New member
My little guy apparantly woke up in a bad mood this morning... I had him on my shoulder while I was putting stuff away in the kitchen and for some odd reason he felt like he needed to attack my face! He really got me good but not enough to break the skin. It really scared and freaked me out, made me really sad. I then told him "No biting." and put him back in his cage. I waited about 30 minutes and took him out again, he stepped up without hesitation but as soon as I sat down he attacked my hands and fingers but this time REALLY bit down. My first reaction without thinking was to tap him on the beak with my finger while saying "No biting!" he he definately did not like that. I didn't mean to do that and didn't tap him hard at all. Since then he was totally mad at me and puffed up at me anytime I got close to his cage, tried to bite if I came close. After that, I decided to just leave him alone during his moody day. I went to a birthday part most of the day and when I got home he was STILL upset which I totally understood. I sat next to him and told him I was sorry, lol! I just talked to him and explained why I was so upset with him and why he was in his cage (like he could understand what I was saying.) I did that for a while and then gave him a treat. Told him to step up, put him right on my shoulder and gave him some chew toys.
I think he forgave me because he hung out with me like nothing had happened the rest of the evening.
Silly bird. Leason learned on my part. Sorry Apple and I love you buddy!