Window strike victim

We found a white winged crossbill in the snow, near a window and he let me pick him up. Like, I just casually grabbed him and he was like “okie dokie then.”

So, we (my older brother and I) set up a hospitalization cage, put food and water in there, and took disease precautions (washing hands after touching the bird or anything it touched, changing clothes if it or we touched our clothing, etc). Any advice?

His cage is covered btw, not in my room, and in the calmest place in the house (which is ironically the living room).

I did a physical check on him, eyes are clear, nostrils look okay, vent is good, no broken bones from what I can see, is alert and active, plumage is vibrant, and seems okay physically.

Here’s the little guy:
View attachment 56007Dw, that’s water on his chestView attachment 56008View attachment 56009View attachment 56010

we don’t plan on keeping him overnight, and will probably release him by sunset, but is there anything else we can do? I do not want it to turn out like the flying squirrel we found two years ago, where it passed away before its release.
im am zero precent a rescuer but do what your doing and keep him warm ok
View attachment 56017
Also, I put this hut in there (I made sure there was no loose threads) and he’s settled in for the night. He went right in and went the sleep immediately, rather than shifting about on the perches. I remembered something about roosts and was like “well, I have one of those huts and never touched it! Maybe he’ll like that!” And viola, he loves it! View attachment 56018View attachment 56019
Pink bum!
Can i just say,HE IS SO CUTE!!!
I’m torn between Francis, Ellis, and Orchid… on one hand, naming a teeny tiny bird Francis, after a snarky, idiotic biker, from a gang would be really funny… and he looks like a Francis… and the nicknames you suggested are really cute!

but on the other hand, naming a friendly bird after a friendly, goofy, southern dude, with countless silly stories is pretty fitting, but I’m not 100% sure he looks like an Ellis… he does, but he also doesn’t, if that makes sense.

but on the third hand that I casually yoinked from someone, Orchid also fits, due to his small, delicate size, and his pinkish plumage.

Ahhhhh why is naming so hard?!
heres a name! Kio! (prononced- KI-low

I just read that he passed away, im sorry, at least he died in a home that loved him

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