoon...and it must be exactly the right temperature. She will gobble for 30 seconds and then walk off and wipe her beak. When at first I gave her the mixture...but not warm enough...she refused to eat. I am using a healthy pellet mix which she eats more readily by the day. They can be so picky...and I think you just have to use trial and error to figure it out. I would try giving her smaller amounts more often...but make sure she also has adequate time in the cage to sample other food. Maybe your little one needs more coaxing..it sounds like she wasn't being fed enough. There is so much guesswork with birds and you need to trust your gut...it sounds like you are doing all the right things. I also have an Amazon who is 14yo ...and I lost my original Grey in October...when she died suddenly and unexpectedly. I am heartbroken over that loss...but I knew what I needed was to work with another Grey. They are amazing and perceptive creatures. Are you monitoring her weight gain? That might be a good idea. It would be reassuring to know you are making progress. It hurts me to hear stories about people who just don't understand and respect these remarkable creatures...but I have a sense that she is in the right place with you.
About Greys and weaning...it varies somewhat depending on the bird. My new Grey was part of a clutch of 6...and until recently they were on 3 feedings a day (at 12 weeks)...30cc per feeding. They were given a healthy pellet mix starting around 2 months...to start their transition to a typical diet. So they were hand fed...but had a chance to taste test pellets mixed with dried fruit and veggies too. We are also experimenting with oatmeal and chopped fresh apple...and whatever else might be appealing. I will be thinking of you and wondering how you are doing!
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Thank you for your advice. We seem to be making a little progress in the last couple of days. Tiki has actually gained a little weight. She was sitting on her perch and when she saw the syringe she started bobbing like crazy so I fed her from her perch and she seemed to take a little more. I think she is trying to self wean and just being "independent". I have been feeding her whenever she acts like she is hungry. I have noticed she is eating more of her veges. She likes sweet potato and peas. She is very playful and vocal. She is also not afraid of anything which is unusual for a grey. So I believe we are on the right track. I wish there was a way to regulate these people who just breed these birds and don't have a clue what they are doing. I knew this was the case as soon as I saw Tiki and knew I had to intervene. I know she is lucky I found her and I am very lucky I am her new mom!
I am so glad you are making progress! My baby Grey seems to be trying to wean herself. We are down to one feeding at night...and the last 2 nights..she has just taken a few gulps of the "baby food" and then walked off and wiped her beak. That seems to be the "I am done" signal. They are such amazing creatures...and you are right...there should be more supervision and criteria for breeding. It drives me nuts to see animals neglected...and Greys have special needs and understanding... stimulation and interaction and gentleness. I just think they are fascinating.
I'd try different kinds of baby food, and pellets moistened with either juice or chicken broth. Use a spoon or syringe. Thanks for saving her. Irresponsible breeders are, and have always been, a major downfall of any species of any animal.
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Update on Tiki
Well sometimes it seems that you take one step forward and two steps back. She is the most stubborn baby I have ever raised. She is gaining weight...very slowly. She has decided she does not want the formula at all. I am still feeding it to her twice a day, but it is a time consuming adventure. I have to put a tiny bit in her mouth and then she eats it. I have also noticed she trys to regurgitate it after I am done with the feeding. I noticed this by the formula on my blinds..lol. She is eating very little of her fruits, vegetables, pellets and seed. She will not take any food out of my hand nor does she drink her water. I have it available in a water bottle and a bowl in her cage. I also squirt a little in her mouth and she drinks it. Her poops look good, she is very playful and trying to talk. How do I get her to eat more of the food she should be eating? I have tried soaking her pellets, trying to get her to eat out of my hand, eating the food myself etc. (oh the lengths we go to for our babies). Now as I am writing this, she is crunching on some of her seed. She also does not try to hold any food with her foot. I just think her development has been stunted because of the conditions she was kept in. I do see progress every day and am hopeful she will eventually wean herself. I will keep everyone up to date on her progress.

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